242 research outputs found

    On Performative Philosophy – 10 impulses for discussion from [soundcheck philosophie]

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    Since 2011, the philosophy-performance festival, [soundcheck philosophie] has been gathering protagonists in German-speaking countries, who seek and intend to cultivate a certain practice in philosophy. This practice takes philosophy - focussing not only on written texts but also on the fundamental oral situations that take place within pilosophy - and presents it artistically and/or through media. In this context. The term ‘Performative Philosophy’ is meant as a working concept for finding criteria and developing contemporary expressions and forms of doing pilosophy. The [soundcheck philosophie] festival and the association responsible for it, Expedition Philosophie / Internationale Gesellschaft für Performative Philosophie, are understood as a forum for discourse. The 10 theses at the end of this article are intended to initiate discussion. Informed by the well-known yet unique structure of an oral conversation, where a lot of things are mentioned out of context and the topic often remains to be discovered, we would also like to contribute impulses for conversation. With this in mind, we have incorporated 10 conversational impulses that answer, tell, ask, state, chat, riddle and reflect about the undertaking of the project of Performative Philosophy

    Metal para Zambujal: reconstrucción experimental de una tecnología de 5.000 años

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    A series of 17 crucible smelting experiments were carried out as part of an interdisciplinary research project initiated to understand the innovation of copper metallurgy in the central and southern Portuguese Copper Age. The reconstructed smelting technology was based on information gathered from archaeological contexts, with emphasis on artifacts found at Zambujal and other sites in the Portuguese Estremadura, and ores collected from five different ore deposits in Portugal. Both the ore and smelting products were analysed using mineralogical and geochemical analyses, and compared with archaeological remains. Results of this comparative study are presented, and in light of technological observations made during the experiments, the role of copper production within the Chalcolithic society in southern and central Portugal is also discussed.Una serie de 17 experimentos de fundición fueron llevados a cabo como parte de un proyecto de investigación interdisciplinar, que fue iniciado con el propósito de entender las innovaciones en el ámbito de la metalurgia del cobre que se dieron en el centro y el sur de Portugal durante la Edad de Cobre. La tecnología de fundición utilizada en los experimentos fue recreada conforme a información recopilada y a artefactos encontrados en sitios arqueológicos, principalmente en Zambujal y otros lugares pertenecientes a la Estremadura Portuguesa. Asimismo, los minerales de cobre usados durante la fase experimental fueron recolectados en cinco yacimientos minerales de Portugal. El mineral y los productos finales del proceso de fundición fueron analizados mineralógica y geoquímicamente, para después ser comparados con el resto de las muestras arqueológicas. En el presente documento se discuten los resultados del estudio comparativo. Por último, se presenta una discusión del papel que tiene la producción de cobre en la sociedad del centro y del sur de Portugal durante el Calcolítico, basado en observaciones realizadas durante los experimentos

    Period maps and Torelli results for marked hypersurface singularities

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    The moduli space of marked singularities was introduced by Claus Hertling in 2010 and parameterizes mu-homotopic isolated hypersurface singularities equipped with certain markings. This moduli space can be understood either as a global mu-constant stratum or as a Teichmüller space of singularities. The additional marking allows one to formulate the conjecture on the analytic behavior of singularities within a distinguished mu-homotopy class in terms of Torelli(-type) problems in a very efficient way. In the monograph at hand these Torelli problems are solved for many different types of singularities. The proofs use such diverse concepts as lattice computations, Fuchsian groups and the Gauss-Manin connection. In particular, the monograph contains proofs of the Torelli problems for all singularities of modality zero, one and two. This closes some long-standing gaps

    Über ein neues allgemeines Grundgesetz der Mechanik.

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    Prehistoric chamber tombs or geological pitfall? A multimethod case study from Ancient Aigeira with a focus on seismic full‐waveform inversion

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    We show an extensive multimethod geophysical study of focusing on someenigmatic subsurface structures found at Ancient Aigeira (N Peloponnes, Greece) thatcould be interpreted either as prehistoric chamber tombs or complex weatheringpatterns of the local marl–conglomerate rock sequences. It turns out that the non-seismic methods do not allow to distinguish between an archaeological and a geologi-cal origin of the observed patterns with certainty. In contrast, we demonstrate howshear-wave seismics and full-waveform inversion (FWI) can be used in archaeologicalprospection for distinguishing between these alternative essentially differentinterpretational models that are not distinguishable through nonseismic prospectiondata. The example site Aigeira is strategically well located on a hill on the NorthernPeloponnese overlooking the Corinthian Gulf and has been inhabited with occupa-tional gaps since Middle Neolithic times until the 12th to early 14th centuryCE.Magnetics, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography(ERT) reveal a honeycomb-shaped anomaly pattern that could have been interpretedas a system of prehistoric chamber tombs. The time-domain SH-FWI strategy basedon a sequential inversion of low-pass and band-pass filtered data results insubsurface models for shear-wave velocity and density that accurately fits the com-plicated seismic data set.With the help of the seismic survey, we can reject the interpretationhypothesis of a prehistoric cemetery with chamber tombs and confirm that theenigmatic geophysical patterns represent a geological weathering structure thatcould be addressed as a reincised fan delta draped by reddish palaeosols

    Agiler Entwicklungsprozess zur Einbindung von Blended-Learning- Elementen in bestehende Lehrveranstaltungen

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    Digitale Elemente langfristig in bestehende Lehrveranstaltungen zu integrieren, bedarf einer engen Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten in Bezug auf didaktische Zielsetzung, technische Aufbereitung und praktische Umsetzung. Die transparente Gestaltung und agile Durchführung dieses Prozesses sind dabei grundlegend für die passgenaue Einbindung neuer Blended-Learning-Elemente. Am Beispiel des Projekts „Blend & Orient Digitaltechnik“ im Bachelorstudiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) wird vorgestellt, wie ein solcher Prozess entwickelt werden kann und welche Unterstützungsstrukturen dafür notwendig sind. Ziel des Projekts ist es, in eine bestehende Lehrveranstaltung lern- und motivationsfördernde Challenges einzusetzen, die im Blended-Learning-Format gestaltet werden und die Veranstaltungsteile stärker miteinander verknüpfen und strukturieren sollen. Didaktische wie technische Unterstützung soll dabei eine Ermöglichungskultur etablieren, die als Beispiel dienen kann, um Blended Learning auch in anderen Veranstaltungen des Studiengangs zu integrieren

    Crowd Research at School: Crossing Flows

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    It has become widely known that when two flows of pedestrians cross stripes emerge spontaneously by which the pedestrians of the two walking directions manage to pass each other in an orderly manner. In this work, we report about the results of an experiment on crossing flows which has been carried out at a German school. These results include that previously reported high flow volumes on the crossing area can be confirmed. The empirical results are furthermore compared to the results of a simulation model which succesfully could be calibrated to catch the specific properties of the population of participants.Comment: contribution to proceedings of Traffic and Granular Flow 2013 held in J\"ulich, German