168 research outputs found

    Information Technologies in Ensuring Continuous Wellbeing of the Person

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    Formation of continuous wellbeing of the person in the Russian economy can be a real prospect in case innovative technologies will be required by all economic and social entities. The accelerated development of information technologies should be based on a progressive regulatory and technical base which contains leading standards, rules, regulations for product testing and its certification, warranty, insurance conditions and standards for the protection of intellectual property and information support of products and services. Socialization of technologies promotes growth of social and emotional wellbeing

    Social Challenges Of New Industrialization

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    In modern conditions the process of human potential transformation is becoming the key factor that sets the vector of economic development. The problem of transformation of human potential is relevant, because of the needs to attract additional resources into the economy to ensure dynamic growth, which is a precursor to economic development.The key issue of the study is to explain the priority of social development in the XXI century, such as stimulating the development of creative human potential in the economy, and to study the main vector of processes of social transformation.The purpose of the study is to present a theoretical model of the social foundations of the new industrialization, designed to be a basis to overcome the negative structural shift of the Russian economy. In the study the individual will be considered not so much as a productive factor or set of functional characteristics, and reproducible but as a key social dominant, which creates prerequisites for economic growth and sets certain limits to it. The method of comparative analysis and the method of explication are used to study this issue. Due to the study results, the basic features of the social basis transformation of new industrialization are formulated. Moreover, the proliferation of the social basis for new economy industrialization takes place in the conditions when there are two parallel processes: stimulation of technological renewal and personnel renewal in modern economy

    The Concept of Ecologically Oriented Progress and Natural Resource Preservation

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    The most important issue of scientific and technological progress is considering the environment challenges of industrial development. It means that the progress must be ecologically oriented and environmentally friendly. The most adequate concept for the approach to the issue of "man - society – nature" relations is the ontology of the noosphere - the idea of a common space for human beings and nature. It presents an ideal example of an optimistic attitude towards the coordination between accelerating the scientific and technological development and natural resource saving. However, to maintain the balance between human needs and environmental processes determined by this concept, it is essential to include the lean production training into technological development of society


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    Globalization and increased volatility of global markets, as well as increased competition, lead to the need for the business community to create new sustainable business models that are less susceptible to the negative effects of globalization. The sustainability of business models is determined by the effective use of resources: natural, material, financial and intellectual. The result of the transformation is the transition to network interaction and the formation of ecosystems of suppliers, partners, consumers and competitors around the business sphere. The main conclusions of the research paper are reduced to the need to achieve a comprehensive development of the digital economy, taking into account the interrelationships of economic processes and structural transformations. In this regard, the analysis of the relationship and principles of structural shifts in economic processes against the background of digital transformation becomes particularly relevant

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the zygomaticoorbital complex: a rare location and ways of surgical repair of the area

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    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor in the zygomaticoorbital region is a rare neoplasm of the head and neck. Due to the necessity for wide radical excision of a primary tumor, there may be serious functional and cosmetic disorders that substantially affect quality of life in patients. Restoration of this region is one of the challenges of reconstructive surgery because of the specific features of the relief of bone structures. The paper describes a clinical case of the site of primitive neuroectodermal tumor in the zygomaticoorbital complex and a method for repairing postresectional defect and completely recovering the function of the organ of vision and aesthetic parameters of the face


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    60 years ago, in July, 1956, the USSR’s first industrial germanium single crystal was grown up by the Czochralski (CZ) method. The method of growing single crystals according to Czochralski is the most widespread one currently used for obtaining bulk single crystals. The high technical implementation level and the high extent of process automation make this method the most preferable one for the production of bulk single crystals, e.g. silicon, germanium, a number of oxide crystals and multicomponent compounds. This article offers a historical review of the emergence and distribution of this method from the time of his invention by Jan Czochralski in 1916 and up to now. It is noted that in foreseeable future the CZ method will remain the leading method of producing bulk single crystals for a wide range of materials in the industry and in scientific developments. The main stages of the development of this method in the USSR and in Russia are presented. Comparison between the levels of foreign and domestic developments in the field of equipment design and in the field of technology development is carried out. Current problems and the development prospects of the method are discussed. Russia currently has an increasing lag from the world–class industrial practice of growing single crystals for a number of important materials e.g. silicon, gallium arsenide, indium antimonite etc.. Scope of actions required from the state, professional community and development institutions are suggested.В июле 1956 г., 60 лет тому назад, методом Чохральского был выращен первый в СССР промышленный монокристалл германия. Метод выращивания монокристаллов по Чохральскому в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным способом получения объемных монокристаллов. Достигнутый высокий технический уровень реализации и высокая степень автоматизации процесса делают этот метод наиболее предпочтительным для производства объемных монокристаллов, таких как кремний, германий, ряд оксидных кристаллов, многокомпонентных соединений. Дан исторический обзор появления и распространения этого метода с момента его изобретения Яном Чохральским в 1916 г. и до наших дней. Отмечается, что метод Чохральского в обозримой исторической перспективе останется ведущим методом получения объемных монокристаллов широкого круга материалов в промышленности и в научных разработках Представлены основные этапы развития метода в СССР и России. Проведено сравнение уровня зарубежных и отечественных разработок как в области создания оборудования, так и в области развития технологии. Обсуждены проблемы текущего состояния и перспективы развития метода. В России сегодня наблюдается отставание от мирового уровня промышленной практики выращивания монокристаллов для ряда важных материалов – кремния, арсенида галлия, антимонида индия и ряда других. Предлагаются необходимы действия со стороны государства, профессионального сообщества и институтов развития

