77 research outputs found

    Oxidative stress biomarkers and metal concentrations in selected tissues of grass snake (Natrix natrix) and dice snake (Natrix tessellata) from Obedska bara and Pančevački rit

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    EkotoksikoloÅ”ka istraživanja su značajna zbog činjenice da mogu imatipraktičnu primenu u zaÅ”titi životne sredine. Semiakvatične vrste zmija konstantno suizložene dejstvu kompleksa različitih ekoloÅ”kih faktora kako u vodenoj tako i uterestričnoj sredini. Zmije su dugoživeći organizmi, nalaze se na vrhu lanca ishrane,imaju manji radijus kretanja u odnosu na većinu ptica i sisara i to ih čini idealnim modelorganizmima za praćenje efekta izloženosti različitim vrstama ksenobiotika u prirodnimuslovima.Metali predstavljaju najrasprostranjeniju grupu zagađivača. Zbog svojetoksičnosti, biomagnifikacije duž lanca ishrane, kao i bioloÅ”kih efekata koje izazivajupredstavljaju neizostavnu kariku u ekotoksikoloÅ”kim istraživanjima.Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita sezonska dinamika biomarkeraoksidacionog stresa, uticaj metala prisutnih u životnoj sredini kao i njihovabioakumulacija u nekim tkivima Natrix natrix (belouÅ”ka) i Natrix tessellata (ribarica) sapodručja Specijalnog rezervata prirode Obedska bara i industrijske zone Pančevački rit,u periodu pre i posle hibernacije. U krvi, jetri, bubregu, miÅ”iću i masnom tkivu suanalizirane enzimske komponente sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja: aktivnostukupne, mangan i bakar cink sadržavajuće superoksid-dismutaze (Uk SOD, Mn SOD,CuZn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px) i glutation-reduktaze(GR). Ispitivane su i neenzimske komponente sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja:koncentracija glutationa (GSH) i slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa (SH). Takođe suanalizirani: biohemijski pokazatelj oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja (TBARS), enzim faze Ibiotransformacije: citohrom P4501A (CYP1A), enzim faze II biotransformacije:glutation-S-transferaza (GST), biomarkeri izloženosti metalima (metalotioneini) ibiomarker neurotoksičnosti (ChE). U vodi i tkivima (jetri i miÅ”iću) analizirani su alkalni(Li, K) zemnoalkalni (Ba, Ca, Mg), prelazni (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn), slabi(Al, Pb) metali kao i metaloid As...Ecotoxicological studies are important due to the fact they can have a practicalapplication in environmental protection. Semiaquatic snakes are continuously exposedto various complex environmental factors both in aquatic and terrestrial environment.They are long-living organisms, on the top of the food chain, with smaller movementradius compared to most birds and mammals, which makes them ideal model organismsfor monitoring effects of exposure to different types of xenobiotics in naturalconditions.Metals are the most widespread group of pollutants. Due to their toxicity,biomagnification along the food chain, as well as biological effects they cause, theyrepresent indispensable link in ecotoxicological research.The aim of this doctoral thesis was to examine seasonal dynamics of oxidativestress biomarkers, the impact of metals present in the environment, as well as theirbioaccumulation in some tissues of Natrix natrix (Grass snake) and Natrix tessellata(Dice snake) from Special Nature Reserve sites, Obedska bara and Pančevački rit,industrial zone, for periods before and after hibernation. In blood, liver, kidney, muscleand adipose tissue, enzyme components of system protection against oxidative damagewere analyzed: activities of total, manganese and copper zinc superoxide dismutase (TotSOD, Mn SOD, CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) andglutathione reductase (GR), non-enzymatic components of system protection againstoxidative damage: concentration of glutathione (GSH) and free sulfhydryl groups (SH),biochemical indicator of oxidative damage (TBARS), phase I biotransformationenzyme: cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A), phase II biotransformation enzyme: glutathione-S-transferase (GST), biomarkers of exposure to metals, metallothionein and activity ofcholinesterase (ChE), neurotoxicity biomarker.In water, liver and muscle tissues, alkaline (Li, K), alkaline earth metal (Ba, Ca,Mg), transient (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn), weak (Al, Pb ) metals andmetalloid As were analyzed..

