138 research outputs found

    SF-DST: Few-Shot Self-Feeding Reading Comprehension Dialogue State Tracking with Auxiliary Task

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    Few-shot dialogue state tracking (DST) model tracks user requests in dialogue with reliable accuracy even with a small amount of data. In this paper, we introduce an ontology-free few-shot DST with self-feeding belief state input. The self-feeding belief state input increases the accuracy in multi-turn dialogue by summarizing previous dialogue. Also, we newly developed a slot-gate auxiliary task. This new auxiliary task helps classify whether a slot is mentioned in the dialogue. Our model achieved the best score in a few-shot setting for four domains on multiWOZ 2.0.Comment: Accepted in INTERSPEECH 202

    DORA: Toward Policy Optimization for Task-oriented Dialogue System with Efficient Context

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    Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) has been applied to task-oriented dialogue systems by using latent actions to solve shortcomings of supervised learning (SL). In this paper, we propose a multi-domain task-oriented dialogue system, called Dialogue System with Optimizing a Recurrent Action Policy using Efficient Context (DORA), that uses SL, with subsequently applied RL to optimize dialogue systems using a recurrent dialogue policy. This dialogue policy recurrently generates explicit system actions as a both word-level and high-level policy. As a result, DORA is clearly optimized during both SL and RL steps by using an explicit system action policy that considers an efficient context instead of the entire dialogue history. The system actions are both interpretable and controllable, whereas the latent actions are not. DORA improved the success rate by 6.6 points on MultiWOZ 2.0 and by 10.9 points on MultiWOZ 2.1.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Computer Speech ans Language journa

    Conversational QA Dataset Generation with Answer Revision

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    Conversational question--answer generation is a task that automatically generates a large-scale conversational question answering dataset based on input passages. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that extracts question-worthy phrases from a passage and then generates corresponding questions considering previous conversations. In particular, our framework revises the extracted answers after generating questions so that answers exactly match paired questions. Experimental results show that our simple answer revision approach leads to significant improvement in the quality of synthetic data. Moreover, we prove that our framework can be effectively utilized for domain adaptation of conversational question answering.Comment: COLING 202

    Prompt- and Trait Relation-aware Cross-prompt Essay Trait Scoring

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    Automated essay scoring (AES) aims to score essays written for a given prompt, which defines the writing topic. Most existing AES systems assume to grade essays of the same prompt as used in training and assign only a holistic score. However, such settings conflict with real-education situations; pre-graded essays for a particular prompt are lacking, and detailed trait scores of sub-rubrics are required. Thus, predicting various trait scores of unseen-prompt essays (called cross-prompt essay trait scoring) is a remaining challenge of AES. In this paper, we propose a robust model: prompt- and trait relation-aware cross-prompt essay trait scorer. We encode prompt-aware essay representation by essay-prompt attention and utilizing the topic-coherence feature extracted by the topic-modeling mechanism without access to labeled data; therefore, our model considers the prompt adherence of an essay, even in a cross-prompt setting. To facilitate multi-trait scoring, we design trait-similarity loss that encapsulates the correlations of traits. Experiments prove the efficacy of our model, showing state-of-the-art results for all prompts and traits. Significant improvements in low-resource-prompt and inferior traits further indicate our model's strength.Comment: Accepted at ACL 2023 (Findings, long paper

    Score-balanced Loss for Multi-aspect Pronunciation Assessment

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    With rapid technological growth, automatic pronunciation assessment has transitioned toward systems that evaluate pronunciation in various aspects, such as fluency and stress. However, despite the highly imbalanced score labels within each aspect, existing studies have rarely tackled the data imbalance problem. In this paper, we suggest a novel loss function, score-balanced loss, to address the problem caused by uneven data, such as bias toward the majority scores. As a re-weighting approach, we assign higher costs when the predicted score is of the minority class, thus, guiding the model to gain positive feedback for sparse score prediction. Specifically, we design two weighting factors by leveraging the concept of an effective number of samples and using the ranks of scores. We evaluate our method on the speechocean762 dataset, which has noticeably imbalanced scores for several aspects. Improved results particularly on such uneven aspects prove the effectiveness of our method.Comment: Accepted at Interspeech 202

    Hybrid approach to user intention modeling for dialog simulation

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    This paper proposes a novel user intention si-mulation method which is a data-driven ap-proach but able to integrate diverse user dis-course knowledge together to simulate various type of users. In Markov logic framework, lo-gistic regression based data-driven user inten-tion modeling is introduced, and human dialog knowledge are designed into two layers such as domain and discourse knowledge, then it is integrated with the data-driven model in gen-eration time. Cooperative, corrective and self-directing discourse knowledge are designed and integrated to mimic such type of users. Experiments were carried out to investigate the patterns of simulated users, and it turned out that our approach was successful to gener-ate user intention patterns which are not only unseen in the training corpus and but also per-sonalized in the designed direction.
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