4 research outputs found

    The efficiency of the Australian foreign exchange market : a cointegration-based approach

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    Deep phenotyping of post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

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    Abstract Post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (PI-ME/CFS) is a disabling disorder, yet the clinical phenotype is poorly defined, the pathophysiology is unknown, and no disease-modifying treatments are available. We used rigorous criteria to recruit PI-ME/CFS participants with matched controls to conduct deep phenotyping. Among the many physical and cognitive complaints, one defining feature of PI-ME/CFS was an alteration of effort preference, rather than physical or central fatigue, due to dysfunction of integrative brain regions potentially associated with central catechol pathway dysregulation, with consequences on autonomic functioning and physical conditioning. Immune profiling suggested chronic antigenic stimulation with increase in naïve and decrease in switched memory B-cells. Alterations in gene expression profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and metabolic pathways were consistent with cellular phenotypic studies and demonstrated differences according to sex. Together these clinical abnormalities and biomarker differences provide unique insight into the underlying pathophysiology of PI-ME/CFS, which may guide future intervention

    PHarmacist Avoidance or Reductions in Medical Costs in Patients Presenting the EMergency Department: PHARM-EM Study

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    Objectives:. To comprehensively classify interventions performed by emergency medicine clinical pharmacists and quantify cost avoidance generated through their accepted interventions. Design:. A multicenter, prospective, observational study was performed between August 2018 and January 2019. Setting:. Community and academic hospitals in the United States. Participants:. Emergency medicine clinical pharmacists. Interventions:. Recommendations classified into one of 38 intervention categories associated with cost avoidance. Measurements and Main Results:. Eighty-eight emergency medicine pharmacists at 49 centers performed 13,984 interventions during 917 shifts that were accepted on 8,602 patients and generated 7,531,862ofcostavoidance.Thequantityofacceptedinterventionsandcostavoidancegeneratedinsixestablishedcategorieswereasfollows:adversedrugeventprevention(1,631interventions;7,531,862 of cost avoidance. The quantity of accepted interventions and cost avoidance generated in six established categories were as follows: adverse drug event prevention (1,631 interventions; 2,225,049 cost avoidance), resource utilization (628; 310,582),individualizationofpatientcare(6,122;310,582), individualization of patient care (6,122; 1,787,170), prophylaxis (24; 22,804),hands−oncare(3,533;22,804), hands-on care (3,533; 2,836,811), and administrative/supportive tasks (2,046; 342,881).Meancostavoidancewas342,881). Mean cost avoidance was 538.61 per intervention, 875.60perpatient,and875.60 per patient, and 8,213.59 per emergency medicine pharmacist shift. The annualized cost avoidance from an emergency medicine pharmacist was 1,971,262.Themonetarycostavoidancetopharmacistsalaryratiowasbetween1,971,262. The monetary cost avoidance to pharmacist salary ratio was between 1.4:1 and 10.6:1.Conclusions:.Pharmacistinvolvementinthecareofpatientspresentingtotheemergencydepartmentresultsinsignificantavoidanceofhealthcarecosts,particularlyintheareasofhands−oncareandadversedrugeventprevention.Thepotentialmonetarybenefit−to−costratioforemergencymedicinepharmacistsisbetween10.6:1. Conclusions:. Pharmacist involvement in the care of patients presenting to the emergency department results in significant avoidance of healthcare costs, particularly in the areas of hands-on care and adverse drug event prevention. The potential monetary benefit-to-cost ratio for emergency medicine pharmacists is between 1.4:1 and $10.6:1