7 research outputs found


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    The research conducted during the period of March to October 2019, at the Research and Development Station forMeadows, Vaslui (46°40'-36°10' north latitude and 27°44'-20°40' east longitude) followed the influence of fertilization and the distance between rows on the plants height (cm), shoots number (shoots·m-2), inflorescences number (inflorescences·m-2), and seeds production (kg·ha-1) at sainfoin (OnobrychisviciifoliaScop.) VLAMAR variety, in the first year of vegetation.The organized experience was bifactorial, 3x5 type, placed according to the method of subdivided plots, with the plot harvestable area of 13.5 m2 (1.5 m x 9 m), in three replications, and the factors studied were: A - the distance between rows with three graduations (a1 - 25 cm, a2 - 37.5 cm and a3 - 50 cm) and B - fertilization with five graduations (b1 - unfertilized, b2 - N50P50, b3 - N50P50K50, b4 - N100P100K100 and b5 - cow manure 20 Mg·ha-1). Following the study, it was found that by applying mineral or organic fertilizers and by sowing at smaller distances between rows higher plants were obtained, with a higher number of shoots·m2.The seed production varied between 91.2 kg·ha-1 for the variant sown at a distance of 50 cm between rows, unfertilized and 324.1 kg·ha-1 for the variant sown at a distance of 25 cm between rows, fertilized with N100P100K100

    Research on the improvement of some technological parameters for Bromus inermis Leyss. seed crops

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    The fodder base represents the most significant means of increasing economic efficiency in the livestock sector. For this, permanent and sown meadows are an important source of fodder. The establishment of temporary meadows on the lands of steppe and forest-steppe areas, poorly productive, with erosion problems, the improvement of permanent meadows by overseeding, the reforestation of slopes, slopes, irrigation canals, requires the production of large quantities of perennial grass seeds, the most important species being Bromus inermis Leyss. The production of seeds for these species is done in separate cultures, according to a specific technology. Through the research carried out within the Research - Development Station for Meadows, Vaslui, was studied the influence of two factors, respectively, the distance between the rows and fertilization with mineral fertilizers on the behavior of the species Bromus inermis Leyss., in the first year of vegetation, being analyzed the ability of installation of the species and some morphoproductive elements

    Acute Toxicity and Pharmacokinetic Profile of an EU-GMP-Certified Cannabis sativa L. in Rodents

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    The conundrum of Cannabis sativa’s applications for therapeutical purposes is set apart by the hundreds of known and commercially available strains, the social, cultural and historical context, and the legalization of its use for medical purposes in various jurisdictions around the globe. In an era where targeted therapies are continuously being developed and have become the norm, it is imperative to conduct standardized, controlled studies on strains currently cultivated under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification, a standard that guarantees the quality requirements for modern medical and therapeutic use. Thus, the aim of our study is to evaluate the acute toxicity of a 15.6% THC: <1% CBD, EU-GMP certified, Cannabis sativa L. in rodents, following the OECD acute oral toxicity guidelines, and to provide an overview of its pharmacokinetic profile. Groups of healthy female Sprague-Dawley rats were treated orally with a stepwise incremental dose, each step using three animals. The absence or presence of plant-induced mortality in rats dosed at one step determined the next step. For the EU GMP-certified Cannabis sativa L. investigated, we determined an oral LD50 value of over 5000 mg/kg in rats and a human equivalent oral dose of ≈806.45 mg/kg. Additionally, no significant clinical signs of toxicity or gross pathological findings were observed. According to our data, the toxicology, safety and pharmacokinetic profile of the tested EU-GMP-certified Cannabis sativa L. support further investigations through efficacy and chronic toxicity studies in preparation for potential future clinical applications and especially for the treatment of chronic pain

    Gedanken zu den Krummessern der Bronzezeit in Muntenien und Oltenien (Glina-, Tei- und Verbicioara-Kultur)

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    Die Verfasser analysieren die steinernen Krummesser der bronzezeitlichen Glina-, Tei-und Verbicioara-Kultur aus Muntenien und Oltenien. Es werden ihr Fundort und ihre Fundbedingungen, die Form, der Rohstoff (Steinart) aus dem sie gearbeitet wurden und ihre Funktionalität besprochen.The authors analyze the curved stone knives of the Glina, Tei and Verbicioara cultures from Muntenia and Oltenia. The place and context of discovery, the raw material, shape and function of the artifacts are discussed here.Schuster Cristian, Mecu Laurentiu, Gavrilă Elena. Gedanken zu den Krummessern der Bronzezeit in Muntenien und Oltenien (Glina-, Tei- und Verbicioara-Kultur) . In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 15, Numéro 2, 2013. pp. 29-40

    Modern and Dedicated Methods for Producing Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Layers in Sensing Applications

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    Molecular imprinting (MI) is the most available and known method to produce artificial recognition sites, similar to antibodies, inside or at the surface of a polymeric material. For this reason, scholars all over the world have found MI appealing, thus developing, in this past period, various types of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) that can be applied to a wide range of applications, including catalysis, separation sciences and monitoring/diagnostic devices for chemicals, biochemicals and pharmaceuticals. For instance, the advantages brought by the use of MIPs in the sensing and analytics field refer to higher selectivity, sensitivity and low detection limits, but also to higher chemical and thermal stability as well as reusability. In light of recent literature findings, this review presents both modern and dedicated methods applied to produce MIP layers that can be integrated with existent detection systems. In this respect, the following MI methods to produce sensing layers are presented and discussed: surface polymerization, electropolymerization, sol&ndash;gel derived techniques, phase inversionand deposition of electroactive pastes/inks that include MIP particles

