572 research outputs found

    On Integral Class field theory for varieties over pp-adic fields

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    Let KK be a finite extension of the pp-adic numbers Qp\mathbb Q_p with ring of integers OK\mathcal O_K, X\mathcal X a regular scheme, proper, flat, and geometrically irreducible over OK\mathcal O_K of dimension dd, and XK\mathcal X_K its generic fiber. We show, under some assumptions on XK\mathcal X_K, that there is a reciprocity isomorphism of locally compact groups Har2dβˆ’1(XK,Z(d))≃π1ab(XK)WH_{ar}^{2d-1}(\mathcal X_K, \mathbb Z(d)) \simeq \pi_1^{ab}(\mathcal X_K)_{W} from a new cohomology theory to an integral model Ο€1ab(XK)W\pi_1^{ab}(\mathcal X_K)_{W} of the abelianized geometric fundamental groups Ο€1ab(XK)geo\pi_1^{ab}(\mathcal X_K)^{geo}. After removing the contribution from the base field, the map becomes an isomorphism of finitely generated abelian groups
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