141 research outputs found

    Political manipulation of the media (on the example of mass media of the Republic of Tatarstan)

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    Modern social processes are characterized by the growth of media influence, the accretion of media power, called the mediacracy. The social, political, and power impact of various state institutions are increasingly replaced by the information and psychological influence. In the system of social relations there is an increase in the information component, received from the press. However, along with the advantages of information exchange, there are complexities, objectively appearing from this issue, one of which is manipulation in the mass media. It is known, that the activation of these processes occurs during the pre-election period. In this regard, there is a profound social and scientific need to study the practices of media manipulation. This allows to have a new perspective look at the specifics of presentation of politicized facts, events, and to evaluate them. In this respect, the regional system of mass media remains an understudied segment. The analysis of leading mass publications of the Republic of Tatarstan shows, that their authors do not create fundamentally new events, but place emphasis on the ongoing processes. Despite the differences in the typology of publications (state and commercial media), they use similar manipulative technologies: differences are only in the combination of technologies and the frequency of their use. The goals of media manipulation are the promotion of candidate, the formation of the necessary image characteristics (positive and/or negative), the fixation of pre-set stereotypes in the public consciousness. The specifics of information support of the political campaign for the election of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2015, on the basis of the analysis of forms, methods of its essential features, in the leading periodicals of the region, were defined in this study, in the time and content continuum

    Mass media of the republic of tatarstan penal system: Social, psychological and communicative aspects

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    Recently in the mass media system the corporate media solving important social, psychological and communicative problems were widely adopted. Noticeable part in this segment has editions of a penal system. This research is devoted to the activities analysis of the specialized corporate press of Office the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan. In a temporary and substantial continuum characteristics of these editions are determined stages of their development are showed. The conducted research allows describing resources of mass media in the course of convict's social resettlement, to concretize methods of work with publications, the audiovisual information intended for convicts. The carried-out analysis of editions from 1980 to 2013 confirms complete closeness, partial closeness and openness of mass media of a penal system for mass audience. The present stage of editions openness requires adjustment of media strategy positioning in the context of the society psychological safety problem. In the conclusion the practical recommendations about increasing efficiency of this type mass media which are of interest for a wide range of researchers as these processes which are common to the Russian and international media experience are formulated

    Comparative analyses of different variants of standard ground for automatic control systems of technical processes of oil and gas production

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    The paper analyses efficiency (interference resistance) of standard TT, TN, IT networks in control links of automatic control systems (ACS) of technical processes (TP) of oil and gas production. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is a standard term used to describe the interference in grounding circuits. Improved EMC of ACS TP can significantly reduce risks and costs of malfunction of equipment that could have serious consequences. It has been proved that an IT network is the best type of grounds for protection of ACS TP in real life conditions. It allows reducing the interference down to the level that is stated in standards of oil and gas companies

    Gogol and the east

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    The article gives a new understanding of the forms of the presence of the "eastern text" in the artistic consciousness of N.V. Gogol, a Russian writer of the 19th century. The authors believe that some images of Gogol's works (in particular, the figure of Chichikov from "Dead Souls") can potentially be read in a nontraditional context, namely through the prism of Far Eastern cultural mentality. Naturally, there is an established canon of interpretation of N.V. Gogol's works. The authors of the article do not set forth their goal to overturn, abandon the adopted interpretations - only to supplement, correct, clarify, having in view the updated methodology of literary studies. It is based on the cornerstone of the thesis that the meaning-generating model of Russian classical literature has not exhausted itself, and thus, any measured judgment about it is of a complementary nature. The proposed model of interpretation correlates with the statement of M.M. Bakhtin, the most prominent Russian philologist of the 20th century, about the importance of attracting the contexts that are far from understanding of a particular aesthetic phenomenon in terms of ethno-culture and history. The conception of "big time", developed by M.M. Bakhtin, remains relevant. Hence, there follows the necessity to reveal its rich content potential with consideration of not only Western discourse or Russian national distinctness but also traditional Eastern knowledge. One should take into account the fact that the "eastern element" can be added to the structure of the theoretical and literary quest; Russian and European literary criticism is passing to date through a crisis of methods. In general non-science terms, this kind of experience exists. It is known that the synergetic paradigm of scientific knowledge is best described by the constants of the Buddhist-Taoist picture of the world. Modern psychological science often uses the potential of Buddhist psychotechnics. The current literary criticism needs a multivariation interpretation of the classics (of course, with the support of solid, systemic arguments, in order to avoid a meaningless play with existed meanings). In this, on the one hand, there is evinced an attempt to awake a new reader's interest, or, at any rate, to support the attention formed in him in the rich heritage of the past. On the other hand, multivariation realizes that inner semantic potential that is carried by any genius work and Gogol masterpieces, in particular

