43 research outputs found

    Astrophysical S-factor for 16^{16}O+16^{16}O within the adiabatic molecular picture

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    The astrophysical S-factor for 16^{16}O + 16^{16}O is investigated within the adiabatic molecular picture. It very well explains the available experimental data. The collective radial mass causes a pronounced resonant structure in the S-factor excitation function, providing a motivation for measuring the 16^{16}O + 16^{16}O fusion cross section at deep sub-barrier energies.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, SOTANCP2008 Conference, Strasbourg, France, May 13-16, 2008, To appear in IJMP

    Disentangling effects of nuclear structure in heavy element formation

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    Forming the same heavy compound nucleus with different isotopes of the projectile and target elements allows nuclear structure effects in the entrance channel (resulting in static deformation) and in the dinuclear system to be disentangled. Using three isotopes of Ti and W, forming 232Cm, with measurement spanning the capture barrier energies, alignment of the heavy prolate deformed nucleus is shown to be the main reason for the broadening of the mass distribution of the quasifission fragments as the beam energy is reduced. The complex, consistently evolving mass-angle correlations that are observed carry more information than the integrated mass or angular distributions, and should severely test models of quasifission

    Predominant Time Scales in Fission Processes in Reactions of S, Ti and Ni with W: Zeptosecond versus Attosecond

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    The inhibition of fusion by quasifission is crucial in limiting the formation of superheavy elements in collisions of heavy nuclei. Time scales of ∼10⊃-18s inferred for fissionlike events from recent crystal blocking measurements were interpreted to

    Reaction dynamics of weakly bound nuclei at near-barrier energies

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    The above-barrier suppression of complete fusion in reactions with weakly bound stable nuclei displays a strong correlation with their breakup threshold. Simplistically, this observation suggests that suppression of complete fusion is due to the direct breakup of the weakly bound partner, prior to reaching the barrier. However, new measurements of breakup at energies below the fusion barrier show that breakup following transfer, rather than direct breakup, is the dominant mechanism. The insights into the physical mechanisms of breakup from these measurements, in conjunction with theoretical developments, are being used to obtain an understanding of the relationship between sub-barrier breakup and suppression of complete fusion

    New investigations on the 32S(3He,d)33Cl reaction at 9.6 MeV bombarding energy

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    The 32S(3He,d)33Cl one-proton transfer reaction is a powerful tool to investigate the spectroscopy of low-lying states in the proton-rich 33Cl nucleus. However, the extraction of firm differential cross-section data at various angles to benchmark and constrain theoretical models is made challenging by the presence of competitive reactions on target contaminants. In this paper we report on arecent measurement using a new generation hodoscope of silicon detectors, capable to detect and identify emitted deuterons down to energies of the order of 2 MeV. The high angular segmentation of our hodoscope combined with a suitable target to control possible contaminants, allowed to unambiguously disentangle the contribution of various states in 33Cl, in particular the 2.352 MeV state lying just few tens of keV above the proton separation energy

    Study of the 32S(3He,d)33Cl one-proton transfer reaction with a new generation hodoscope

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    Abstract The 32S(3He,d)33Cl one-proton transfer reaction is a powerful tool to investigate the spectroscopy of low-lying states in the proton-rich 33Cl nucleus. However, the extraction of firm differential cross-section data at various angles, against which benchmarking theoretical models to correctly constrain the spectroscopy of 33Cl, is made challenging by the presence of competitive reaction products contaminating the detected energy spectra. We have recently measured the 32S(3He,d)33Cl reaction at 9.8 MeV incident energy by using a new generation hodoscope of silicon detectors, capable to detect and identify emitted deuterons down to energies of the order of 2 MeV. The high angular segmentation of our hodoscope allowed to unambiguously disentangle the contribution of one-proton transfer reactions in the ground state of 33Cl and in its 0.810 MeV, 2.352 MeV, 2.685 MeV, 2.846 MeV excited states from contaminant deuteron-emitting reactions. These data will be crucial to help to constrain Jπ and spectroscopic factor C 2 Sp values of low-lying 33Cl states, still ambiguous in the literature. The present status of the analysis is discussed in the paper

    Genome of Herbaspirillum seropedicae Strain SmR1, a Specialized Diazotrophic Endophyte of Tropical Grasses

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    The molecular mechanisms of plant recognition, colonization, and nutrient exchange between diazotrophic endophytes and plants are scarcely known. Herbaspirillum seropedicae is an endophytic bacterium capable of colonizing intercellular spaces of grasses such as rice and sugar cane. The genome of H. seropedicae strain SmR1 was sequenced and annotated by The Paraná State Genome Programme—GENOPAR. The genome is composed of a circular chromosome of 5,513,887 bp and contains a total of 4,804 genes. The genome sequence revealed that H. seropedicae is a highly versatile microorganism with capacity to metabolize a wide range of carbon and nitrogen sources and with possession of four distinct terminal oxidases. The genome contains a multitude of protein secretion systems, including type I, type II, type III, type V, and type VI secretion systems, and type IV pili, suggesting a high potential to interact with host plants. H. seropedicae is able to synthesize indole acetic acid as reflected by the four IAA biosynthetic pathways present. A gene coding for ACC deaminase, which may be involved in modulating the associated plant ethylene-signaling pathway, is also present. Genes for hemagglutinins/hemolysins/adhesins were found and may play a role in plant cell surface adhesion. These features may endow H. seropedicae with the ability to establish an endophytic life-style in a large number of plant species

