13 research outputs found

    Laser in Clinical Ophthalmology: Possible Applications, Limitations, and Hazards

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    The present status of laser application in clinical ophthalmology is discussed. The differences between conventional light coagulator characteristics and those of presently available ruby lasers for clinical use are compared. The limitations and hazards of laser therapy are stressed

    Cross Section of Ophthalmology

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    This issue of MCV/Q is dedicated to Dr. DuPont Guerry, III, to honor his decisive influence on the development of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Medical College of Virginia, Health Sciences Division of Virginia Commonwealth University, during his 20 years as chairman of the department. The content of this issue covers various areas in this specialty and represent contributions by former and present residents trained under Dr. Guerry, and full-time staff members

    Solar Retinopathy Following the Eclipse of March 7, 1970: A Follow-Up

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    In the last issue of this journal (Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 6: 3, 1970) Thomas W. Nooney, Joseph R. Svoboda, Florencio Ching and I reported two cases of binocular injury and one case of unilateral retinal burn of the fovea caused by watching the recent solar eclipse in the Richmond, Virginia area. Since reporting our local cases, a survey has been completed through other Virginia ophthalmologists of the occurrence of solar retinopathy throughout the state. Nine additional cases of ocular involvement were revealed in the survey and are reported here in table form. The cases are listed in order of probable severity

    Radiation Cataract: Biomicroscopic Observations in Rabbit, Monkey, and Man

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    The type or configuration of lens changes in these two species was quite different. This can be understood on the basis of the structural differences of their crystalline lenses based on the location of the suture lines

    Observations of Lens Epithelium in Cell Cultures

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    The following investigation had been conducted to evaluate lens epithelial cells in vitro as a potential suitable model for future studies of chronic low dose ionizing radiation effects on this cell type in vitro. Since there is a great range of dose requirements to produce in vivo radiation cataract in man, monkeys, and rabbits, and an equally wide range in time from radiation exposure until the first minimal lens changes can be biomicroscopically detected, it may be assumed that in vitro comparison of cells derived from these three species may provide some explanation for the in vivo differences

    Some Therapeutic Considerations in Diabetic Retinopathy

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    With the increasing emphasis on photocoagulation therapy in diabetic retinopathy, its potentials and, most probably, the beneficial effects such therapeutic modality may have in arresting or even improving diabetic retinopathy, one should realize the limitations, the present lack of factual knowledge, and the theories underlying such treatment

    Potential Applications of Lasers in Ophthalmology

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    The continuing evaluation of laser instrumentation is of particular interest to the ophthalmologist. Several lasers now exhibit potential properties which may result in superior clinical instruments in the future. An important feature of almost all existing lasers, as related to ophthalmology, is the potential hazard of accidental exposure of the eye. This aspect of the laser is certainly as important as its clinical application, and it should be the responsibility of ophthalmologists to work actively to provide recommendations for safety standards and criteria for ocular protection in every field of laser application

    The Effect of Idoxuridine (IDU) on Corneal Stromal Cells in Tissue Culture

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    Corneal stromal cells were cultured in vitro and exposed to various concentrations of idoxuridine (IDU), ranging from 0 to 1,000 μg of IDU per ml of medium. Inhibition of cell multiplication occurred with concentrations of 0.1 μg per ml. With concentrations of 1.0 μg per ml and greater, there was no increase in cell number from the time of exposure to IDU

    Traumatic Hyphema: A Review of Experience at the Medical College of Virginia During the Past Decade

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    Hyphema (hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye), as the result of blunt injury to the eye, carries a potential danger of visual loss if not properly treated. This review of cases seen in the MCV Hospitals over the last decade lists some of the complications and stresses some of the important factors in the management

    The Effect of Ruby Laser, Xenon-Light Coagulator and Diathermy on Vitreous Proteins

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    Vitreous haze produced by excessive energy delivered during clinical photocoagulation has been reported. The introduction of the ruby laser and the continued use of diathermy to produce therapeutic lesions lead to a comparison of the three modalities in respect to their possible effect on the proteins of the vitreous for an acceptable clinical retinal lesion