196 research outputs found

    Differences in the Pattern of Antibiotic Prescription Profile and Recurrence Rate for Possible Urinary Tract Infections in Women With and Without Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—Women with diabetes have a high incidence and complication rate of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Our aims were to compare current treatment strategies with respect to recurrence rates in women with diabetes with those without diabetes

    An exploratory study of healthcare professionals' perceptions of interprofessional communication and collaboration

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    Interprofessional communication and collaboration during hospitalisation is critically important to provide safe and effective care. Clinical rounds are an essential interprofessional process in which the clinical problems of patients are discussed on a daily basis. The objective of this exploratory study was to identify healthcare professionals' perspectives on the ideal interprofessional round for patients in a university teaching hospital. Three focus groups with medical residents, registered nurses, medical specialists, and quality improvement officers were held. We used a descriptive method of content analysis. The findings indicate that it is important for professionals to consider how team members and patients are involved in the decision-making process during the clinical round and how current social and spatial structures can affect communication and collaboration between the healthcare team and the patient. Specific aspects of communication and collaboration are identified for improving effective interprofessional communication and collaboration during rounds

    Predictors of Nonseroconversion to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Kidney Transplant Recipients

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    Kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) are still at risk of severe COVID-19 disease after SARS‑CoV‑2 vaccination, especially when they have limited antibody formation. Our aim was to understand the factors that may limit their humoral response. METHODS. Our data are derived from KTRs who were enrolled in the Dutch Renal Patients COVID-19 Vaccination consortium, using a discovery cohort and 2 external validation cohorts. Included in the discovery (N = 1804) and first validation (N = 288) cohorts were participants who received 2 doses of the mRNA-1273 vaccine. The second validation cohort consisted of KTRs who subsequently received a third dose of any SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (N = 1401). All participants had no history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. A multivariable logistic prediction model was built using stepwise backward regression analysis with nonseroconversion as the outcome. RESULTS. The discovery cohort comprised 836 (46.3%) KTRs, the first validation cohort 124 (43.1%) KTRs, and the second validation cohort 358 (25.6%) KTRs who did not seroconvert. In the final multivariable model‚ 12 factors remained predictive for nonseroconversion: use of mycophenolate mofetil/mycophenolic acid (MMF/MPA); chronic lung disease, heart failure, and diabetes; increased age; shorter time after transplantation; lower body mass index; lower kidney function; no alcohol consumption; ≥2 transplantations; and no use of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors or calcineurin inhibitors. The area under the curve was 0.77 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.74-0.79) in the discovery cohort after adjustment for optimism, 0.81 (95% CI, 0.76-0.86) in the first validation cohort, and 0.67 (95% CI, 0.64-0.71) in the second validation cohort. The strongest predictor was the use of MMF/MPA, with a dose-dependent unfavorable effect, which remained after 3 vaccinations. CONCLUSIONS. In a large sample of KTRs, we identify a selection of KTRs at high risk of nonseroconversion after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Modulation of MMF/MPA treatment before vaccination may help to optimize vaccine response in these KTRs. This model contributes to future considerations on alternative vaccination strategies

    Adherence to preventive measures after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and after awareness of antibody response in kidney transplant recipients in the Netherlands:a nationwide questionnaire study

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    BACKGROUND: Kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) were advised to tightly adhere to government recommendations to curb the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) because of a high risk of morbidity and mortality and decreased immunogenicity after vaccination. The aim of this study was to analyse the change in adherence to preventive measures after vaccination and awareness of antibody response, and to evaluate its effectiveness.METHODS: In this large-scale, national questionnaire study, questionnaires were sent to 3531 KTRs enrolled in the Dutch RECOVAC studies, retrospectively asking for adherence to nine preventive measures on a 5-point Likert scale before and after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and after awareness of antibody response. Blood samples were collected 28 days after the second vaccination. Antibody response was categorised as non-responder (≤50 BAU/mL), low-responder (&gt;50 ≤ 300 BAU/mL) or high-responder (&gt;300 BAU/mL), and shared with participants as a correlate of protection. Participants of whom demographics on sex and age, blood samples and completed questionnaires were available, were included. Our study took place between February 2021 and January 2022. The primary outcome of adherence before and after vaccination was assessed between August and October 2021 and compared via the Wilcoxon signed rank sum test. Logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate the association between antibody response and non-adherence, and adherence on acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04841785).FINDINGS: In 2939 KTRs (83%) who completed the first questionnaire on adherence to preventive measures, adherence was higher before than after vaccination (4.56, IQR 4.11-4.78 and 4.22, IQR 3.67-4.67, p &lt; 0.001). Adherence after awareness of antibody response was analysed in 2399 KTRs (82%) of whom also blood samples were available, containing 949 non-responders, 500 low-responders and 950 high-responders. Compared to non-responders, low- and high-responders reported higher non-adherence. Higher adherence was associated with lower infection rates before and after vaccination (OR 0.67 [0.51-0.91], p = 0.008 and OR 0.48 [0.28-0.86], p = 0.010).INTERPRETATION: Adherence decreased after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and in KTRs who were aware of a subsequent antibody response compared with those without. Preventive measures in this vulnerable group seem to be effective, regardless of vaccination status. This study starts a debate on sharing antibody results with the patient and future studies should elucidate whether decreased adherence in antibody responders is justified, also in view of future pandemics.FUNDING: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development and the Dutch Kidney Foundation.</p