    Oxidative stress biomarkers and metal concentrations in selected tissues of grass snake (Natrix natrix) and dice snake (Natrix tessellata) from Obedska bara and Pančevački rit

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    EkotoksikoloÅ”ka istraživanja su značajna zbog činjenice da mogu imatipraktičnu primenu u zaÅ”titi životne sredine. Semiakvatične vrste zmija konstantno suizložene dejstvu kompleksa različitih ekoloÅ”kih faktora kako u vodenoj tako i uterestričnoj sredini. Zmije su dugoživeći organizmi, nalaze se na vrhu lanca ishrane,imaju manji radijus kretanja u odnosu na većinu ptica i sisara i to ih čini idealnim modelorganizmima za praćenje efekta izloženosti različitim vrstama ksenobiotika u prirodnimuslovima.Metali predstavljaju najrasprostranjeniju grupu zagađivača. Zbog svojetoksičnosti, biomagnifikacije duž lanca ishrane, kao i bioloÅ”kih efekata koje izazivajupredstavljaju neizostavnu kariku u ekotoksikoloÅ”kim istraživanjima.Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita sezonska dinamika biomarkeraoksidacionog stresa, uticaj metala prisutnih u životnoj sredini kao i njihovabioakumulacija u nekim tkivima Natrix natrix (belouÅ”ka) i Natrix tessellata (ribarica) sapodručja Specijalnog rezervata prirode Obedska bara i industrijske zone Pančevački rit,u periodu pre i posle hibernacije. U krvi, jetri, bubregu, miÅ”iću i masnom tkivu suanalizirane enzimske komponente sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja: aktivnostukupne, mangan i bakar cink sadržavajuće superoksid-dismutaze (Uk SOD, Mn SOD,CuZn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px) i glutation-reduktaze(GR). Ispitivane su i neenzimske komponente sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja:koncentracija glutationa (GSH) i slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa (SH). Takođe suanalizirani: biohemijski pokazatelj oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja (TBARS), enzim faze Ibiotransformacije: citohrom P4501A (CYP1A), enzim faze II biotransformacije:glutation-S-transferaza (GST), biomarkeri izloženosti metalima (metalotioneini) ibiomarker neurotoksičnosti (ChE). U vodi i tkivima (jetri i miÅ”iću) analizirani su alkalni(Li, K) zemnoalkalni (Ba, Ca, Mg), prelazni (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn), slabi(Al, Pb) metali kao i metaloid As...Ecotoxicological studies are important due to the fact they can have a practicalapplication in environmental protection. Semiaquatic snakes are continuously exposedto various complex environmental factors both in aquatic and terrestrial environment.They are long-living organisms, on the top of the food chain, with smaller movementradius compared to most birds and mammals, which makes them ideal model organismsfor monitoring effects of exposure to different types of xenobiotics in naturalconditions.Metals are the most widespread group of pollutants. Due to their toxicity,biomagnification along the food chain, as well as biological effects they cause, theyrepresent indispensable link in ecotoxicological research.The aim of this doctoral thesis was to examine seasonal dynamics of oxidativestress biomarkers, the impact of metals present in the environment, as well as theirbioaccumulation in some tissues of Natrix natrix (Grass snake) and Natrix tessellata(Dice snake) from Special Nature Reserve sites, Obedska bara and Pančevački rit,industrial zone, for periods before and after hibernation. In blood, liver, kidney, muscleand adipose tissue, enzyme components of system protection against oxidative damagewere analyzed: activities of total, manganese and copper zinc superoxide dismutase (TotSOD, Mn SOD, CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) andglutathione reductase (GR), non-enzymatic components of system protection againstoxidative damage: concentration of glutathione (GSH) and free sulfhydryl groups (SH),biochemical indicator of oxidative damage (TBARS), phase I biotransformationenzyme: cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A), phase II biotransformation enzyme: glutathione-S-transferase (GST), biomarkers of exposure to metals, metallothionein and activity ofcholinesterase (ChE), neurotoxicity biomarker.In water, liver and muscle tissues, alkaline (Li, K), alkaline earth metal (Ba, Ca,Mg), transient (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn), weak (Al, Pb ) metals andmetalloid As were analyzed..

