214 research outputs found

    Capacity sharing within Virtual Centre: How much delay can be reduced?

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    Airspace Architecture Study proposed the future Single European Airspace System, based on modern technologies that could divide the air traffic service provision from local infrastructure for data provision, enabling the decoupling of geographical location from the service provision. This decoupling would enable virtualisation where service providers could use data from the common data services, opening doors to different organisation of air traffic service provision, namely more advanced capacity sharing. Virtualisation concept is still under development and several recent studies evaluated some aspects of virtualisation in ATM, but did not yet address in detail the impacts of different Virtual Centre implementation scenarios. In this paper, we propose a linear optimisation model to evaluate the impact of virtualisation and capacity sharing in terms of delay reduction. We show that taking into account the current airspace design and air traffic management resources, even the air navigation service providers that accumulate the highest capacity-caused delays could decrease those in the range of 25-50% up to about 80% through internal collaboration. Furthermore, the decrease of over 50% of the total capacity caused delays could be obtained if FABEC1 were to form a Virtual Centre, and the decrease of about 90% of the total European delay if the Single European Sky (SES) area would form a Virtual Centre. The analysed capacity sharing collaborations indicate the possibility of significant delay reductions, but would not be sufficient, on their own, to eliminate capacity-caused issues in Europe

    Mitigating demand-capacity unbalances through interairline slot trading

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    When airspace capacity is reduced, some flights may be delayed through the allocation of air traffic flow management slots, in accordance with the FPFS rule. Although this reassignment seems the natural way to handle such a situation, the fact that different flights have generally different economical values suggests that other reallocation mechanisms may provide more convenient solutions from the airlines’ cost perspective. For instance, each airline could propose a set of slot swap offers, with the Network Manager (NM) playing the role of the mediator and deciding which offers to match. However, this mechanism requires a huge effort from the airlines to evaluate all possible offer combinations, a number which is exponentially growing with the size of their fleet. In addition, all airlines make their offers simply relying on their flights and their current schedule, without the possibility to fully exploit what is available on the market, as they have no information regarding other airlines’ offers. With our Inter-airline Slot Swap Offer Provider model, we aim to invert this process: we allow airlines to assign preferences to their flights and let the NM instead to play the role of the airlines’ broker, who, based on the preferences and ensuring no negative impact to all airlines, provides a set of ready-made offers that each airline can decide either to accept or refuse. Hence, a slot trade is represented by the matching of several offers of different airlines; if all the offers defining a trade are accepted then the corresponding slot swap eventually takes place, otherwise all the flights involved in the trade keep their initial position in the schedule

    Sostenibilidad en la cadena de suministro. Su implicancia en una autopartista localizada en Córdoba

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    Trabajo final de posgrado (Especialización en Contabilidad Superior y Auditoría) -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Graduados; Argentina, 2022.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el impacto de la gestión sostenible en la cadena de suministro del sector automotriz, de una autopartista localizada en Córdoba, para definir la elaboración de Memorias de Sustentabilidad que conforman el Balance Social. Del análisis del resultado surge que la gestión sostenible significó para la empresa el inicio en temas de sostenibilidad, presentándose ante sus colaboradores nuevos desafíos. En parte, mejorar su desempeño priorizando la implementación de prácticas ambientales, de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, temas con evidencia de buen puntaje en gran parte de la cadena de suministro del sector. A su vez, se infiere que el impacto será positivo solo si sus integrantes logran involucrarse lo suficiente para iniciar el cambio a una organización culturalmente sustentable. Para ello, será necesario implementar acciones de divulgación y concientización sobre temas sociales y ambientales. Además, conocer los impactos a través de la gestión de indicadores de sustentabilidad junto con la definición de objetivos y estrategias para reducir las contribuciones negativas y mejorar las positivas. Adicionalmente, programar acciones sostenibles que generen la participación y el compromiso de sus colaboradores. Finalmente, si los desafíos se concretan y el cambio a una cultura sustentable perdura en el tiempo resultara viable comenzar a elaborar las Memorias de Sustentabilidad.Fil: Gasparin, Analía A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    Genética molecular aplicada ao melhoramento de gado de corte.

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    A genética molecular experimentou umextraordinário avanço desde a descoberta do DNA. Este avanço incluiu o desenvolvimento de métodos de análise da esrutura efunção do meterial genético, de equipamentos com campacidade para análise automatizada de grande quantidade de amostras, de métodosestatísticose de ferramentas de informáicas, resultando na ciência conhecida comogenômica....Nini-cursos

    Measurement of micro moulded parts by Computed Tomography and comparison to optical and tactile techniques

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    This paper focuses on dimensional verification of two micro-injection moulded components, selected from actual industrial productions, using CT metrological tools. In addition to CT scanning, also a tactile Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) with sub-micrometre uncertainty and an Optical Coordinate Measuring Machine (OCMM) allowing fast measurements suitable for in-line quality control were employed as validation instruments. The experimental work carried out and the analysis of the results provide valuable conclusions about the advantages and drawbacks of using CT metrology in comparison with CMM and OCMM when these techniques are employed for quality control of micro moulded parts

    Interações e epistáticas entre QTLs afetando o peso aos dois anos em bovinos mestiços leiteiro.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar QTLs e epistasia afetando o peso de dois anos na população de mestiços de gado leiteiro. Dois QTLs sugestivos foram encontrados nos cromossomos BTA 2 e BTA 3 no modelo inclui o efeito aditivo e dominância, e três QTLs sugestivos foram detectados nos BTA 6, BTA 10 e BTA 12 no modelo inclui apenas efeito aditivo. Um QTL significativo foi detectado em BTA 22 no modelo inclui o efeito aditivo e dominância. Identificaram dez pares de genes epistáticos

    QTLs para características de crescimento numa população F2 de bovinos leiteiros.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar quantitative trait loci (QTL) para características de crescimento nos cromossomos 1, 8, 10 e 23 numa população F2 Holandês x Gir. Vinte e quatro marcadores microssatélites foram selecionados a partir mapa genético de bovinos. Seis QTLs foram encontradaos em BTA-1, BTA-8, BTA-10 e BTA-23. No BTA-1, um QTL sugestivo foi detectado para o ganho de peso diário de um ano para dois anos (ADG365_720) em 12 cM. Em BTA 8, um QTL sugestivo foi identificada para o ganho de peso diário do peso ao nascimento e para 60 dias (ADG0_60) em 143 cM. Em BTA 10, três QTL sugestivo foi detectado para o peso em dois anos (W720), ADG365_720 e ganho médio diário (ADG total) em a região de 20 ? 22 cM com evidência de pleiotropia. Em BTA 23, um QTL sugestivo foi identificado para o ganho de peso diário de 60 dias para 205 dias (ADG60_205) em 19 cM. Nenhum outro efeito significativo QTL foi detectado para peso ao nascer, peso ao desmame, peso aos 205 dias e peso ao sobreano
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