11 research outputs found
Učinak eksplicitnog uključujućeg refleksivnog poučavanja na znanstvenu pismenost
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of explicit-embedded-reflective (EER) instruction in scientific literacy levels of the ninth grade advanced science students by assessing content knowledge and scientific literacy levels. The study was conducted with 51 students by using experimental design. In the treatment group, the EER teaching was performed, while in the comparison group the instruction was conducted by lecturing, demonstration and questioning strategies in a teacher-centred context. Nature of Science Literacy Test and Cell Content Knowledge Test were used for data collection. T-tests were utilized for data analysis. The results of the study showed that the EER teaching was effective in terms of increase in scientific literacy levels and cell content knowledge in the treatment group. In addition, the approach was more effective in increasing scientific literacy levels and cell content knowledge than the regular approach.Svrha ovoga rada bila je istražiti učinkovitost eksplicitno-uključujuće-refleksivne metode poučavanja (dalje u tekstu EER) na znanstvenu pismenost naprednih učenika devetih razreda iz prirodoslovlja procjenjujući poznavanje sadržaja i razinu znanstvene pismenosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 51 učenik, a provedeno je uz pomoć eksperimentalnog nacrta. U eksperimentalnoj skupini primijenjeno je poučavanje metodom EER, a u kontrolnoj skupini poučavanje je provedeno u obliku predavanja, demonstracija i strategija ispitivanja u kontekstu koji je orijentiran na nastavnika. Za prikupljanje podataka korišteni su Test znanstvene pismenosti i Test o poznavanju stanice. Za analizu podataka korišteni su T-testovi. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su da je primjena EER metode u poučavanju učinkovita s obzirom na povećanje razina znanstvene pismenosti i znanja o stanici u eksperimentalnoj skupini. Nadalje, taj je pristup bio učinkovitiji kod podizanja razine znanstvene pismenosti i znanja o stanici od uobičajene metode poučavanja
The Collaboration of Cooperative Learning and Conceptual Change: Enhancing the Students' Understanding of Chemical Bonding Concepts
WOS: 000401857000005The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach instruction on ninth-grade students' understanding in chemical bonding concepts compared to traditional instruction. Seventy-two ninth-grade students from two intact chemistry classes taught by the same teacher in a public high school participated in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control group. The control group (N = 35) was taught by traditional instruction while the experimental group (N = 37) was taught cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach instruction. Chemical Bonding Concept Test (CBCT) was used as pre- and post-test to define students' understanding of chemical bonding concepts. After treatment, students' interviews were conducted to observe more information about their responses. Moreover, students from experimental groups were interviewed to obtain information about students' perceptions on cooperative work experiences. The results from ANCOVA showed that cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach instruction led to better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to chemical bonding concepts than traditional instruction. Interview results demonstrated that the students in the experimental group had better understanding and fewer misconceptions in chemical bonding concepts than those in the control group. Moreover, interviews about treatment indicated that this treatment helped students' learning and increased their learning motivation and their social skills
Improving students’ chemical literacy levels on thermochemical and thermodynamics concepts through a context-based approach
The aim of this study was to delve into the effect of context-based approach (CBA) over traditional instruction (TI) on students' chemical literacy level related to thermochemical and thermodynamics concepts. Four eleventh-grade classes with 118 students in total taught by two teachers from a public high school in 2012 fall semester were enrolled in this particular study. The treatments were randomly assigned to the already formed classes; experimental groups were treated as CBA, the control groups as TI. Each teacher had one experimental and one control group. Open-ended contextual item sets were developed to assess students' chemical literacy level in thermochemical and thermodynamics concepts. The test was administered to both groups as a post-test at the end of the implementation. Students' responses to item sets were analyzed based on the rubric prepared as the answer key. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used for interpreting the data. The results reveal that CBA is superior to TI on improving students' chemical literacy levels, implying that CBA, as a discussion platform for concepts through real-life experiences, has a significant role in increasing students' chemical literacy levels in abstract and difficult concepts regardless of the gender difference
Turkish high school students’ conceptions of the nature of science
AbstractThe focus of this study is investigating the extent to which Turkish high school students understand the conceptions of nature of science (NOS). The paper describes the use of questionnaire of NOS and a semi-structured interview. The questionnaire was applied to 162 high school students. After the questionnaire was analyzed individually, six students were interviewed. Interview transcriptions were examined individually. Based on the results, students had some deficiencies on the conceptions of NOS. Students may still hold naive ideas about what data is. Hence, science teachers should implement instruction to help the development of their students’ conceptions regarding NOS
The effect of explicit embeddedreflective instruction on nature ofscience understandings in advancedscience students
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of explicit-embedded-reflective (EER) instruction in nature of science (NOS) understandings of ninth-grade advanced science students. This study was conducted with 71 students, who were divided into three groups, by using non-equivalent quasi-experimental design. In the treatment groups, the EER teaching was conducted, while in the comparison group NOS instruction was carried out in the same time interval by lecturing, demonstration and questioning strategies. Views on Nature of Science Questionnaire-Form C and follow-up interviews were used for data collection. Categorisation of the participants' profiles on aspects of the NOS was used for data analysis. According to the results, participants had misunderstandings about scientific methods', laws and theories' and observation and inference', while they had expert views on the role of creativity and imagination' in the beginning of the study. For changing naive NOS understandings, the EER approach was found to be effective