    Retroperitoneal lymphangioma presenting as acute abdomen: A case report

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    Cilj: Prikazati pedijatrijskog bolesnika s retroperitonealnim limfangiomom koji se prezentirao kao akutni abdomen. Prikaz slučaja: DvanaestogodiÅ”nji dječak hospitaliziran je zbog akutnih grčevitih bolova u trbuhu praćenih povraćanjem i poviÅ”enim laboratorijskim upalnim parametrima. Zbog sumnje na akutni apendicitis učinjena je hitna klasična apendektomija. Drugog postoperativnog dana nastupilo je pogorÅ”anje općeg stanja s febrilitetom i difuznim abdominalnim bolovima. Slikovnim pretragama abdomena prikazana je pseudocistična septirana tvorba koja je sugerirala limfangiom. Po provedenoj energičnoj potpornoj terapiji i poboljÅ”anju općeg stanja učinjena je kompletna kirurÅ”ka resekcija tumora. Postoperativni tijek protekao je uredno. PatohistoloÅ”ki nalaz potvrdio je dijagnozu limfangioma. Å est mjeseci nakon operativnog zahvata dječak je bez tegoba s urednim kliničkim i ultrazvučnim nalazom. Zaključak: Akutni abdomen je hitno kirurÅ”ko stanje vrlo različite etiologije, koje posebice u djece zahtjeva pažljiv pristup. U diferencijalnoj dijagnozi akutnog abdomena treba razmiÅ”ljati i o limfangiomu. Detaljna anamneza, pažljiv klinički pregled, radioloÅ”ka i laboratorijska obrada značajno utječu na izbor terapije i prognozu bolesti.Aim: To report a case of a pediatric patient with acute abdomen due to a retroperitoneal lymphangioma. Case report: A 12-year old boy was admitted to the hospital due to acute spasmodic abdominal pain, accompanied by vomiting and raised inflammatory markers. A classical appendectomy was performed due to clinical suspicion of appendicitis. On the second post-operative day, the general condition deteriorated, with fever and diffuse abdominal pain. Abdominal imaging studies demonstrated a pseudocystic septic formation suggestive of lymphangioma. Following extensive supportive therapy and improvement of general condition, the tumor was completely surgically resected. The postoperative course was uneventful. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of lymphangioma. Six months after the surgery, the boy is doing well and his clinical and ultrasound follow-up examinations are normal. Conclusion: Acute abdomen is a surgical emergency with many possible causes, which requires a careful approach regarding the specifics of the pediatric population. Whilst creating a differential diagnosis, lymphangioma should be considered. Detailed history, careful physical examination and radiological investigations are of great impact on the choice of treatment and the prognosis of the disease

    Antioxidant Response in Gills of Eurasian Perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) to Cyanobacterial Bloom Exposure in the Gruža Reservoir

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    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of an Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir on the antioxidant parameters measured in the gill cells of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Effects of the bloom were evaluated through copper, zinc and manganese containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD and MnSOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and biotransformation phase II enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities and glutathione (GSH) and sulfydryl (ā€“SH) groups concentrations. The activities of CuZn SOD and Mn SOD decreased during the cyanobacterial bloom compared to the period before the bloom. The opposite trend was observed for CAT and GSH-Px activities that increased. During the bloom GR and GST activities and GSH concentration decreased significantly. CuZn SOD, GR and GST activities are detected as the most important parameters for individual variations. Our results indicated that an A. flos-aquae bloom promotes oxidative stress in the gills of P. fluviatilis. The investigated parameters could be used in environmental risk assessment procedures to monitor the effects of A. flos-aquae blooms on fish. Observed changes in the antioxidant parameters in P. fluviatilis gills make them potential biomarkers in the research of ecological risk situations in freshwater ecosystems with frequent cyanobacterial blooms.Water Research and Management (2016), 6(2): 19-2