    Влияние ограниченных ожогов кожи на течение и исход ингаляционной травмы

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    Introduction Inhalation injury (ini) makes burn disease more severe. However, it remains unexplored what is the minimum area of the burn that can significantly aggravate of the course of ini.The objective was to compare the incidence of acute respiratory failure (arf), pneumonia, and mortality between patients with ini and ini with superficial skin burns up to 3% total body surface area (tbsa).Material and methods 125 patients with ini and i–ii degree skin burns up to 3% tbsa were allocated into 4 groups: ini without skin burns, ini with burns up to 1% tbsa, up to 2%, and up to 3% tbsa.Results In the group with ini and skin burns up to 2%, the number of arf, pneumonia cases, and deaths did not statistically significantly differ from the ini group, however in group of ini and burns of more than 2% tbsa, there were more of those complications.Conclusion Skin burns of i–ii degree over 2% tbsa increase the incidence of acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and death in patients with ini.РЕЗЮМЕ Известно, что ингаляционная травма (ИТ) ухудшает течение ожоговой болезни у тяжелообожженных. Однако остается неизвестным, как небольшие ожоги влияют на течение ИТ.ЦЕЛЬ Сравнительное изучение частоты острой дыхательной недостаточности (ОДН), пневмонии и смертельных исходов у пациентов с ИТ и ИТ с поверхностными ожогами кожи до 3% поверхности тела (п.т.).МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ 125 пациентов с ИТ и ожогами кожи I–II степени до 3% п.т. были распределены на четыре группы: ИТ без ожогов кожи, с ожогами до 1% п.т., до 2% п.т., до 3% п.т.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ В группах с ИТ и ожогами кожи до 2% п.т. число наблюдений ОДН, пневмонии и случаев смертельных исходов статистически значимо не отличалось от группы ИТ, а в группе ИТ и ожогами свыше 2% п.т. их было больше.ВЫВОДЫ Ожоги кожи I–II степени свыше 2% п.т. увеличивают частоту развития острой дыхательной недостаточности, пневмонии и случаев смертельных исходов у пациентов с ингаляционной травмой


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    Surgical treatment of cervicothoracic injuries has a special place in emergency surgery. Trauma of two anatomic regions adds some difficulties to exploration of wound and detection of all injuries. Unrevealed injuries lead to various complications, including fistulas of hollow organs.Проблема хирургического лечения цервикоторакальных ранений занимает особое место в неотложной хирургии. Ранение двух анатомических областей создает дополнительные трудности при ревизии раневого канала, выявлению всех повреждений. Недиагностированные повреждения приводят к развитию различных осложнений, в том числе к образованию свищей полых органов

    Association of hypertriglyceridemia with risk factors for cardiovascular and renal complications in individuals with high cardiovascular risk

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    Aim. To study clinical and functional manifestations of hypertriglyceridemia and its association with risk factors for cardiovascular and renal complications in individuals with high cardiovascular risk.Material and methods. The study included 272 patients (129 men and 143 women; mean age, 53,9±13,7 years) with a high cardiovascular risk, which was stratified using Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) model by the presence of cardiovascular disease, and/or diabetes, and/or age ≥65 years, and/or blood pressure (BP) >180/110 mm Hg, and/or total cholesterol (TC) level >8,0 mmol/l. All study participants underwent clinical and paraclinical examination. Serum content of triglycerides (TGs) ≥1,7 mmol/L was considered hypertriglyceridemia (HTG). Depending on TG level, the entire sample was divided into 2 following subgroups: subgroup 1 (n=178) — serum triglycerides ≤1,6 mmol/l; subgroup 2 (n=94) — serum triglycerides ≥1,7 mmol/l, i.e. HTG.Results. We revealed significantly more persons with obesity (46,8%) and type 2 diabetes (28,7%) in HTG subgroup. There were 56,3% and 36,1% patients of HTG subgroup with hypertension (HTN) and coronary artery disease (CAD), respectively. A mid-high TG level (from 1,7 to 2,3 mmol/l) in the subgroup of patients with HTG was detected in 38,3% of cases. The serum content of TG from 2,3 to 5,6 mmol/l was detected in 54,2% of patients. TG level ≥5,6 mmol/l was detected in 7,5% of cases. In the subgroup of patients with HTG, high levels of systolic, diastolic and central (aortic) BP, body mass index, phosphorus, creatinine, cystatin C, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) were detected significantly more common. In the general sample, a significant direct relationship between TG concentration and cystatin C (r=0,168) and an inverse (negative) relationship with eGFR (r=-0,220) was obtained.Conclusion. Elevated serum TG levels are often observed in individuals with obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and CAD. Patients with HTG had a pronounced cardiovascular and renal risk, including a significant increase in BP and carotid IMT, high levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, phosphorus, creatinine, cystatin C, and a decrease in eGFR. HTG was associated with an increase in serum cystatin C and a deterioration in renal nitrogen excretion

    Innovative Technics of Managing Engineers' Global Competencies

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    Higher education modernization in the CIS countries takes place under the conditions of dynamic changes in economy and society. These changes are determined by the social and economic development of the country and the world globalization processes - cross-border intercultural communication, knowledge transparency, and the establishment of information society. Educational globalization is a continuous process of creating a unified global educational system, in which the distinctions between its member educational systems are being blended