25 research outputs found

    Building Simulation Applications BSA 2013 - Proceedings of 1st IBPSA Italy conference

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    Building Simulation application 2013 was the first IBPSA Italy regional conference on building performance simulation. The two-day event focused on three main subjects: simulation of building performance, actual perspectives in building physics and simulation tools. The principal mission is to promote and advance the practice of building performance simulation in order to improve the design, construction, operation and maintenance of new and existing buildings

    Issue 5: Building Simulation

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    Some of the works presented at BSA 2017 have been invited to appear as extended papers in this special issue, together with some additional contributions relevant to the topic

    Long term evaluation of building energy performance : comparison of the test reference year and historical data series in the North Italian climates

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    The pursuit of better energy performance of buildings led o the recourse to more detailed instruments of analysis, requiring more complex and detailed inputs, such as the hourly weather data. In this work, the representativeness of the test reference year (TRYEN) weather data, recently developed in Italy in accordance with the procedure proposed by EN ISO 15927-4:2005, has been studied evaluating the energy performance – energy needs and peak loads – of a set of different simplified reference buildings by means of TRNSYS simulation code, using both the TRYEN and the TRYEN source multi-year collected weather series for 5 north Italian locations. The results have been analysed by means of both descriptive and inferential statistics. The variability of energy performance has also been correlated with the envelope characteristics, in order to estimate a sensitivity of the different buildings to the weather data variability