3 research outputs found


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    Games As Educational Tools in eARTh Science: MAREOPOLI and THE ENERGY CHALLENGE

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    Research and researchers do have an important role in sustainable green and blue economy. It is also clear that outreach activities are fundamental to improve societal perception of Science past and present results and future insights or consequences and that is primary to change people’s mentality. This is one of the main goals of the Scientific Dissemination Group (SDG) “La Spezia Gulf of Science”, made up by Research Centres, Schools and Cultural associations located in La Spezia (Liguria, Italy). However, communicating scientific results means also improving educational methods: introducing tight relationship with artists (especially graphic designers), can produce unusual approaches and translate concepts in images which everyone can understand also under an emotional point of view. Images have a fundamental role for understanding and learning simple and less simple concepts, for example general public and high School students can be reached by interactive conferences with live speed painting (Locritani et al., 2016), and kids can be involved in interactive games. And games, especially, can reduce learning curves, since playing itself creates a natural forum for exchanging ideas and reflecting on natural phenomena and human impacts outside of class hours. Games, and the entertainment value of play, have the ability to teach and transform (Gobet et al., 2004). In this work we’ll present two different games that raised from the collaboration between researchers and artists: MAREOPOLI and THE ENERGY CHALLENGE. MAREOPOLI (The City of Tides) is a simplified adaptation of the famous board game Monopoly, and consist of 36 spaces: 16 important historical and coastal cities having relevant tide phenomena, 8 Unexpected Events spaces (questions are asked on Modern Oceanography), 8 Curious Facts spaces (players receive information on historical records) and 4 corner squares: GO, (Blocked) in Limestone Grotto/Just Visiting, Free Beach Club, and Go to Limestone Grotto. Players move around the game-board attempting to take control of all 16 cities, with the goal of acquiring information about scientific facts related to tides, climate change and historical oceanographic records. A city is conquered by answering correctly to specific questions. THE ENERGY CHALLENGE (Bussei et al., 2002) is a role-playing game aimed to explain concepts related to energy and one of the deliverables of the FP6 project WESPA (2002-SCIENCEANDSOCIETY-2). It makes use of appealing playing cards that, through eye-catching images, exemplify the different forms and sources of energy and its transformation processes. The game has very simple rules and has been designed as an educational team game, to be used especially in schools, both primary and secondary. Players are organized in two teams, according to their assigned cards, and have to choose a game strategy that optimizes the available resources, their use and the general environmental sustainability.PublishedVienna2TM. Divulgazione Scientific

    Giocando verso uno sviluppo sostenibile: il contributo della sede INGV di Porto Venere nella realizzazione di giochi didattico-scientifici

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    In questo articolo descriviamo l’importanza dell’attività ludico-didattica e del linguaggio visivo per facilitare l’apprendimento ed in particolare l’esperienza della sede INGV di Porto Venere all’interno del Gruppo di Lavoro La Spezia Golfo della Scienza [Locritani et al., 2015], nell’ambito dello sviluppo di giochi scientifici. Il gruppo di lavoro ormai da dieci anni collabora nell’organizzazione di eventi di divulgazione con l’obiettivo di accrescere la conoscenza sulle grandi tematiche ambientali per la salvaguardia del Pianeta. Le premesse che sostengono questa strategia hanno radici profonde provenienti da motivazioni politiche, economiche e sociali che sono alla base dello Sviluppo Sostenibile. In ambito Europeo l’educazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile richiede il coinvolgimento di tutta la popolazione, nonostante queste linee guida i sondaggi dell’Eurobarometro evidenziano un basso interesse nei confronti delle scienze. In questo contesto è importante evidenziare il ruolo della divulgazione scientifica e delle diverse metodologie da impiegare. Nella semplificazione dei concetti svolge un ruolo chiave l’immagine e l’utilizzo di essa nella realizzazione di giochi scientifico-didattici. Nei prossimi paragrafi verranno descritti: il contesto economico, politico e sociale che sostiene l’importanza della divulgazione scientifica; la funzione del linguaggio visivo nella comunicazione scientifica; il ruolo del gioco nell’apprendimento; l’esperienza dell’INGV di Porto Venere all’interno dell’ambito territoriale e scientifico in cui opera; le strategie usate nella fase di progettazione del gioco, i contenuti dei giochi e le modalità stabilite per il loro utilizzo.Published1-262TM. Divulgazione ScientificaN/A or not JC