17 research outputs found
The development of law in our country is still running imperfectly behind the dynamic social and community culture that is developing. The development of community life is very rapid due to the advance in science and technology coupled with a very open of digital and social media world. The development of community life should be followed by the law developments needed by the community, thus a sense of justice in the law can be felt by the whole community. This fact is one of the sources of the irregular of law in Indonesia. By looking at these conditions, the transformation of Hindu law in the development of national law needs to be conceived, reviewed and developed by the law enforcers. The law should be established in line with the socio-cultural structure and values of our nation's local wisdom, but it can still accommodate the dynamics of social and cultural life in the era of openness as it is today. Through this, the Hindu law is expected to contribute to the development of national law. With the contribution of Hindu Law to National Law, it is expected that a sense of justice can be felt by the whole community
Penyuluhan Pluralisme Kehidupan Beragama Dalam Masyarakat Sebagai Strategi Menuju Masyarakat Harmoni
Balinese society is a pluralistic society consisting of various religions, tribes and customs. Pluralism societies do not only exist in urban areas but also in villages where there has been a mix of population which originally consisted of only one ethnicity and religion, but with social media and highly advanced transformations, population migration has occurred so that a pluralist society has been formed, as in the case of Pegayaman Village. Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency. The life of a pluralistic society in general often results in friction/conflict. To maintain the harmony of the community, it is necessary to carry out community service by carrying out counseling about pluralism. The community service program is one of the Tri Dharma Programs in Higher Education that must be implemented by academics. Through this dedication, academics implement their knowledge to the community so that an understanding of religious pluralism in a good Pegayaman community is maintained for the next generation. For this reason, the support and participation of traditional and religious leaders as well as the local government is needed so that a harmonious community life in Pegayaman Village remains in harmony and harmony
Pembangunan hukum harus diletakkan dalam konteks transformasi sosial yang lebih luas. Pembangunan hukum bukan hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekelompok golongan saja, tidak bercorak sentralistik, tidak hanya demi stabilitas keamanan dan politik, tidak hanya untuk kepentingan ekonomi sesaat, tetapi lebih dari itu, pembangunan hukum harus mampu mewujudkan hukum nasional yang berstruktur sosial Indonesia, namun tetap dapat mengantisipasi perkembangan global. Akhirnya pembangunan hukum dapat mencapai tujuannya yaitu mengantarkan kehidupan rakyat dan bangsa Indonesia dapat merasakan kebahagiaan, keadilan, dan ketertiban. Guna terujudnya tujuan pembangunan hukum yang demikian, diperlukan suatu pemerintahan yang yang dipimpin oleh orang-orang bersih, jujur dan adil. Orang-orang bersih, jujur, dan adil, yang menjalankan pemerintahan, tentu sajalah berada di bawah pimpinan tertinggi yang bersih pula. Orang yang benar-benar bersih akan sanggup memberikan keteladanan yang bersih. Hanya pemerintahan yang demikianlah yang sanggup mewujudkan ius Constituendum (hukum yang dicita-citakan) di Indonesia
Dalam perkawinan Hindu, anak sangat dinantikan oleh suami istri, karena anak memiliki kedudukan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan keluarga dan masyarakat Hindu. Anak adalah buah hati bagi pasangan suami istri yang membentuk keluarga inti. Keluarga ini akan membentuk kelompok-kelompok dalam masyarakat. Anak dalam kehidupan adalah anugrah dari Tuhan, maka seorang anak harus diasuh dengan baik, diberikan pendidikan etika dan moral agar anak menjadi anak yang unggul. Pertumbuhan fisik dan psikis anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendidikan dari lingkungan keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Anak dididik, dilatih untuk membangun dan mengembangkan minat dan bakat anak tersebut dan di masyarakat siswa agar mampu bersosialisasi untuk hidup bersama dengan lingkungannya. Sehingga setelah anak menjadi dewasa, anak akan memiliki tanggung jawab baik dalam keluarga maupun dalam masyarakat. Anak akan terjun ke dalam masyarakat sebagai makhluk sosial yang hidup bermasyarakat dengan menjalankan segala hak dan kewajibannya dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui data deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis data yang diperoleh diolah dan dijadikan sebagai bahan informasi tertulis yang bersifat naratif. Sehingga kedudukan anak dalam keluarga Hindu selain sebagai penerus keluarga anak juga sebagai penyelamat keluarga, masyarakat dan sebagai pewaris dalam kehidupan keluarga dan masyarakat, baik warisan materi maupun non materi.Kata kunci: anak, keluarga Hindu
Pengembangan Siklus Pembelajaran Tri Kaya Parisudha Melalui Daring Dalam Membentuk Anak Supra Siswa SMP N 3 Sawan Kecamatan Sawan, Kabupaten Buleleng
Learning is a process carried out by humans to become a human being of good quality. Humans are essentially the highest creatures created by God. The advantages of thinking, saying and doing should be used properly and correctly in everyday life. All kinds of patterns thought, speech and deeds that deviate from the truth are returned to their original position as humans who have high dignity when compared to other living creatures created by God. The process of returning the quality of humans that has deteriorated in the millennia can be done through the Tri Kaya Parisudha learning process.Because the teachings of Tri Kaya Parisudha guide people always think, say and do good and right everyday. Early adolescents who have experienced moral decline as a result of the negative impact of technological progress really need to learn Tri Kaya Parisudha. Because through process after learning Tri Kaya Parisudha was able to change the thought patterns, speech and actions of adolescents into qualified intellectuals. Quality adolescents are the dream of families in particular and society in general. Through the teachings of Tri Kaya Parisudha, they are able to form suputra children. Keywords: Tri Kaya Parisudha Learning, Forming Suputra Childre
This study raised the perception of Hindu religious education in building ethical attitudes of students at SMK Kertha Wisata Sawan. This study aims 1) to determine the success of Hindu religious education in building students' ethical attitudes; 2) to find out the application of students' ethical attitudes through Hindu religious education; and 3) to find out the community's response to the ethical attitudes of students at SMK Kertha Wisata Sawan, Buleleng Regency. This type of research is qualitative. The theory in this study uses behavioristic theory and reception theory. The data collection technique uses observation, interview and documentation techniques which are then analyzed with stages starting from data reduction, after that data classification, data display and finally drawing conclusions. The results of the study have been found as follows. (1) Hindu Religious Education can build students' ethical attitudes by instilling Hindu religious values for students and moral development for students in terms of speaking politely, greeting, using the right hand and habituation of prayer; 2) the application of Hindu religious education in building students' ethical attitudes through various methods, namely the method of inculcating values in the form of storytelling, exemplary field trips through teacher figures and the role of teachers as well as by habituation methods; and 3) the public's response to the ethical attitudes of students at SMK Kertha Wisata Sawan, both from parents, teachers and students, towards learning in the formation of ethical attitudes. Students get a positive response as well as to the learning atmosphere that makes people have positive intentions to send their children to SMK Kertha Wisata. Convulsions