    Seasonal changes in oxidative stress biomarkers of the snail Viviparus acerosus from the Velika Morava River, Serbia

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    The river snail (Viviparus acerosus) from the Velika Morava River, Serbia was chosen in our study in order to determine seasonal changes in oxidative stress biomarkers between July (summer) and September (autumn). The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and the phase II biotransformation enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST), as well as the concentration of total glutathione (GSH), were examined in the whole body of the river snails. The obtained results show significantly higher activities of CAT, GSH-Px, GR and biotransformation phase II enzyme GST in September compared to July, while the GSH concentration was lower. There was no general trend in the seasonal changes in the activity of SOD. The presented data show that animals in their natural environment are exposed to constant fluctuations of environmental conditions that could cause antioxidants to exhibit seasonal variations. This fact should be considered as an important variable in the interpretation of results in biomonitoring studies.Projekat ministarstva br. 173041 i br. 17302

    Five years study of seasonal variations of milk composition

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    Serbia has the largest dairy sector in the Balkan region, producing about 1.55 million tons of milk per year. However, farms are still very small and fragmented, with 600,000 cows on 220,000 farms, giving an average herd size of 2.7 animals. The composition of cows' milk is of the greatest importance for the dairy industry. Compositional parameters were of interest from a nutritive and a technological point of view. In this study, 5945 milk samples were collected in Srem district in Vojvodina and analysed during 5 years (2010-2014) for milk fat, protein and non fat dry matter contents. Statistical analysis and estimates of the significance of the variation due to month and season was performed with the Kruscal-Wallis test. The mean milk fat content was 3.85%, the protein content 3.23% and non fat dry matter 8.46%. All investigated parameters showed significant seasonal variation (p<0.01). As expected, all three parameters were the lowest during summer months while the highest values were found during winter. Factors influencing the composition of milk are numerous including cows breed, feeding systems, milking frequency and milking systems. Compared with a previous investigation (1976) of milk composition in same part of country, milk fat and non fat dry matter contents increased, while protein content stayed constant. Data from developed countries indicated a higher fat and protein contents meaning that there is space for improvement of milk quality in our country

    The Effect of Shelter on Oxidative Stress and Aggressive Behavior in Crested Newt Larvae (Triturus spp.)

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    Shelters are important for animal survival. Provision of adequate hiding places allow animals to express their natural sheltering behavior and it can have different positive effects on cortisol levels, physiological processes and mental performance. Although the absence of a refuge activates some stress response, its effect on oxidative stress has not been adequately examined. This study investigated whether the presence/absence of a shelter modifies the oxidative status (the antioxidant system and oxidative damage) and aggressive behavior of crested newt larvae (Triturus macedonicus and its hybrid with T. ivanbureschi). Our results show that individuals reared with shelters had lower values of the tested antioxidant parameters (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase and glutathione), indicating a lower production of reactive species than individuals reared without shelter. The same pattern was observed in both T. macedonicus and its hybrid. Contrary to the activation of some physiological pathways, shelter availability did not significantly affect the rate of intraspecific aggressive behavior. The physiological benefits of shelter use can be manifested as a lower requirement for investment in the energy necessary for the maintenance of the upregulated antioxidant defenses, activation of repair systems and synthesis of endogenous antioxidants. This study highlights the importance of shelter provision, which may be valuable in habitat restoration and animal conservation studies

    Superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in the digestive gland and gills of the freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum from the Sava river

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    We investigated the potential use of the antioxidant defense enzymes in freshwater mussel (Unio pictorum) as biomarkers of oxidative stress. The enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and catalase (CAT, EC, total protein concentration in addition to protein and SOD electrophoretic profiles were examined in the digestive gland and gills of the freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum at two localities on the River Sava. The differences between SOD and CAT activities in examined tissues of freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum reflect dissimilar metabolic and antioxidative activities and this can be the result of both tissue or locality specificities and diverse ecophysiological influences on the organism.Projekat ministarstva br. 173041
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