10 research outputs found

    Axial and transverse deep‐water sediment supply to syn‐rift fault terraces: insights from the West Xylokastro Fault Block, Gulf of Corinth, Greece

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    Deep‐water syn‐rift systems develop in partially‐ or transiently‐linked depocentres to form complicated depositional architectures, which are characterised by short transport distances, coarse grain sizes, and a wide range of sedimentary processes. Exhumed systems that can help to constrain the tectono‐stratigraphic evolution of such systems are rare or complicated by inversion tectonics. Here, we document a mid‐Pleistocene deep‐water syn‐rift system fed by Gilbert‐type fan deltas in the hangingwall of a rift margin fault bounding the West Xylokastro Horst block, on the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Structural and stratigraphic mapping combined with digital outcrop models permit observations along this syn‐rift depositional system from hinterland source to deep‐water sink. The West Xylokastro Fault hangingwall is filled by two distinct sediment systems; an axial system fed by coarse‐grained sediment gravity flows derived from fault‐tip Gilbert‐type fan deltas and a lateral system dominated by mass transport deposits fed from an evolving fault‐scarp apron. Abrupt changes in stratigraphic architecture across the axial system are interpreted to record changes in relative base level, sediment supply and tectonics. Locally, depositional topography and intra‐basinal structures controlled sediment dispersal patterns, from bed‐scale infilling of local rugose topography above mass transport complexes, to basin‐scale confinement from the fault scarp apron. These acted to generate a temporally and spatially variable, heterogeneous stratigraphic architecture throughout the basin‐fill. The transition of the locus of sedimentation from a rift margin to a fault terrace through the syn‐sedimentary growth of a basinward fault produced regressive surfaces updip, which manifest themselves as channels in the deep‐water realm and acted to prograde the system. We present a new conceptual model that recognises coeval axial and transverse systems based on the stratigraphic architecture around the West Xylokastro fault block that emphasises the lateral and vertical heterogeneity of rift basin‐fills with multiple entry points

    Quantifying faulting and base level controls on syn-rift sedimentation using stratigraphic architectures of coeval, adjacent Early-Middle Pleistocene fan deltas in Lake Corinth, Greece

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    Quantification of allogenic controls in rift basin‐fills requires analysis of multiple depositional systems because of marked along‐strike changes in depositional architecture. Here, we compare two coeval Early‐Middle Pleistocene syn‐rift fan deltas that sit 6 km apart in the hangingwall of the Pirgaki‐Mamoussia Fault, along the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The Selinous fan delta is located near the fault tip and the Kerinitis fan delta towards the fault centre. Selinous and Kerinitis have comparable overall aggradational stacking patterns. Selinous comprises 15 cyclic stratal units (ca. 25 m thick), whereas at Kerinitis 11 (ca. 60 m thick) are present. Eight facies associations are identified. Fluvial and shallow water facies dominate the major stratal units in the topset region, with shelfal fine‐grained facies constituting ca. 2 m thick intervals between major topset units and thick conglomeratic foresets building down‐dip. It is possible to quantify delta build times (Selinous: 615 kyr; Kerinitis: >450 kyr) and average subsidence and equivalent sedimentation rates (Selinous: 0.65 m/kyr; Kerinitis: >1.77 m/kyr). The presence of sequence boundaries at Selinous, but their absence at Kerinitis, enables sensitivity analysis of the most uncertain variables using a numerical model, ‘Syn‐Strat’, supported by an independent unit thickness extrapolation method. Our study has three broad outcomes: (a) the first estimate of lake level change amplitude in Lake Corinth for the Early‐Middle Pleistocene (10–15 m), which can aid regional palaeoclimate studies and inform broader climate‐system models; (b) demonstration of two complementary methods to quantify faulting and base level signals in the stratigraphic record—forward modelling with Syn‐Strat and a unit thickness extrapolation—which can be applied to other rift basin‐fills; and (c) a quantitative approach to the analysis of stacking patterns and key surfaces that could be applied to stratigraphic pinch‐out assessment and cross‐hole correlations in reservoir analysis

    Redefining undergraduate nurse teaching during the coronavirus pandemic : use of digital technologies

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    During the current coronavirus pandemic, undergraduate nurse teaching is facing many challenges. Universities have had to close their campuses, which means that academics are working from home and may be coping with unfamiliar technology to deliver the theoretical part of the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Emergency standards from the Nursing and Midwifery Council have allowed theoretical instruction to be replaced with distance learning, requiring nursing academics to adapt to providing a completely virtual approach to their teaching. This article provides examples of tools that can be used to deliver the theoretical component of the undergraduate nursing curriculum and ways of supporting students and colleagues in these unprecedented time

