3 research outputs found

    The analysis of reserch methods and results on resistance of nickel-titanium endodontic instruments to torsion load: the systematic review

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    Relevance. The objective of this study was to analyze current data concerning research methods and results on resistance of nickel-titanium endodontic instruments to torsion load in order to minimize complications of dental root canal treatment. The use of the nickel -titanium endodontic instruments is a special importance to ensure high-quality dental root canal treatment; it prevents the further contamination of the canals with microorganisms. However, these instruments can form a fracture under torsional load which leads to further complications. Aim. The analysis of research methods and results on resistance of nickel-titanium endodontic instruments to torsion load for minimization complications. Materials and methods. A series of publications in the electronic databases such as Google Scholar, Pub Med was analyzed in the course of a systematic review of the literature. The articles dealing with nickel-titanium endodontic instruments and torsion load that directly influences the quality of dental root canal treatment were included in the paper. Results. 73 articles were viewed during the review. Having analyzed the literature for inclusion criteria, the total number of publications has become 51. There were 16 main methods which demonstrated the influence of torsion load on endodontic instruments. These methods were summarized in the Table 1. Conclusions. As regards literature data, there are a various number of methods which converge to one conclusion: nickel-titanium instruments cannot fully resist torsion load. Fracture is caused approximately in 0,5-5% of cases


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    Gingivitis is an inflammation of gingiva caused by unfavorable influence of local and systemic factors with no destruction of junction epithelium and no attachment loss. Main principle of prophylactics in gingivitis is professional oral hygiene, and certainly individual hygiene. Traditionally, antiseptic and antimicrobial rinsing are used, but advisability of these techniques is still debatable. Many authors in their publications meditate wondering if it's possible efficiently to reduce pathogenic periodontal microorganisms via professional oral hygiene procedure. Analysis of literature about advisability of applying chlorhexidine as antimicrobial rinsing after professional oral hygiene procedure, submitted that after effect of chlorhexidine, pathogenic microflora of gingival fluid is drier than after applying professional oral hygiene measures.Гингивит - это воспаление десны, обусловленное неблагоприятным воздействием местных и общих факторов, нередко их сочетанием, протекающие без нарушения целостности зубодесневого прикрепления. Наиболее важным принципом лечебно-профилактической программы при гингивите является профессиональная гигиена полости рта, а также большое значение имеет индивидуальная гигиена. Наряду с этим традиционно используются антисептическая и антимикробная обработка полости рта. Но целесообразность этого метода остается спорной. Многие авторы в своих публикациях размышляют над вопросом, можно ли значительно сократить число пародонтопатогенных микроорганизмов с помощью профессиональной гигиены полости рта. Анализ литературы по вопросам целесообразности применения хлоргексидина в качестве антимикробной обработки после профессиональной гигиены (ПГ) полости рта подтвердил отсутствие единого мнения о том, что после воздействия хлоргексидина (ХГ) патогенная микрофлора десневой жидкости более скудная, чем после проведения ПГ полости рта


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    Periodontal biotype is of vital importance, and aesthetics, and function of the periodontium. The methods of transformation into a thick biotype from thin were reviewed and their effectiveness was noted in this article.Пародонтальный биотип имеет важную значимость и в эстетике, и в функции пародонта. В данной статье был проведен обзор методов трансформации в толстый биотип из тонкого, а также отмечена их эффективность