1,086 research outputs found

    Automated Static Warning Identification via Path-based Semantic Representation

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    Despite their ability to aid developers in detecting potential defects early in the software development life cycle, static analysis tools often suffer from precision issues (i.e., high false positive rates of reported alarms). To improve the availability of these tools, many automated warning identification techniques have been proposed to assist developers in classifying false positive alarms. However, existing approaches mainly focus on using hand-engineered features or statement-level abstract syntax tree token sequences to represent the defective code, failing to capture semantics from the reported alarms. To overcome the limitations of traditional approaches, this paper employs deep neural networks' powerful feature extraction and representation abilities to generate code semantics from control flow graph paths for warning identification. The control flow graph abstractly represents the execution process of a given program. Thus, the generated path sequences of the control flow graph can guide the deep neural networks to learn semantic information about the potential defect more accurately. In this paper, we fine-tune the pre-trained language model to encode the path sequences and capture the semantic representations for model building. Finally, this paper conducts extensive experiments on eight open-source projects to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing it with the state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: 17 pages, in Chinese language, 9 figure


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    Objective: To study the application of artificial blood vessels to build alternative standard arteriovenous fistula blood vessels for hemodialysis maintenance nursing. Methods: 17 cases of patients underwent artificial blood vessel transplantation, material for ptfe (PTEE), 30 cm in length, inner diameter 5mm, from 2012 to 2013 in Jinan military region general hospital. Artificial blood vessel transplantation is more operated on brachial vein, cephalic vein, median cubital vein and basilic vein. When the anastomosis among artificial blood vessels and brachial artery and vein anastomosis was established, the arterial end was on the inner side. When the anastomosis among brachial vein, median cubital vein and basilic vein was established, the arterial end was on the outside for the extension of vascular access. Results: 15 cases have hemodialysis after two months’ treatment, 1 case have artificial blood vessel fistula after swelling for 4 months, infection of thrombosis occurred one month after the operation in 1 case. Conclusion: Artificial blood vessel show good biocompatibility, high long-term patency rate, blood flow, and convenient puncture point. It builds the “lifeline” for the patients who are unable to establish a good vascular access. It is of great significance to improve the management of artificial blood vessel fistula for maintenance hemodialysis patients.目的  研究应用人造血管造瘘替代标准动静脉血管维持血液透析的护理。方法  本院自2012—2013年对17例血液透析患者进行人造血管移植术,材料为聚四氟乙烯(PTEE)材料,长度30cm,内径5mm。人造血管移植术多选择与肱动脉和头静脉或肘正中静脉、贵要静脉U型吻合。人造血管与肱动脉和头静脉吻合时,动脉端在内侧。但肱动脉与肘正中静脉、贵要静脉吻合时,为延长有效性血管通路,动脉端则在外侧。结果  15例术后2个月成熟顺利实施血液透析,1例持续肿胀4个月后开始应用,1例术后1个月出现感染血栓形成。结论  人造血管具有生物相容性好、长期通畅率高、血流量大、穿刺方便、穿刺部位充足等优点,为自身血管条件差、无法建立良好血管通路的透析患者提供了可靠的血管通路,为维持性血液透析患者建立了“生命线”。加强透析过程中的人造血管内瘘管理对于维持透析患者良好的血管通路具有重要意义

    SAGA: Summarization-Guided Assert Statement Generation

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    Generating meaningful assert statements is one of the key challenges in automated test case generation, which requires understanding the intended functionality of the tested code. Recently, deep learning-based models have shown promise in improving the performance of assert statement generation. However, existing models only rely on the test prefixes along with their corresponding focal methods, yet ignore the developer-written summarization. Based on our observations, the summarization contents usually express the intended program behavior or contain parameters that will appear directly in the assert statement. Such information will help existing models address their current inability to accurately predict assert statements. This paper presents a novel summarization-guided approach for automatically generating assert statements. To derive generic representations for natural language (i.e., summarization) and programming language (i.e., test prefixes and focal methods), we leverage a pre-trained language model as the reference architecture and fine-tune it on the task of assert statement generation. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed approach makes the first attempt to leverage the summarization of focal methods as the guidance for making the generated assert statements more accurate. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on two real-world datasets when compared with state-of-the-art models.Comment: Preprint, to appear in the Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST

    Etude comparative des complications liées à l’utilisation du cathéter veineux périphérique avec et sans système clos à bouchon hépariné

