14 research outputs found

    A relação entre duas síndromes pró-inflamatórias da atualidade: sepse e obesidade

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    Several studies shows that patients with obesity have more chance to develop sepsis, moreover they possess a higher risk of mortality. Sepsis, which is a systemic infection, that culminates in modulation of cell activation and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, obesity, now acknowledged as a metabolic syndrome, described as pro-inflammatory as well. This review aims to clarify and point out the relations between two disturbing syndromes of modern times.Estudos mostram que pacientes obesos têm maior chance de serem acometidos pela sepse, além de possuírem maiores riscos de mortalidade. A sepse, sendo uma infecção sistêmica que culmina na modulação da ativação de células e secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e a obesidade, reconhecida como síndrome metabólica caracterizada, também, como pró-inflamatória. Esta revisão tem o objetivo de esclarecer e apontar relações entre duas síndromes dos tempos modernos

    A educação em saúde como foco preventivo em relação as IST’S: relato de experiência

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    As infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST’s) são causadas por vírus, bactérias ou outros microorganismos. São transmitidas, principalmente, por meio do contato sexual (oral, vaginal, anal) sem o uso de camisinha masculina ou feminina, com uma pessoa que esteja infectada. A transmissão de uma IST pode acontecer, ainda da mãe para a criança durante a gestação, o parto ou amamentação. Repassar informações de prevenção acerca das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST’s) aos colaboradores de uma instituição hospitalar por meio de palestras. Sabe-se portanto, que as infecções tem cura se descobertas em fase inicial. Devemos nos prevenir da melhor forma possível e sempre ir ao médico para que sejam solicitados os exames complementares. A nossa saúde é um bem muito importante, onde devemos e podemos alertar sobre os benefícios do sexo seguro e os riscos do sexo desprotegido. &nbsp

    Encounter rate and behavior of Alouatta guariba clamitans in the Ilha Grande State Park, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil

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    Alouatta guariba clamitans Cabrera, 1940 is an endemic species of the Atlantic Forest that occurs from south Bahia, Brazil, extending south to the province of Misiones, Argentina. In Rio de Janeiro state, the species was classified as threatened, indicating that attention is needed for the conservation of this taxon. Additionally, an outbreak of yellow fever spread throughout the southeastern states of Brazil from January 2017 until March 2018 seriously threatening Rio de Janeiro populations of the species. Herein, we aimed to provide the first estimates of A. g. clamitans encounter rate, density, and population size in the Ilha Grande State Park (PEIG), which is part of the Atlantic Forest biome of Brazil. Data were collected in two different periods, the first between December 2003 and May 2005, and the second from August 2009 to May 2010, and information on encounter rates and behavior was collected to better understand aspects of species' ecology. The estimated encounter rate in the first period through the distance sampling method was 0.04 ± 0.01 individuals per kilometer. Nine groups were recorded in the second period of the study, with 47 individuals along 3 km. Our estimates of encounter rate, density and population size were low and reinforces the need to initiate species monitoring and assess the impact that yellow fever outbreaks may have on PEIG populations. The results presented here can be a starting point to support future strategic actions for the species, to measure impacts and to the management of the species, and for a conservation program

    Encounter rate and behavior of Alouatta guariba clamitans in the Ilha Grande State Park, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil

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    Alouatta guariba clamitans Cabrera, 1940 is an endemic species of the Atlantic Forest that occurs from south Bahia, Brazil, extending south to the province of Misiones, Argentina. In Rio de Janeiro state, the species was classified as threatened, indicating that attention is needed for the conservation of this taxon. Additionally, an outbreak of yellow fever spread throughout the southeastern states of Brazil from January 2017 until March 2018 seriously threatening Rio de Janeiro populations of the species. Herein, we aimed to provide the first estimates of A. g. clamitans encounter rate, density, and population size in the Ilha Grande State Park (PEIG), which is part of the Atlantic Forest biome of Brazil. Data were collected in two different periods, the first between December 2003 and May 2005, and the second from August 2009 to May 2010, and information on encounter rates and behavior was collected to better understand aspects of species' ecology. The estimated encounter rate in the first period through the distance sampling method was 0.04 ± 0.01 individuals per kilometer. Nine groups were recorded in the second period of the study, with 47 individuals along 3 km. Our estimates of encounter rate, density and population size were low and reinforces the need to initiate species monitoring and assess the impact that yellow fever outbreaks may have on PEIG populations. The results presented here can be a starting point to support future strategic actions for the species, to measure impacts and to the management of the species, and for a conservation program