5 research outputs found

    Energy in the German-Polish relationship: acknowledging controversies - pursuing shared interests

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    Germany and Poland stand as examples of the differing interests of individual European Union (EU) member states in energy policy. However, both countries are crucial for filling an Energy Union with substance. Yet, progress in bilateral engagement has stalled, as controversies, for example over Nord Stream II, threaten to distract attention from other issues and avenues for energy cooperation. While acknowledging disagreements, the focus should be on identifying areas of agreement and opportunities for cooperation. Although the difficulty of resolving highly controversial issues is not to be discounted, addressing them will require taking steps to establish trust while designing programs and projects to transform the idea of solidarity from rhetoric into reality. (author's abstract

    Between Reindustrialization and the Climate Change: Poland's Position Towards European Union's Climate Policy

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    W dobie 艣wiatowego spowolnienia gospodarczego oraz europejskiego kryzysu zad艂u偶eniowego coraz cz臋艣ciej pada pytanie o sens polityki klimatycznej UE. Wprowadzanie bowiem przez Uni臋 istotnych ogranicze艅 na wykorzystanie paliw kopalnych oraz emisj臋 CO2 wyra藕nie wp艂ywa na rozw贸j przemys艂u. Polska, kt贸ra od dawna opowiada si臋 za bardziej realistycznymi celami redukcyjnymi, ma teraz szans臋 istotnie wp艂yn膮膰 na debat臋 wewn膮trz UE w tej kwestii. W artykule przedstawiono g艂贸wne argumenty na rzecz zr贸wnowa偶onego stanowiska wobec dyskutowanej obecnie polityki klimatyczno-energetycznej UE po 2020 r.In the era of the global economic slowdown and the European financial crisis, the sense of the EU climate policy has been questioned increasingly. New restrictions on the use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions, introduced by the EU, heavily affect the development of the European industry. Poland, which has long been advocating more realistic reduction targets, now has a chance to significantly influence the debate within the EU on this issue. The article presents main arguments in favour of a well-balanced approach towards the EU climate and energy policy after 2020