    The potential for the Sao Paulo: a general description of nuclear reactions between heavy ions

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    Neste trabalho, apresentamos um modelo não-local para a parte real da interação nuclear, que está baseado em efeitos quânticos relacionados à troca de núcleons entre os núcleos alvo e projétil (não-localidade de Pauli). Esse modelo não possui nenhum parâmetro livre e tem se mostrado eficiente para descrever ados de espalhamento elástico, ineslástico, tranferência e fusão, com energias que vão desde subcoulombianas até centenas de MeV acima da barreira. Dados de seção de choque de espalhamento elástico foram medidos na região da barreira para os sistemas 4,6He, 12C, 28Si+ 58Ni. Os correspondentes potenciais nucleares referentes a cada sistema foram determinados e posteriormente comparados com os resultados fornecidos pelo modelo não-local. Se o modelo não-local é assumido para a interação e a densidade de um dos núcleos é conhecida, um método de deconvolução podeser utilizado para extrair a densidade do outro núcleo, através da análise de dados de espalhamento elástico. Este trabalho, apresentamos resultados obtidos para a densidade dos núcleos 4,6He, 12C,16,18 e 28Si. Também estudamos, utilizando a interação não-local, uma sistemática envolvendo cerca de 2500 dados experimentais de fusão nuclear, referentes a 165 diferentes sistemas, dentro do contexto do modelo unidimensional de penetração de barreira.In this work, we present a nonlocal model for the real parto f the nuclear interaction that is based on quantum effects related to the Exchange of nucleons between the target and the projectile (Pauli nonlocality). This model is totally parameter-free and hás been sucessful in describing the elastic and inelastic scattering, transfer and fusion processes, from sub-Coulomb to intermediate energies. Elastic scattering differential cross sections have been measured for the 4,6He, 12C, 28Si+ 58Ni systems at sub-barrier energies. The corresponding nuclear potentials have been determined and compared with the results obtained using the nonlocal model. If the nonlocal model is assumed for the interaction and the density o fone nucleus is know, na unfolding method can be used to extract the density of the other nucleus from the elastic scattering data analysis. In this work, we present the results obtained for the densities of the 4,6He, 12C,16,18 and 28Si nuclei. Using the nonlocal interaction in the contexto f the unidimensional barrier penetration model, we have also studied a systematics involving about 2500 experimental fusion data for 165 different systems

    The potential for the Sao Paulo: a general description of nuclear reactions between heavy ions

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    Neste trabalho, apresentamos um modelo não-local para a parte real da interação nuclear, que está baseado em efeitos quânticos relacionados à troca de núcleons entre os núcleos alvo e projétil (não-localidade de Pauli). Esse modelo não possui nenhum parâmetro livre e tem se mostrado eficiente para descrever ados de espalhamento elástico, ineslástico, tranferência e fusão, com energias que vão desde subcoulombianas até centenas de MeV acima da barreira. Dados de seção de choque de espalhamento elástico foram medidos na região da barreira para os sistemas 4,6He, 12C, 28Si+ 58Ni. Os correspondentes potenciais nucleares referentes a cada sistema foram determinados e posteriormente comparados com os resultados fornecidos pelo modelo não-local. Se o modelo não-local é assumido para a interação e a densidade de um dos núcleos é conhecida, um método de deconvolução podeser utilizado para extrair a densidade do outro núcleo, através da análise de dados de espalhamento elástico. Este trabalho, apresentamos resultados obtidos para a densidade dos núcleos 4,6He, 12C,16,18 e 28Si. Também estudamos, utilizando a interação não-local, uma sistemática envolvendo cerca de 2500 dados experimentais de fusão nuclear, referentes a 165 diferentes sistemas, dentro do contexto do modelo unidimensional de penetração de barreira.In this work, we present a nonlocal model for the real parto f the nuclear interaction that is based on quantum effects related to the Exchange of nucleons between the target and the projectile (Pauli nonlocality). This model is totally parameter-free and hás been sucessful in describing the elastic and inelastic scattering, transfer and fusion processes, from sub-Coulomb to intermediate energies. Elastic scattering differential cross sections have been measured for the 4,6He, 12C, 28Si+ 58Ni systems at sub-barrier energies. The corresponding nuclear potentials have been determined and compared with the results obtained using the nonlocal model. If the nonlocal model is assumed for the interaction and the density o fone nucleus is know, na unfolding method can be used to extract the density of the other nucleus from the elastic scattering data analysis. In this work, we present the results obtained for the densities of the 4,6He, 12C,16,18 and 28Si nuclei. Using the nonlocal interaction in the contexto f the unidimensional barrier penetration model, we have also studied a systematics involving about 2500 experimental fusion data for 165 different systems