2 research outputs found
An exploratory study to investigate if people who were influenced by guru products exhibited a particular communicative behaviour
This was an exploratory applied study in which an instrument was developedbased on Myers-Briggs (1985); Belbin (1891); Rogers (1983); Spence (1995),and Grunig (1997), for the purpose to investigate communicative behaviour ofmanagement guru product adopters. The research developed a predictiveinstrument of limited application, and brought together many writers theories onadopters of new ideas in a creative and diagrammatipal way. The study showedthat there were communicative behavioural traits exhibited within the participatinggroup, represented by intuition and attitude. The instrument used, whilstrecognisably limited, may be applied to situations of selection, training anddevelopment. This has implications for the management of organisationallearning