466 research outputs found
The Soft Path for Water
There are two primary ways of meeting water-related needs, or more poetically, two paths. One path -- the "hard" path -- relies almost exclusively on centralized infrastructure and decision making: dams and reservoirs, pipelines and treatment plants, water departments and agencies. It delivers water, mostly of potable quality, and takes away wastewater. The second path -- the "soft" path -- may also rely on centralized infrastructure, but complements it with extensive investment in decentralized facilities, efficient technologies, and human capital.1 It strives to improve the overall productivity of water use rather than seek endless sources of new supply. It delivers diverse water services matched to the users' needs and works with water users at local and community scales. This chapter tells the tale of these paths up to the present. Decisions made today, and actions of future generations, will write the conclusion of the story
Agua y energía en California
[ES] Este trabajo estima el uso de energía ligado al agua en California en el año 2000. Se presenta un resumen de un informe más detallado que se puede conseguir solicitándolo al autor. Los resultados del estudio se basan en la estimación del consumo de agua en cada etapa del abastecimiento de agua potable: captación, bombeo y transporte, potabilización, distribución, usos finales, drenaje, depuración y vertido. El modelo Water-to-Air del Pacific Institute se ha utilizado para estimar la energía eléctrica equivalente (es una medida global, suma de la energía eléctrica y la energía procedente de otras fuentes) que cada una de estas etapas requiere, así como para cuantificar la contaminación del aire y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La energía utilizada en el sector del agua representa aproximadamente el 18% de la energía eléctrica total consumida en el año 2000, mientras que el consumo de gas natural y gasolina diesel relacionados con el agua suponen aproximadamente el 10 y el 4% respectivamente del consumo total de dichos combustibles. El consumo energético medio del agua se estima en 1.56 KWh equivalentes por m3 entregado a los usuarios finales, cantidad que incluye la energía total, no sólo la eléctrica igual a 1.01 KWh/m3. Las emisiones de dióxido de carbono se estimaron en 0.800 Kg por m3 consumido y representan el 8% de las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero del estado de California durante ese año. Las emisiones y el consumo energético varían enormemente (en varios órdenes de magnitud), dependiendo del tipo y de la localización del consumo de agua. Asimismo, y como no se disponía de datos de consumo energético para algunos usos del agua, debieron estimarse. Consecuentemente, algunas valoraciones que en este trabajo se hacen deben ser interpretadas con cautela aunque, sin duda, los resultados finales permiten formarse una idea bastante aproximada del estado de esta cuestión. Unas conclusiones que, sin duda, pueden contribuir a orientar la política de gestión del agua en California.Wolff, G. (2010). Agua y energía en California. Ingeniería del agua. 17(3):201-211. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2010.2980OJS201211173Burton, F., (1996). Water and wastewater industries: characteristics and energy management opportunities. Elect. Power Rese. Inst. Comm. Envir. Center Report, CR-106941.Burt, C., y Dan Howes, (2005). Comparison of ag-water energy estimates from the ITRC and the April 8 CEC analysis of utility records. A memorandum to Ricardo Amon and Pramod Kulkarni, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, Abril 28.Burt, C., D. Howes y G. Wilson, (2003). California agricultural water electrical energy requirements. ITRC Report No. R03-006, Irrigation Training and Research Center, California Polyt. Univ., San Luis Obispo.CEC (2005a). Integrated energy policy report. CEC-100-2005-007-CMF, California Energy Comm., Sacramento, November.CEC (2005b). Global climate change. Draft staff paper, CEC-600-2005-007, California Energy Comm., Sacramento.CEC (2005c). Water-energy relationship. Staff paper, CEC-700-2005-011-SF, California Energy Comm., Sacramento, November.DWR, (2005). California Water Plan. Bulletin 160-05, Dep. of Water Res., Sacramento.DWR, (2003). California's Groundwater. Bulletin 118, Update 2003, Department of Water Resources, Sacramento.DWR, (2002). Management of the California State Water Project. Bulletin 132-01, Department of Water Resources, Sacramento.DWR, (1995). Unpublished survey of industrial water use. California Department of Water Resources: SacramentoDWR, (1994). Urban Water Use in California. Bulletin 166-4, California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento.EIA, (2001). Residential energy consumption survey: household energy consumption and expenditure tables. Available through: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/recs/Gleick, P.H., D. Haasz, C. Henges-Jeck, V. Srinivasan, G. Wolff, K. Kao Cushing y A. Mann, (2003). Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California. Pacific Institute, Oakland.Hutson, S.S., N.L. Barber, J.F. Kenney, K.S. Linsey, D.S. Lumia y Molly A. Maupin, (2004). Estimated use of water in the united states in 2000. United States Geologic Survey Circular 1268, US Geologic Survey, Reston Virginia.Tipton, E., (2005). Department of Water Resources. Personal communication, excel spreadsheet titled: "DWR balances spreadsheet 2-16-05".U.S. Census Bureau, (2003). Annual Survey of Manufactures. Table 2. Statistics for the United States and States by Industry Group; and 2001 and Earlier Years.U.S. Department of Energy, (2004). Energy Use, Loss and Opportunities Analysis: U.S. Manufacturing & Mining. Prepared by Energetics, Inc. and E3M Inc.U.S. Department of Energy, (2002). Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey. Table 5.3 End Uses of Fuel Consumption, available at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mecs/contents.htmlU.S. Department of Energy, (2000). Overview of Energy Flow for Industries in Standard Industrial Classifications 20-39. Prepared by Arthur D. Little. Inc.U.S. Department of Energy, (1998). Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey. Table N6.3 End Uses of Fuel Consumption, available at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mecs/contents.htmlWolff, G., R. Cohen y B. Nelson, (2004). Energy down the drain: the hidden costs of California's water supply. Natural Resources Defense Council.Wolff, G., (2004). User Manual for the Pacific Institute Water to Air Models. Pacific Institute, Oakland.Wolff, G. y P.H. Gleick, (2002). The soft path to water in The World's Water 2002-2003. The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources, Island Press, Washington D.C
Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California
The largest, least expensive, and most environmentally sound source of water to meet California's future needs is the water currently being wasted in every sector of our economy. This report, "Waste Not, Want Not," strongly indicates that California's urban water needs can be met into the foreseeable future by reducing water waste through cost-effective water-saving technologies, revised economic policies, appropriate state and local regulations, and public education
Identification and estimation of size from the beaks of 18 species of cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean
A method of identifying the beaks and estimating body weight and mantle length of 18 species of cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean is presented. Twenty specimens were selected from each of the following cephalopod species: Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis, Dosidicus gigas, Ommastrephes bartramii, S. luminosa, Todarodes pacificus, Nototodarus hawaiiensis, Ornithoteuthis volalilis, Hyaloteuthis pelagica, Onychoteuthis banksii, Pterygioteuthis giardi, Abraliopsis affinis, A. felis, Liocranchia reinhardti, Leachia danae, Histioteuthis heteropsis, H. dofleini, Gonalus onyx, and Loligo opalescens. Dimensions measured on the upper and lower beak are converted to ratios and compared individually among the species using an analysis of variance procedure with Tukey's omega and Duncan's multiple range tests. Significant differences (P =0.05) observed among the species' beak ratio means and structural characteristics are used to construct artificial keys for the upper and
lower beaks of the 18 species. Upper and lower beak dimensions are used as independent variables in a linear regression model with mantle length and body weight (log transformed)
Variability in the α and β anomer content of commercially available lactose
Lactose, a disaccharide is a ubiquitous excipient in many pharmaceutical formulations which exists in two anomeric forms; either as - or -lactose. The anomers have different properties which can affect their application. Nevertheless, batches of lactose products are widely produced by many manufacturers, and is available in many grades. However, the anomeric content of these batches has not been accurately characterized and reported previously. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse a set of 19 commercially available samples of lactose using a novel H1-NMR technique to establish a library showing the anomeric content of a large range of lactose products. The lactose samples were also analysed by DSC. The anomeric content of the -lactose monohydrate samples were found to vary by more than 10%, which might in_uence bioavailability from ^nal formulations. The data showed that there is a need to determine and monitor the anomeric content of lactose and this should be a priority to both manufacturers and formulators of medicines
Methods of assessment used by osteopathic educational institutions
Background: The methods used for assessment of students in osteopathic teaching institutions are not widely documented in the literature. A number of commentaries around clinical competency assessment have drawn on the health professional assessment literature, particularly in medicine. Objective: To ascertain how osteopathic teaching institutions assess their students and to identify issues associated with the assessment process. Design: A series of focus groups and interviews was undertaken with osteopathic teaching institutions. Participants: Twenty-five participants across eleven osteopathic teaching institutions from the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy and Australia. Results: Four themes were identified from the focus groups: Assessing; Processes; Examining; Cost Efficiency. Institutions utilised assessment types such as multiple choice questions and written papers in the early years of a program and progressed towards the long case assessment and Objective Structured Clinical Examination in the later stages of a program. Although examiner cost and training were common themes across all of the institutions, they were perceived to be necessary for developing and conducting assessments. Conclusion: Most institutions relied on traditional assessment methods such as the long case assessment, however, there is increasing recognition of newer forms of assessment, such as the portfolio. The assessment methods employed were typically written assessments in the early years of a program, progressing to long case and Objective Structured Clinical Examination format assessments. © 2012
Psychology as a natural science in the eighteenth century
Psychology considered as a natural science began as Aristotelian "physics" or "natural philosophy" of the soul. C. Wolff placed psychology under metaphysics, coordinate with cosmology. Scottish thinkers placed it within moral philosophy, but distinguished its "physical" laws from properly moral laws (for guiding conduct). Several Germans sought to establish an autonomous empirical psychology as a branch of natural science. British and French visual theorists developed mathematically precise theories of size and distance perception; they created instruments to test these theories and to measure visual phenomena such as the duration of visual impressions. These investigators typically were dualists who included mental phenomena within nature
Optical/IR from ground
Optical/infrared (O/IR) astronomy in the 1990's is reviewed. The following subject areas are included: research environment; science opportunities; technical development of the 1980's and opportunities for the 1990's; and ground-based O/IR astronomy outside the U.S. Recommendations are presented for: (1) large scale programs (Priority 1: a coordinated program for large O/IR telescopes); (2) medium scale programs (Priority 1: a coordinated program for high angular resolution; Priority 2: a new generation of 4-m class telescopes); (3) small scale programs (Priority 1: near-IR and optical all-sky surveys; Priority 2: a National Astrometric Facility); and (4) infrastructure issues (develop, purchase, and distribute optical CCDs and infrared arrays; a program to support large optics technology; a new generation of large filled aperture telescopes; a program to archive and disseminate astronomical databases; and a program for training new instrumentalists
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