17 research outputs found

    Individual attitudes toward anti-corruption policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Microeconometric evidence

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    This study examines African populations` attitudes toward anti-corruption policies. Previous studies only look at individuals` experiences or attitudes with respect to corruption itself or its prevalence. Relying on micro data from six Sub-Saharan African countries and using ordered probit models, we show that social factors (education, employment, living conditions, etc.) significantly affect the citizens` attitudes toward anti-corruption strategies. We also highlight the importance of political characteristics such as access to information (press, media, radio); trust in the court of appeal; participations in demonstrations.Corruption, Social factors, Political factors, Sub-Saharan Africa

    Corruption, taxation and economic growth: theory and evidence

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    In this paper, we analyze the interaction between corruption, taxation and economic growth. Our contributions are twofold. Theoretically, in an endogenous growth model, we introduce corruption in two different ways: corruption in the public expenditure and corruption in the public revenue. We show two opposing effects. Under certain conditions, corruption can affect growth rate positively but it can also exert a negative effect via fiscal revenue. Not only does it tend to make the tax rate, which maximizes the long run growth rate sub-optimal, but it can also create distortions that can lead to excessive tax rates harmful to growth. The empirical analyses are based on non parametric estimates as well as econometric investigations. Our results support the assumption of a non linear relationship between public resources and growth. Interactions between public resources and institutional variables evidence the following the results: (i) the more countries are corrupt the stronger the negative effects of taxation on the growth (ii) Once the negative effects of corruption are accountedcorruption;taxation;growth;developing countries

    Corruption and quality of public institutions: evidence from Generalized Method of Moment

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    The aim of this paper was to re-examine the relationship between the quality of public institutions and corruption. Estimations from generalized method of moments show that better public institutions (regulation, bureaucracy, political structures) are associated with lower levels of corruption.corruption, public institutions.

    How do African populations perceive corruption: microeconomic evidence from Afrobarometer data in twelve countries

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    In this paper, we examine the microeconomic determinants of the perception of corruption in twelve Sub-Saharan African countries. Unlike the indicators of corruption based on the opinion of international experts, the study focuses on corrupt practices as experienced by the African people themselves. The results of our estimates, using an ordered probit indicate that the individual characteristics such as age and sex significantly affect the perception people have of corruption as do social and political factors like access to information (press, media, radio). However, neither democracy nor participation in demonstrations, seem to affect the attitude of individuals towards corruption.corruption;Sub-Saharan Africa;Ordered Probit

    Corruption, taxation and economic growth: theory and evidence

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    In this paper, we analyze the interaction between corruption, taxation and economic growth. Our contributions are twofold. Theoretically, in an endogenous growth model, we introduce corruption in two different ways: corruption in the public expenditure and corruption in the public revenue. We show two opposing effects. Under certain conditions, corruption can affect growth rate positively but it can also exert a negative effect via fiscal revenue. Not only does it tend to make the tax rate, which maximizes the long run growth rate sub-optimal, but it can also create distortions that can lead to excessive tax rates harmful to growth. The empirical analyses are based on non parametric estimates as well as econometric investigations. Our results support the assumption of a non linear relationship between public resources and growth. Interactions between public resources and institutional variables evidence the following the results: (i) the more countries are corrupt the stronger the negative effects of taxation on the growth (ii) Once the negative effects of corruption are accountedcorruption, taxation, growth, developing countries

    How do African populations perceive corruption: microeconomic evidence from Afrobarometer data in twelve countries

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    In this paper, we examine the microeconomic determinants of the perception of corruption in twelve Sub-Saharan African countries. Unlike the indicators of corruption based on the opinion of international experts, the study focuses on corrupt practices as experienced by the African people themselves. The results of our estimates, using an ordered probit indicate that the individual characteristics such as age and sex significantly affect the perception people have of corruption as do social and political factors like access to information (press, media, radio). However, neither democracy nor participation in demonstrations, seem to affect the attitude of individuals towards corruption.corruption, Sub-Saharan Africa, Ordered Probit

    Corruption and quality of public institutions: evidence from Generalized Method of Moment

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    The aim of this paper was to re-examine the relationship between the quality of public institutions and corruption. Estimations from generalized method of moments show that better public institutions (regulation, bureaucracy, political structures) are associated with lower levels of corruption.corruption;public institutions.

    Corruption et mobilisation des recettes publiques : une analyse économétrique

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    In this paper, we analyze the relationship between corruption and public revenues. An empirical investigation of panel data (125 countries and covering the period 1980-2002) makes it possible not to reject the hypothesis that corruption has a negative effect on public revenues collection. However, the impact is different on the various components of revenue. This is because different rent opportunities are created by corruption which seems to modify public revenues structure in favour of customs tariffs revenues while reducing direct and indirect taxes such as VAT. It also appears that a major channel of corruption is the weakening of the tax morality which in this study is captured by various public service delivery variables.corruption, prelevement public, donnees de panel

    Corruption et mobilisation des recettes publiques : une analyse économétrique

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    In this paper, we analyze the relationship between corruption and public revenues. An empirical investigation of panel data (125 countries and covering the period 1980-2002) makes it possible not to reject the hypothesis that corruption has a negative effect on public revenues collection. However, the impact is different on the various components of revenue. This is because different rent opportunities are created by corruption which seems to modify public revenues structure in favour of customs tariffs revenues while reducing direct and indirect taxes such as VAT. It also appears that a major channel of corruption is the weakening of the tax morality which in this study is captured by various public service delivery variables.corruption;prelevement public;donnees de panel

    Aide publique au développement et transition fiscale

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    This paper aims to analyze the impact of official development assistance (ODA) on tax transition in developing countries. First, we build qualitative indicators of tax transition taking into account the level as well as the composition of public revenue. Second, we provide theoretical explanations of how ODA can affect tax transition in an environment characterized by several divergent social interests. Te third step consists in econometrically analyzing the relationship between official development assistance and tax transition. Basing our estimates on a sample consisted of 106 developing countries over the period 1980-2005, we find that official development assistance significantly accelerates the transition and even more sustains it for at least five years. This result is robust to several specifications based on alternative measures of both foreign aid and tax transition.Transition fiscale, aide publique au developpement