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    Introduction: L'utilisation correcte du système clos à bouchon hépariné sur les cathéters périphériques pendant les perfusions est une pratique courante dans les pays développés et aussi dans plusieurs pays en développement selon un consensus international établi. Nous comparons les résultats de la formation de thrombus et de l'infection liées au cathéter veineux périphérique chez les patients ayant bénéficié de perfusion avec système clos à bouchon hépariné (groupe expérimentale) et ceux qui ont été perfusé sans bouchon hépariné (groupe témoin). Méthodes: Nous avons colligé 100 patients hospitalisés pendant la période de Juillet 2014 à Décembre 2014 dans le service d'hospitalisation de chirurgie thoracique de l'hôpital du Mali qui ont été repartis en 2 groupes de 50 patients chacun pour une analyse comparative. L'observation du thrombus dans la lumière du cathéter est effectuée puis enregistré et tous les cathéters ont été repris pour réalisation de culture bactérienne au laboratoire dans les 2 groupes. Résultats: Dans le groupe témoin, il existe un thrombus dans la lumière du cathéter dans 36 cas (72%) et l'examen de culture bactérienne était positif dans 90%. Tandis que dans le groupe expérimental on retrouve 3 cas (6%) de thrombose du cathéter et on note une absence de germe dans l'examen bactériologique. Conclusion: L'utilisation correcte du système clos à bouchon hépariné lors des perfusions peutréduire et prévenir de façon significative les complications  liées au cathéter notamment l'occlusion par thrombus, leur migration et la survenue de l'infection.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Yangian description for decays and possible explanation of XX in the decay KL0π0π0XK^0_L\to \pi^0 \pi^0 X

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    In this letter, hadronic decay channels of light pseudoscalar mesons are realized in Yangian algebra. In the framework of Yangian, we find that these decay channels can be formulated by acting transition operators, composed of the generators of Yangian, on the corresponding pseudoscalar mesons. This new description of decays allows us to present a possible interpretation of the new unknown particle XX in the decay KL0π0π0XK^0_L\to \pi^0 \pi^0 X: it is an entangled state of π0\pi^0 and η\eta

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    <p>Cell scratch test and Transwell were used to measure the migration abilities of HSVSMCs. NC = Negative control group, only control siRNA transfected; GAS5(-) = lncRNA-GAS5 knockdown group transfected with silence siRNA. <b>A:</b>Cell scratch test was used to measure the migration abilities of HSVSMCs. The results showed that the HSVSMCs have the best migration abilities in the first 24 hours. Values are mean±SE, N = 4. <b>B:</b> The migration abilities of HSVSMCs measured by Transwell. After transfected by lncRNA-GAS5 siRNA for 48 hours, the HSVSMCs were passage into the Transwell Inserts. Then 4 hours, 7 hours, 10 hours later, the migration HSVSMCs were photographed and counted, respectively. Knockdown of lncRNA-GAS5 expression promotes migration of HSVSMCs. Optical microscope images under 200x magnification. <b>C:</b> The migration abilities of HSVSMCs were reflected indirectly by the new migration cells counting with Transwell. Silencing of lncRNA-GAS5 expression increses migration ability of HSVSMCs. Values are mean±SE, N = 10; *, P<0.05.</p

    Clinical Efficacy and Safety Comparison of Rivaroxaban and Dabigatran for Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Closure Operation

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    Objective: Due to the clinical complexity of warfarin, novel oral anticoagulation (NOAC) has been a feasible and safe alternative anticoagulant approach during left atrial appendage closure (LAAC). This study was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban and dabigatran for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients undergoing percutaneous LAAC.Methods: One single and prospective cohort study was performed among patients who received anticoagulation with dabigatran or rivaroxaban. All patients were medicated with a 3-month course of NOAC to facilitate device endothelialization, followed by dual antiplatelet therapy until 6 months, then lifelong aspirin after discharge. Repeated transesophageal echocardiography was scheduled to evaluate thrombosis formation on occluders and thrombus dissolution ability.Results: A total of 262 consecutive patients were initially enrolled. A final number of 250 patients were analyzed; two patients were excluded due to procedure failure and 10 patients had a loss of follow-up; 97 were from the dabigatran group and 153 from the rivaroxaban group. Three patients (1.9%) in the rivaroxaban group and eight (8.2%) in the dabigatran group were experiencing device-related thrombosis (DRT) events during follow-ups. Cumulative Kaplan–Meier estimates showed that the incidence of DRT was lower under rivaroxaban medication during the 6-month follow-ups (p = 0.038*, OR = 3.843, 95%CI: 0.991–14.836). The transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) results showed that the average length and width of DRT in the rivaroxaban group was significantly lower compared with that in the dabigatran group (2.16 vs. 1.60 mm, p = 0.017*, and 1.71 vs. 1.30 mm, p = 0.003*, respectively). The thrombosis dissolved after the switch from dabigatran or rivaroxaban to warfarin within the target range, represented by the average length and width of thrombus with the cooperation of secondary TEE for the dabigatran and rivaroxaban groups (0.64 vs. 0.40 mm, p = 0.206, and 0.43 vs. 0.27 mm, p = 0.082, respectively). No significant difference was found between the two groups with respect to the levels of coagulation parameters, cardiac function, and bleeding events.Conclusion: Compared to dabigatran, post-procedural rivaroxaban anticoagulation might be advantageous in preventing DRT complications expected after LAAC, without increasing the risk of hemorrhage

    Super-Yangian Y(gl(1|1)) and Its Oscillator Realization

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    On the basis of graded RTT formalism,the defining relation of the super-Yangian Y(gl(1|1)) is derived and its oscillator realization is constructed.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figures, to appaer in the International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Field Theory,Urumqi,11-18,Augast,199