    Asymptomatic bacteriuria may be considered a complication in women with diabetes

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy jest ocena częstości występowania oraz czynników ryzyka bezobjawowej bakteriurii (ASB, asymptomatic bacteriuria) u kobiet bez cukrzycy i chorych na cukrzycę. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Do badania włączono 636 kobiet chorych na cukrzycę (typu 1 i 2) w wieku 18&#8211;75 lat, które w tym czasie nie były w ciąży i nie występowały u nich zaburzenia układu moczowego, oraz 153 kobiety bez cukrzycy, które zgłosiły się do okulisty lub do lekarza innej specjalności w celu leczenia urazów (jako grupa kontrolna). Bezobjawową bakteriurę zdefiniowano jako obecność co najmniej 105 bakterii na ml jednego lub dwóch rodzajów tworzących kolonie, wyhodowanych z czystego, środkowego strumienia moczu osoby bez objawów zakażenia dróg moczowych (UTI, urinary tract infection). WYNIKI. Bezobjawowa bakteriuria występowała u 26% kobiet chorych na cukrzycę i u 6% kobiet bez cukrzycy (p < 0,001). Częstość ASB u kobiet chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 wyniosła 21%. Czynniki ryzyka ASB w cukrzycy typu 1 to: dłuższy czas trwania choroby, neuropatia obwodowa i makroalbuminuria. U kobiet chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 ASB występowała w 29% przypadków. Czynniki ryzyka ASB w cukrzycy typu 2 to: wiek, makroalbuminuria, niższy wskaźnik BMI oraz przebyte w poprzednim roku zakażenie dróg moczowych. Nie stwierdzono związku między aktualnym poziomem HbA1c i obecnością ASB. WNIOSKI. Częstość ASB jest większa u kobiet chorych na cukrzycę niż bez cukrzycy i schorzenie to można uznać za jedno z powikłań cukrzycy u kobiet.OBJECTIVE. To study the prevalence of and risk factors for asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in women with and without diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS. A total of 636 nonpregnant women with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) who were 18&#150;75 years of age and had no abnormalities of the urinary tract, and 153 women without diabetes who were visiting the eye and trauma outpatient clinic (control subjects) were included. We defined ASB as the presence of at least 105 colony-forming units/ml of 1 or 2 bacterial species in a culture of clean-voided midstream urine from an individual without symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI). RESULTS. The prevalence of ASB was 26% in the diabetic women and 6% in the control subjects (P < 0.001). The prevalence of ASB in women with type 1 diabetes was 21%. Risk factors for ASB in type 1 diabetic women included a longer duration of diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and macroalbuminuria. The prevalence of ASB was 29% in women with type 2 diabetes. Risk factors for ASB in type 2 diabetic women included age, macroalbuminuria, a lower BMI, and a UTI during the previous year. No association was evident between current HbA1c level and the presence of ASB. CONCLUSIONS. The prevalence of ASB is increased in women with diabetes and might be added to the list of diabetic complications in these women

    Fatigue in patients with chronic disease:results from the population-based Lifelines Cohort Study

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    (1) To evaluate the prevalence of severe and chronic fatigue in subjects with and without chronic disease; (2) to assess to which extent multi-morbidity contributes to severe and chronic fatigue; and (3) to identify predisposing and associated factors for severe and chronic fatigue and whether these are disease-specific, trans-diagnostic, or generic. The Dutch Lifelines cohort was used, including 78,363 subjects with (n = 31,039, 53 ± 12 years, 33% male) and without (n = 47,324, 48 ± 12 years, 46% male) ≥ 1 of 23 chronic diseases. Fatigue was assessed with the Checklist Individual Strength-Fatigue. Compared to participants without a chronic disease, a higher proportion of participants with ≥ 1 chronic disease were severely (23% versus 15%, p < 0.001) and chronically (17% versus 10%, p < 0.001) fatigued. The odds of having severe fatigue (OR [95% CI]) increased from 1.6 [1.5–1.7] with one chronic disease to 5.5 [4.5–6.7] with four chronic diseases; for chronic fatigue from 1.5 [1.5–1.6] to 4.9 [3.9–6.1]. Multiple trans-diagnostic predisposing and associated factors of fatigue were found, explaining 26% of variance in fatigue in chronic disease. Severe and chronic fatigue are highly prevalent in chronic diseases. Multi-morbidity increases the odds of having severe and chronic fatigue. Several trans-diagnostic factors were associated with fatigue, providing a rationale for a trans-diagnostic approach

    Costs and effects of screening and treating low risk women with a singleton pregnancy for asymptomatic bacteriuria, the ASB study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in pregnancy is 2-10% and is associated with both maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes as pyelonephritis and preterm delivery. Antibiotic treatment is reported to decrease these adverse outcomes although the existing evidence is of poor quality.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We plan a combined screen and treat study in women with a singleton pregnancy. We will screen women between 16 and 22 weeks of gestation for ASB using the urine dipslide technique. The dipslide is considered positive when colony concentration ≥10<sup>5</sup> colony forming units (CFU)/mL of a single microorganism or two different colonies but one ≥10<sup>5</sup> CFU/mL is found, or when Group B Streptococcus bacteriuria is found in any colony concentration. Women with a positive dipslide will be randomly allocated to receive nitrofurantoin or placebo 100 mg twice a day for 5 consecutive days (double blind). Primary outcomes of this trial are maternal pyelonephritis and/or preterm delivery before 34 weeks. Secondary outcomes are neonatal and maternal morbidity, neonatal weight, time to delivery, preterm delivery rate before 32 and 37 weeks, days of admission in neonatal intensive care unit, maternal admission days and costs.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This trial will provide evidence for the benefit and cost-effectiveness of dipslide screening for ASB among low risk women at 16–22 weeks of pregnancy and subsequent nitrofurantoin treatment.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Dutch trial registry: NTR-3068</p