    Deepwater Syn-Rift Stratigraphic Heterogeneity: An Integrated Core and Outcrop Analogue from the Gulf of Corinth, Greece

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    Deep-water syn-rift deposits are challenging to characterise in the sub-surface and are comparatively understudied in comparison to larger, typically finer grained systems on passive margins. Short length and time scales of structural variability, high-sediment supply, and complex drainages can cause significant stratigraphic heterogeneity. A principal risk in the exploration and production of hydrocarbon resources in such settings therefore lies in understanding and accurately predicting stratigraphic architecture. Outcrop analogues can bridge the gap between understanding core and seismic scale observations to address this, however for deep-water syn-rift systems are rarely well preserved. Here we integrate outcrop fieldwork with a fully cored, research borehole in deep-water syn-rift exposures in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Digital outcrop, palaeomagnetic, palynological, sedimentological and structural analyses form a multi-disciplinary, and multi-scale approach address the stratigraphic architecture and core expressions of a deep-water syn-rift depositional system through extensive exposures of Mid-Pleistocene syn-rift infill of a deep-water fault terrace. This study permits the development of new conceptual models for deep-water syn-rift stratigraphy providing qualitative and quantitative investigations of the nature, distribution and evolution of conglomerate rich lobes, mass transport complexes, and coarse grained channel fills in deep-water syn-rift settings

    Syn‐rift delta interfan successions: archives of sedimentation and basin evolution

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    Models that aim to capture the interactions between sediment supply, base level and tectonism recorded in fan delta successions in rift basins have not considered the stratigraphic archive preserved in interfan areas; yet interfan stratigraphy can provide a complementary record to the fan delta axes. The exhumed Early–Middle Pleistocene Kerinitis and Selinous fan deltas, in the hangingwall of the Pyrgaki–Mamoussia (P‐M) Fault, Corinth Rift, Greece, offer an ideal laboratory for the assessment of interfan architecture. Furthermore, using the geometry of adjacent present‐day fan deltas, interfans are classified into three end‐members. The classification is based on their lateral separation, which determines the degree of interfingering of topset, foreset and bottomset deposits. Qualitative (facies, stratal geometries, nature of key surfaces) and quantitative (stratigraphic thickness, bedding dip, palaeocurrents, breakpoint trajectories) data were collected in the field and from unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry‐based 3D outcrop models of the exhumed fan delta successions. The ancient Kerinitis–Selinous interfan architectures record: (a) initial westward progradation of the Kerinitis fan delta into the interfan area (Phase 1), (b) subsequent progradation of the Selinous fan delta into the interfan area and asymmetric growth of both fan deltas eastward (Phase 2), (c) stratal interfingering of foresets from both systems (Phase 3), and (d) relative base‐level fall, erosion and reworking of sediments into the interfan area (Phases 4 and 5). The Kerinitis–Selinous interfan evolution is linked to initial net subsidence of the P‐M Fault (Phases 1–3) and subsequent net uplift (Phases 4 and 5) resulting from a northward shift in fault activity. The interfan area provides a more complete stratigraphic record than the proximal axial areas of the fan deltas of the early stages of basin uplift, through higher preservation potential and protracted submergence. Therefore, for the most comprehensive insight into basin evolution, interfan analysis should be undertaken in concert with analysis of the fan delta axes

    Modelling syntectonic sedimentation: combining a discrete element model of tectonic. Deformation and process-based sedimentary Model in 3D.

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    This paper presents a new numerical program able to model syntectonic sedimentation. The new model combines a discrete element model of the tectonic deformation of a sedimentary cover and a process-based model of sedimentation in a single framework. The integration of these two methods allows us to include the simulation of both sedimentation and deformation processes in a single and more effective model. The paper describes briefly the antecedents of the program, Simsafadim-Clastic and a discrete element model, in order to introduce the methodology used to merge both programs to create the new code. To illustrate the operation and application of the program, analysis of the evolution of syntectonic geometries in an extensional environment and also associated with thrust fault propagation is undertaken. Using the new code, much more complex and realistic depositional structures can be simulated together with a more complex analysis of the evolution of the deformation within the sedimentary cover, which is seen to be affected by the presence of the new syntectonic sediments