28 research outputs found

    Some thoughts on porosity reduction:rock mechanics, overpressure and fluid flow

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    Central North Sea overpressures:insights into fluid flow from one- and two-dimensional basin modelling

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    Abstract: Jurassic and Triassic reservoirs in the Central North Sea are highly overpressured (>40 MPa above hydrostatic pressure). Simulation of the interplay between rapid Tertiary subsidence, seal permeability and fluid flow allows insight into the geological controls on the distribution and magnitude ofthe overpressure. One-dimensional models demonstrate that, unlike other basins, the overpressure d veloped in the Graben is not determined by the thickness and permeability ofthe shale pressure seal. A two-dimensional model simulating lateral flow beneath the pressure seal provides an accurate simulation of the overpressure distribution. Disequilibrium compaction of shale-dominated off-structure regions forms the principal overpressuring mechanism. Lateral flow in the permeable Fuhnar sandstones leads to high overpressure and focused vertical escape on an axial high, where the seal is thinner above a subcropping Fulmar Fm. A layered hydrogeological regime is suggested, with shallow Tertiary pressure cells separated from deep Cretaceous-Triassic pressure cells by normally pressured, permeable Palaeocene sandstones. The pre-Cretaceous rift-associated configuration of the Graben, in combination with 3 km of Tertiary subsidence, controls the distribution of overpressure. Jurassic and Triassic reservoirs in the Centra

    Mathematical modelling of groundwater flow at Sellafield, UK

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    Abstract Sellafield in West Cumbria was a potential site for the location of the UK's first underground repository for radioactive, intermediate level waste (ILW ). The repository was to lie around 650 m beneath the ground surface within rocks of the Borrowdale volcanic group (BVG), a thick suite of SW dipping, fractured, folded and metamorphosed Ordovician meta-andesites and ignimbrites. These are overlain by an onlapping sequence of Carboniferous and Permo-Triassic sediments. In situ borehole measurements showed that upward trending fluid pressure gradients exist in the area of the potential repository site, and that there are three distinct fluid types in the subsurface; fresh, saline and brine (at depth, to the west of the site). Simulations of fluid flow in the Sellafield region were undertaken with a 2D, steady-state, coupled fluid and heat flow simulation code (OILGEN ). In both simplified and geologically complex models, topographically driven flow dominated the regional hydrogeology. Fluids trended persistently upwards through the potential repository site. The dense brine to the west of the site promoted upward deflection of topographically driven groundwaters. The inclusion in hydrogeological models of faults and variably saline sub-surface fluids was essential to the accurate reproduction of regional hydraulic head variations. Sensitivity analyses of geological variables showed that the rate of groundwater flow through the potential repository site was dependent upon the hydraulic conductivity of the BVG, and was unaffected by the hydraulic conductivity of other hydrostratigraphic units. Calibration of the model was achieved by matching simulated subsurface pressures to those measured in situ. Simulations performed with BVG hydraulic conductivity 100 times the base case median value provided the ''best-fit'' comparison between the calculated equivalent freshwater head and that measured in situ, regardless of the hydraulic conductivity of other hydrostratigraphic units. Transient mass transport simulations utilising the hydraulic conductivities of this ''best fit'' simulation showed that fluids passing through the potential repository site could reach the surface in 15 000 years. Simple safety case implications drawn from the results of the study showed that the measured BVG hydraulic conductivity must be less than 0.03 m year−1 to be simply declared safe. Recent BVG hydraulic conductivity measurements showed that the maximum BVG hydraulic conductivity is around 1000 times this safety limit