3 research outputs found

    Disregolazione emotiva, disturbi dell'umore e uso di sostanze nell'ADHD dell'adulto.

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    I disturbi del neurosviluppo presentano una matrice comune in termini di aree cognitive e circuiti nel sistema nervoso centrale che esprimono un quadro clinico-sindromico condiviso. Le evidenze scientifiche attuali mettono in risalto la componente legata all’emotional processing annessa all’ADHD configurando un livello di gravità maggiore in questi pazienti che presentano tale comorbidità. L’emotional dysregulation non è una dimensione specifica dell’ ADHD ma bensì un core neuropsichiatrico a comune con vari disturbi ascritti al DSM-V, influenzando in modo importante la psicopatologia presentata dai pazienti

    Revisiting stimulant use for emotional dysregulation in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

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    IntroductionEmotional dysregulation (ED) symptoms are present in a considerable portion of patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In recent years, an increasing number of studies investigated the effects of stimulant medications on ED in patients with ADHD.Areas coveredA narrative review of the literature on stimulant treatment for ED is provided, including controlled and observational clinical studies conducted on pediatric and adult samples and neurobiological investigations. Positive effects of stimulants on irritability have been demonstrated in children. Comorbidity with disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder does not prevent stimulant effectiveness. Methylphenidate has also been found to reduce temper problems, affective instability, and emotional over-reactivity in adults with ADHD, although with variable effect sizes. A variety of adverse emotional effects have been reported, especially at high doses and in special populations. However, several possible confounders of treatment-emergent ED have been highlighted. Finally, according to neuroimaging studies, stimulants may mitigate emotional processing anomalies associated with ADHD.Expert opinionThe findings are consistent with models including ED within the core features of ADHD. Stimulant treatment should be prioritized over antipsychotics in ADHD-DBD. It remains to be elucidated whether other medications may be more effective in specific populations with ADHD and/or ED

    Development of a self-report screening instrument for emotional dysregulation: the Reactivity, Intensity, Polarity and Stability questionnaire, screening version (RIPoSt-SV)

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    Background: Emotional dysregulation (ED) refers to the inability to manage emotional experiences or expressions hindering goal-oriented behavior. Moderate impairment on at least two domains among temper control, affective lability, and emotional over-reactivity has been proposed to identify ED in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). No screening measure designed for use in diverse psychiatric samples exists. We aimed to develop a self-report screening tool for ED based on the 40-item version of the Reactivity, Intensity, Polarity, and Stability questionnaire (RIPoSt-40). Methods: 150 adult outpatients with non-psychotic conditions were enrolled between February and July 2023 at the Second Psychiatry Unit of Pisa University Hospital. Clinically significant ED (CSED) was defined based on the previously suggested approach for ADHD. Differences between patients with and without CSED were tested. To develop our screening instrument, a decision tree algorithm was trained by hyperparameter tuning through 5-fold cross-validation in 120 subjects and tested on the remaining 30. Results: 75 subjects met criteria for CSED (50 %). CSED was associated with lower age and higher prevalence of psychiatric conditions, including minor mood disorders, ADHD, cannabis use disorders, and eating disorders. We identified a decision tree consisting of six items from RIPoSt-40 that effectively detected CSED, with accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 80 % or higher in both the training and testing sets. Limitations: Tertiary-level; no consensus on criteria; sample size. Conclusion: The screening version of the Reactivity, Intensity, Polarity, and Stability questionnaire (RIPoSt-SV) demonstrates promise as a valuable tool for ED screening in clinical settings