82 research outputs found

    Biografija i bibliografija Vojislava S. Radovanovića

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    Prostorno-demografske promene u mreži naselja Zmijanja

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    The paper presents analysis of spatial and demographic changes in the settlement network of Zmijanje, which are observed in territorial depopulation i.e. in several decades of demographic (population) decline and fragmentation of settlements. These negative trends of population growth are particularly evident in the highland and mountainous areas - in the settlement networks in the Republic of Srpska and the settlement network of Zmijanje, peripheral regions, and the remote areas, away from the local, subregional and regional centres, etc.U ovom radu analizirane su prostorno-demografske promene u mreži naselja Zmijanja, koje se manifestuju u teritorijalnom razređivanju, odnosno višedecenijskom demografskom pražnjenju (populaciono devalviranje) i usitnjavanju naselja. Ove negativne razvojne tendencije, su posebno izraženo u brdsko-planinskim prostoru, kako u mreži naselja Republike Srpske, tako i u mreži naselja Zmijanja, zatim u perifernim područjima, u zonama na većoj udaljenosti od lokalnih, subregionalnih i regionalnih centara itd

    Biografija i bibliografija Vojislava S. Radovanovića

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    Evaluation of the urban regions of Serbia: Functional polycentricity

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    The subject of this paper is an evaluation of defined urban regions in Serbia, with an aim towards identifying their basic features, with special emphasis on the measurement of their functional polycentricity. These features include methods with following indicators: share of settled inhabitants to overall population number in the centre of urban region and surrounding area, according to the outcome; concentration level of employees in centres and structure of activities of active population performing an occupation, functional dependence of settlements in the area of the region and determining the functional polycentricity index of the urban region. Therefore, the goal of the paper is to clarify the difference between the urban regions that have developed in the area of Serbia, which are significant factors for further planning of polycentric and balanced regional development. The results of the survey show differences between urban regions. Almost half of the urban regions in Serbia have characteristics of monocentricity, while few polycentric urban regions differ in number of secondary centers. Certain differences between urban regions refer to the results related to share of the employees in primary centres in connection with the secondary centre region, if refers to a polycentric region, or in comparison to the region as a whole, if it implys to monocentric urban regions. All in all, primary differences between urban regions pertain to the degree of functional polycentrism

    Transforming metropolitan regions - evidence from Belgrade

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    The paper seeks to identify and assess the polarising, indirect and direct favourable influence of Belgrade, as the capital and the largest city in Serbia, in the development of settlements and centres within its administrative area, i.e. the territory administratively named the City of Belgrade. The paper includes an analysis of demographic trends, including commuting trends, and the functional and morphological changes in the settlements of the Belgrade region between 1971 and 2011. Various analytical and synthetic methods have been used to assess the investigated territory's degree of transformation, including both positive effects and the negative consequences of the impact of various factors. Suburban areas are not clearly delimited. Belgrade's urban area is not marked by social segregation. The initial hypothesis that the Belgrade region underwent a complex and multifaceted transformation has been confirmed, which will significantly determine future planning solutions, especially as regards the identified causes of the transformation, the factors of which have not been significantly changed in the transition, post-socialist period. The appropriateness of development planning measures and governing policies in this area is of crucial importance for the country as a whole

    Development of urban geography

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    Urban geography as a geographical discipline developed simultaneously with urbanization. Urbanization is said to be a continuous global and historical process that began to develop five thousand years ago, that is, from the emergence of the first cities. However, today, urbanization presents a broader concept. The urbanization process includes not only the emergence and development of cities, but also the complex changes in rural areas. By strengthening the urbanization of different characteristics and intensity, the content of urban geography extended and the methodology of urban geography developed

    Contemporary Changes in the Development and Distribution of the Population of the Town of Čačak

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    Models for distinguishing Urban Systems

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