379 research outputs found

    Fiscal Federalism, discipline and selection adverse in the EU : Lessons from a theoretical model

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    What is the optimal wat to stabilize shocks and to take care of fiscal discipline in a fiscal union ? Among the various possible ways, this paper focuses on an inter-countries insurance scheme conditioned by the national preference for the fiscal discipline of each government. We will show that the insurance scheme improves significantly the union\'s social welfare because it enables to cover deviations of the output gap and correct national preferences.Inter-countries insurance ; stabilization ; fiscal discipline ; EU ; fiscal federalism ; selection adverse

    Fiscal federalism, discipline and selection adverse in the EU : Lessons from a theoretical model

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    What is the optimal wat to stabilize shocks and to take care of fiscal discipline in a fiscal union ? Among the various possible ways, this paper focuses on an inter-countries insurance scheme conditioned by the national preference for the fiscal discipline of each government. We will show that the insurance scheme improves significantly the union's social welfare because it enables to cover deviations of the output gap and correct national preferences.

    Fiscal federalism, discipline and selection adverse in the EU : Lessons from a theoretical model

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    What is the optimal way to stabilize shocks and to take care of fiscal discipline in a fiscal union ? Among the various possible ways, this paper focuses on an inter-countries insurance scheme conditioned by the national preference for fiscal discipline of each government. We will show that the insurance scheme improves significantly the union's social welfare because it enables to cover deviations of the output gap and correct national preferences.

    Non-Community spending is a little known, but important part of Europe’s financial resources

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    Following lengthy negotiations earlier this year, the EU’s member states eventually agreed on the content of the 2014-2020 EU budget. AmĂ©lie Barbier-Gauchard writes that in addition to the budget, the EU’s member states also fund a number of projects and initiatives through ‘non-Community European spending’. This form of public spending involves EU members co-operating outside of the EU’s institutions, often through intergovernmental organisations set up independently by European countries. She notes that non-Community spending allows EU countries to pursue European integration under their own initiative, without waiting for a consensus between all 28 member states

    Concurrence fiscale et redistribution dans l'UEM : l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'une intervention supra-nationale

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    Dans l'UEM, la concurrence fiscale qui sĂ©vit fait peser un risque non nĂ©gligeable sur l'ampleur des mesures redistributives mises en oeuvre dans chaque pays. A partir d'un modĂšle thĂ©orique d'union Ă  deux pays au sein de laquelle le travail qualifiĂ© et le capital physique peuvent se dĂ©placer entre les pays, nous Ă©tudions l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'une intervention d'un gouvernement supra-national chargĂ© de corriger les externalitĂ©s fiscales qui naissent de cette Ă©troite relation entre les pays membres de l'union afin de lutter contre les effets "dommageables" de la concurrence fiscale. Nous montrons alors que le jeu non coopĂ©ratif entre les gouvernements nationaux conduit Ă  un biais de redistribution en faveur des travailleurs qualifiĂ©s. Dans ces conditions, en taxant les services publics offerts par chaque gouvernement, le gouvernement central peut modifier l'affectation des budgets nationaux opĂ©rĂ©e dans chaque paysConcurrence fiscale ; redistribution ; fĂ©dĂ©ralisme budgĂ©taire ; mobilitĂ© ; interactions stratĂ©giques

    The euro crisis: Where do we stand?

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    Les questions budgétaires dans l'Union européenne : enjeux et perspectives du fédéralisme budgétaire

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    Longtemps nĂ©gligĂ©es et jamais vraiment traitĂ©es, les questions budgĂ©taires figurent parmi les dossiers les plus sensibles de la construction europĂ©enne. La situation budgĂ©taire actuelle apparaĂźt assez atypique ce qui soulĂšve de nombreuses questions et incertitudes pour l'avenir. L'objectif de cet article est de comparer le fonctionnement institutionnel de l'UE au regard de celui d'un certain nombre de fĂ©dĂ©rations budgĂ©taires parmi lesquelles les Etats-Unis, le Canada et la Suisse afin d'en tirer des enseignements sur l'intĂ©rĂȘt ou non de la mise en place d'une structure budgĂ©taire fĂ©dĂ©rale dans l'UE. Nous montrons alors que le fĂ©dĂ©ralisme budgĂ©taire se prĂ©sente comme une organisation institutionnelle trĂšs flexible susceptible d'apporter un certain nombre d'Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse aux questions budgĂ©taires laissĂ©es en suspens dans l'UE.Fiscal federalism ; intergouvernmental relations ; fiscal policy ; United States ; Canada ; Switzerland


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    This study had for purpose to evaluate the impact of using a different timing of trunk extension on performance parameters and on core stability during ergometer rowing. 16 expert rowers took part in this study. Each subject rowed with 3 different trunk extension timings on a RowPerfect 3. An early trunk extension technique was detrimental to performance and induced more activity of trunk extensors. The usual legs-trunk-arms kinematics sequence seems to be more performant despite not being the least demanding on core stability

    Gardeurs de dindons, a Palencia [Material grĂĄfico]

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn. ConsejerĂ­a de Cultura y Turismo, 2010-201


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of technical signature parameters on rowing ergometer performance defined as power mean handle. 20 high levels rowers were evaluated at their competitive stroke rate on a RowPerfect 3 ergometer. Linear-mixed model analyses revealed that mean power handle was influenced by the power produced by the legs, trunk and arms during the drive phase. The ability to produce the highest relative maximal power throughout the drive phase, whatever its peak value, was important to improve segments powers. Finally, trunk power was enhanced by an earlier peak power of the trunk, and higher trunk and pelvis ranges of motion. These technical elements are important to consider for rowing performance