    On astrophysical solution to ultra high energy cosmic rays

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    We argue that an astrophysical solution to UHECR problem is viable. The pectral features of extragalactic protons interacting with CMB are calculated in model-independent way. Using the power-law generation spectrum Eγg\propto E^{-\gamma_g} as the only assumption, we analyze four features of the proton spectrum: the GZK cutoff, dip, bump and the second dip. We found the dip, induced by electron-positron production on CMB, as the most robust feature, existing in energy range 1×10184×10191\times 10^{18} - 4\times 10^{19} eV. Its shape is stable relative to various phenomena included in calculations. The dip is well confirmed by observations of AGASA, HiRes, Fly's Eye and Yakutsk detectors. The best fit is reached at γg=2.7\gamma_g =2.7, with the allowed range 2.55 - 2.75. The dip is used for energy calibration of the detectors. After the energy calibration the fluxes and spectra of all three detectors agree perfectly, with discrepancy between AGASA and HiRes at E>1×1020E> 1\times 10^{20} eV being not statistically significant. The agreement of the dip with observations should be considered as confirmation of UHE proton interaction with CMB. The dip has two flattenings. The high energy flattening at E1×1019E \approx 1\times 10^{19} eV automatically explains ankle. The low-energy flattening at E1×1018E \approx 1\times 10^{18} eV provides the transition to galactic cosmic rays. This transition is studied quantitatively. The UHECR sources, AGN and GRBs, are studied in a model-dependent way, and acceleration is discussed. Based on the agreement of the dip with existing data, we make the robust prediction for the spectrum at 1×10181×10201\times 10^{18} - 1\times 10^{20} eV to be measured in the nearest future by Auger detector.Comment: Revised version as published in Phys.Rev. D47 (2006) 043005 with a small additio

    Peculiarities of the University’s Educational Environment Implementation in the Organization of Future Teachers’ Pedagogical Practice

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    The article addresses contradictions between the existing and predicted tendencies in the organization and content of pedagogical practices. Through the analysis of teacher training programs, the need for student educational practice has also been established, which provides a solution to a wider range of professional tasks. The revealed contradictory nature made it possible to formulate the problem: what can be a trigger for the initiative acquisition by a future teacher of the experience in solving professional problems? Primary attention in solving this problem is paid to the conditions for the manifestation of personal student initiatives: the creation of platforms for dialogue, the provision of a periodic process of transition from practice to theory and vice versa, the use of operators of semiotic diagnostics of changes in students’ personal interests. The article presents the experience of organizing the educational environment, which provides future teachers with a modern range of professional probation. The options for the organization of official student practice are presented, including the development of online classes of educational and leisure activities of schoolchildren. This model contributes to the manifestation of students’ personal initiatives, both within the training profile and in the sphere of interdisciplinary intersections. The authors adduce the results of the questionnaire survey of students after the practice, showing their satisfaction with the chosen profession, a high level of motivation for mastering professional actions. The main methods and directions of organizing practices have been determined. They make it possible to ensure the predicted level of solving professional tasks by graduates

    Disappointing model for ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays

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    Data of Pierre Auger Observatory show a proton-dominated chemical composition of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays spectrum at (1 - 3) EeV and a steadily heavier composition with energy increasing. In order to explain this feature we assume that (1 - 3) EeV protons are extragalactic and derive their maximum acceleration energy, E_p^{max} \simeq 4 EeV, compatible with both the spectrum and the composition. We also assume the rigidity-dependent acceleration mechanism of heavier nuclei, E_A^{max} = Z x E_p^{max}. The proposed model has rather disappointing consequences: i) no pion photo-production on CMB photons in extragalactic space and hence ii) no high-energy cosmogenic neutrino fluxes; iii) no GZK-cutoff in the spectrum; iv) no correlation with nearby sources due to nuclei deflection in the galactic magnetic fields up to highest energies.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, the talk presented by A. Gazizov at NPA5 Conference, April 3-8, 2011, Eilat, Israe

    Factorization and Lie point symmetries of general Lienard-type equation in the complex plane

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    We present a variational approach to a general Lienard-type equation in order to linearize it and, as an example, the Van der Pol oscillator is discussed. The new equation which is almost linear is factorized. The point symmetries of the deformed equation are also discussed and the two-dimensional Lie algebraic generators are obtained

    Reaction of trialkyl phosphites with α, β-unsaturated acids

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    1. The addition of trialkyl phosphites to α, β-unsaturated acids can proceed via the prior protonization of the trialkyl phosphites by the unsaturated acid. The dialkylphosphorous acids and unsaturated acid esters that are formed here react with each other to give the trialkyl esters of the corresponding β-phosphonocarboxylic acids. 2. Not excluded is the possibility that the above indicated reaction can also proceed simultaneously by the mechanism proposed by Kukhtin and Kamai, but without the formation of the cyclic phosphorane as the intermediate step. 3. Together with the trimethyl ester of β-phosphonopropionic acid, the cyclic anhydride of the methyl ester of β-phosphonopropionic acid is formed when trimethyl phosphite is reacted with acrylic acid. The cyclic anhydride is obtained in much larger amounts in the presence of acetic acid. The corresponding cyclic anhydride was isolated in the same manner when triethyl phosphite was reacted with methacrylic acid. © 1971 Consultants Bureau