26 research outputs found

    Ariel - Volume 8 Number 3

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    Executive Editor James W. Lockard, Jr. Business Manager Neeraj K. Kanwal University News Richard J . Perry World News Doug Hiller Opinions Elizabeth A. McGuire Features Patrick P. Sokas Sports Desk Shahab S. Minassian Managing Editor Edward H. Jasper Managing Associate Brenda Peterson Photography Editor Robert D. Lehman. Jr. Graphics Christine M. Kuhnl

    Decreased olfactory discrimination is associated with impulsivity in healthy volunteers

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    In clinical populations, olfactory abilities parallel executive function, implicating shared neuroanatomical substrates within the ventral prefrontal cortex. In healthy individuals, the relationship between olfaction and personality traits or certain cognitive and behavioural characteristics remains unexplored. We therefore tested if olfactory function is associated with trait and behavioural impulsivity in nonclinical individuals. Eighty-three healthy volunteers (50 females) underwent quantitative assessment of olfactory function (odour detection threshold, discrimination, and identifcation). Each participant was rated for trait impulsivity index using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale and performed a battery of tasks to assess behavioural impulsivity (Stop Signal Task, SST; Information Sampling Task, IST; Delay Discounting). Lower odour discrimination predicted high ratings in non-planning impulsivity (Barratt Non-Planning impulsivity subscale); both, lower odour discrimination and detection threshold predicted low inhibitory control (SST; increased motor impulsivity). These fndings extend clinical observations to support the hypothesis that defcits in olfactory ability are linked to impulsive tendencies within the healthy population. In particular, the relationship between olfactory abilities and behavioural inhibitory control (in the SST) reinforces evidence for functional overlap between neural networks involved in both processes. These fndings may usefully inform the stratifcation of people at risk of impulse-control-related problems and support planning early clinical interventions

    Practical technology for expanding and improving substance use disorder treatment: telehealth, remote monitoring, and digital health interventions.

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    The US opioid crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have sparked innovation in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment such that telehealth, remote monitoring, and digital health interventions are increasingly feasible and effective. These technologies can increase SUD treatment access and acceptability, even for nontreatment seeking, remote, and underserved populations, and can be used to reduce health disparities. Overall, digital tools will likely overcome many barriers to delivery of evidence-based behavioral treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and contingency management, that, along with appropriate medications, constitute the foundation of treatment of SUDs