    Eco&ndash;Friendly Peelable Active Nanocomposite Films Designed for Biological and Chemical Warfare Agents Decontamination

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    In the context of imminent threats concerning biological and chemical warfare agents, the aim of this study was the development of a new method for biological and chemical decontamination, employing non-toxic, film-forming, water-based biodegradable solutions, using a nano sized reagent together with bentonite as trapping agents for the biological and chemical contaminants. Bentonite-supported nanoparticles of Cu, TiO2, and Ag were successfully synthesized and dispersed in a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/glycerol (GLY) aqueous solution. The decontamination effectiveness of the proposed solutions was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques on various micro-organisms, with sulfur mustard (HD) and dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) as contaminants. The results indicate that the peelable active nanocomposite films can be successfully used on contaminated surfaces to neutralize and entrap the hazardous materials and their degradation products. Mechanical and thermal characterization of the polymeric films was also performed to validate the decontamination solution&rsquo;s potential as peelable-film generating materials. The removal efficacy from the contaminated surfaces for the tested micro-organisms varied between 93% and 97%, while for the chemical agent HD, the highest decontamination factor obtained was 90.89%. DMMP was almost completely removed from the contaminated surfaces, and a decontamination factor of 99.97% was obtained

    Bucureşti – centrul istoric. Campania 2007. Raport preliminar privind cercetările arheologice efectuate pe strada Smârdan / Bucarest – Historical Center. Archaeological researches in Smârdan Street

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    During the XVII century the historical documents mentioned a „ Lane going from the Princely Court towards the Greek’s Church’ while later on, until the second half of the XIX century the street was known as the German Lane. It acquired the present day name with the end of the Independence War in 1878. The 2007 excavations were the first ones focusing on the entire street. No archaeological remains were identified on the segment stretching from Lipscani St to Sf. Dumitru St. Foundations of brick constructions were exposed throughout the next segment, from Sf. Dumitru St. to Şelari St. Several fragments of wall foundations were observed at street numbers 30, 37, 39 and 41 and while dismanteling the sidewalk other short wall remains were exposed at street numbers 14, 26, 27, 28, 29. The excavations also uncovered the outlines of four XIX century constructions and one from the XVIII century. Other features included two garbage pits and remains of the old street paved with timber. The trench at no. 41 also yielded an area paved with small river boulders. A large number of pot sherds was recovered, resulted from various pottery types and also a large range of glass items. The majority was found within the cultural layer and only few from closed complexes such as pits or cellars. The ceramics was very fragmented, dating mostly from the XVII– XIX centuries. A major drawback constitutes the fact that this period is at the confluence between Late Medieval archaeology and ethnography, preventing a more refined chronology. The pottery material was grouped in two – the XVI– XVII centuries and the XVIII– XIX centuries, hoping that further publications will be more detailed. Mixed with the above mentioned fragments, isolated sherds, typical for the Dridu culture (X century) also occurred, in the soil resulted while digging the wall foundations.În documentele de secol XVII strada Smârdan este menţionată drept „ Uliţa care merge de la Curtea Domnească spre biserica Grecilor”, pentru ca mai târziu, până în a doua jumătate a secolului XIX să fie cunoscută drept „ Uliţa nemţească”. Numele actual a fost adoptat în 1878, după sfârşitul războiului de Independenţă. Cercetările arheologice din 2007 sunt primele care se ocupă de studiul întregii străzi în Bucureştiul medieval. Pe tronsonul dintre străzile Lipscani şi Sf. Dumitru nu au apărut materiale arheologice. Între Sf. Dumitru şi intersecţia cu str. Şelari au fost identificate fundaţii de construcţii şi ziduri atât în stradă, cât şi sub trotuar. Au fost cercetate, parţial, patru construcţii de secol XIX, una din secolul XVIII, două gropi menajere (sec XVIII), vechile podiri de lemn ale străzii şi un fragment de pavaj stradal din piatră de râu (sec XVIII– XIX). A fost recuperat un număr important de fragmente provenind de la diverse tipuri ceramice şi obiecte din sticlă. Datarea pieselor, majoritatea provenind din strat, este cuprinsă între secolele XVII– XIX. Foarte puţine dintre ele au apărut în complexe închise (gropi, pivniţe) care ar fi permis o încadrare cronologică mai clară. Materialele sunt în stare fragmentară, la foarte puţine fiind posibilă reconstituirea unui profil complet. Un alt handicap major îl reprezintă perioada de provenienţă a majorităţii materialelor (sec. XVIII– XIX) aflată la confluenţa între arheologia medievală târzie şi etnografie. Studiul materialului ceramic se constituie astfel într-o prezentare succintă a descoperirilor, grupate în sec. XVI– XVII, respectiv XVIII– XIX cu speranţa că în viitor ele vor beneficia de un studiu mai amplu. Alături de ceramica menţionată au fost descoperite şi fragmente ceramice izolate specifice culturii Dridu, databile în secolul X, antrenate de săpăturile pentru fundaţiile locuinţelor din Evul Mediu.Mănucu-Adameşteanu Gheorghe, Măgureanu Andrei, Panait Panait I., Boroneanţ Adina, Gavrilă Elena, Popescu Raluca-Iuliana, Rădulescu Maria-Venera, Toderaş Meda, Velter Ana-Maria, Boglárka Tóth, Botár István. Bucureşti – centrul istoric. Campania 2007. Raport preliminar privind cercetările arheologice efectuate pe strada Smârdan / Bucarest – Historical Center. Archaeological researches in Smârdan Street. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°3 2008. 2007. pp. 163-223