2 research outputs found

    Ueberpruefung der Einsatzmoeglichkeit der Membranfiltration zur grosstechnischen Talsperrenwasseraufbereitung mit Pilotanlagen Abschlussbericht

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    In this project was investigated how extensive micro (MF)- and ultrafiltration (UF) can enhance the particle removal efficiency of an existing drinking water treatment plant in Roetgen (6.000 m"3/h) and what are the conditions for the enhancement. Since the end of 1996 three pilot plants with a capacity of approx. 6 to 10 m"3/h, one MF (Memtec) and two UF (Aquasource and X-Flow) plants, have been compared by operating in dead-end mode. Four different feed qualities were tested: 1. the effluent of the existing treatment plant (flocculation, first filtration stage, removal of iron and manganese by a second filtration stage); 2. the effluent of the first filtration stage with additional dosing of an oxidizing agent; 3. like 2. but with additional filtration by a CaCO_3-filter; 4. the effluent of the flocculation stage. The turbidity of permeate of all pilot plants was beneath the detection limit of 0.02 NTU for all tested feed water qualities. Particles >0.5 #mu#m were removed to the background noise (2 particles/mL). With UF the removal of microbiological relevant parameters was practically complete. With MF the removal of spiked viruses was not complete. It was possible to replace the conventional treatment step for the removal of manganese by UF. However, in this case oxidizing agents (NaOCl for Aquasource or H_2O_2 for X-Flow) have to be added to the backwash water each time. It was also amazing that UF was able to treat the effluent of the flocculation stage with a high performance. In this case UF has even reached better results as in case of operating with effluent of the existing treatment plant. Chrashtests showed, that the lifetime of all tested membrane is likely not limited by the backwash stress. Concluding we can say, that in case of adjusting the conditions founded as the most suitable, all tested membranes can be operated very stable for a long term. These positive experiences made with membrane filtration were taken as occasion to start a further investigation programme with a pilot plant in a larger technical scale (150 m"3/h). (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F99B270+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman