18 research outputs found

    Potato starch quota fixed to Poland – a shadow on the success story of the Polish agriculture integration into the CAP regulations?

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    Integration of Polish agriculture is recognized as a success. Nevertheless some remarkable difficulties have emerged. Some of them are related to low production quotas in dairy, sugar and starch sectors. Authors of this Poster argue that the level of starch quota inscribed for Poland is incompatible with the principle of fair competition on the inner EU market. The quota ceiling of mere 145 thousand tons is a heavy constraint to the processing plants – their total processing capacities are estimated for some 220-260 thousand tons. Therefore, they are utilized in c. 56- 66 %, leading to the increase of unit costs of starch production of about 9,2 % and decrease of the competitiveness. Another point is the ratio of the quota to the volume of harvests: 0,1121 for Denmark, 0,057 for Germany and (only) 0,0131 for Poland. Furthermore, the domestic consumption of starch products in Poland is two-fold bigger than the quota with resultant increase of importation. Paradoxically, such practices are pronounced in spite of unutilized natural resources of Polish agriculture – high proportion of light soils. The temporary solution is to increase the quota – the long-run one is to rethink the concept of quota system – under the new CAP reform.Market Competitiveness, Starch Quota, Polish Agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    The Urin Conductivity

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden drei Fragen behandelt: 1.Kann die elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Harns, die als Abfallprodukt moderner durchflußzytometrischer Harnanalysen anfällt, zur Beurteilung der Harnkonzentriertheit und der renalen Diurese herangezogen werden? 2.Welche der typischerweise im Harn gelößten Stoffe werden durch diese Messung erfaßt? 3.Inwiefern ist die Aussagekraft dieser Messgrößen mit den etablierten Methoden zur Bestimmung der Harnkonzentration vergleichbar?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Produkcja ziemniakow w Belgii

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    Ziemniak w Belgii

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    The Common Agricultural Policy in a changing world. Reforming and adjustment

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    peer reviewedIn this work, the authors brief the story of the beginnings of the CAP and achievements and shortcomings of former reforms to deal with present day debate, the need of some changes in the overall approach and the perspectives of further reform

    Agricultural Trade between Poland and Belgium : an overview

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    peer reviewedAgricultural trade between Poland and Belgium has a long history but was never very important and is rather erratic, though some products are traditionally traded, such as oilseeds, strawberries, alcoholic beverages or horse meat. The collapse of communism gives new opportunities for both partners, through normal trade practices but also thanks to the Interim Agreement signed by Poland and the European Community and thanks to the PHARE programme. However, several obstacles do exist : the Polish unstable economic, legal and political situation, the financial difficulties of the Polish enterprises, the lack of reliability of some partners, the low packaging and marketing quality of the Polish products, problems at the border, ... Nevertheless, Polish products have a good intrinsic quality and Poland does not produce some fruits and vegetables, which constitute good reasons to believe in an increase of agricultural trade between Poland and Belgium. This trade can also be enhanced by the creation of a public institution dealing with standardization, quality control and domestic and foreign promotion

    The EU membership vs regional development : a case study of Eastern Poland

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    peer reviewedThis paper examines some indicators regarding performance of the economy, agriculture, employment, wealth, education and quality of life, during the period 2003-2013 (when data are available), comparing the situation for the Warmia and Mazury voivodship, Eastern Poland and Poland's average as a reference. It is observed that the situation in the poorest Polish regions improved in absolute terms, though the gap with the rest of the country is still remaining. So, the development programmes, including the EU policies dealing with Eastern Poland, can be considered a half-success