242 research outputs found


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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. The diner in which they sat was hot and sticky on this late July morning. Hot and sticky, but still very crowded. After the short wait for a table, the couple sat down in a nearby booth. The usually cold, red, leather cushions were now a hot seat-warm and sticky from the last customers. A frazzled waitress came by right away to take their drink orders

    Konstteoretikern och livet : Mikael Lybecks Breven till Cecilia i nietzscheansk belysning

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    I avhandlingen analyseras den finlandssvenska författaren Mikael Lybecks (1864-1925) verk Breven till Cecilia. Denna brevroman hör till Lybecks senare produktion och utkom 1920. Verket har kommit att betraktas som en klassiker inom den finlandssvenska litteraturen. Av författarensövriga produktion Ă€r det strĂ€ngt taget endast Tomas Indal (1911) som haft en jĂ€mförbar genomslagskraft. Trots detta har romanen inte varit föremĂ„l för en enda mer omfattande studie. l sin Lybeckbiografi relaterar Erik Kihlman i första hand verket till det biografiska och till samhĂ€llssituationen vid tiden för romanens tillkomst. Vetenskapen, konsten och livet bildar tillsammans den triangel som utgör romanens stomme. Antiken Ă€r starkt nĂ€rvarande i romanen och med begrepp som hĂ€rrör frĂ„n denna era kan man tala om det sokratiska, det apollinska och det dionysiska. Detta Ă€r begrepp som Friedrich Nietzsche utgĂ„r i frĂ„n i sitt ungdomsverk Tragedins födelse (Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik) frĂ„n 1872. Nietzsches vetenskapskritik och hans syn pĂ„ den högsta konsten som ett brödraförbund mellan Dionysos och Apollon stĂ„r i förvĂ„nansvĂ€rt hög grad i samklang med den övergripande tematiken i Lybecks verk. NĂ€r Nietzsche dĂ€rtill framhĂ€ver musiken som grunden förall konst fĂ„r mĂ„nga inslag i romanen sin förklaring. l Breven till Cecilia skildras en vĂ€ndpunkt i huvudpersonen Sven Ingelets liv. DĂ€rför ligger tyngdpunkten i den tematiska analysen vid det som gör att verket kan betraktas som en utvecklingsroman. Även om romanen skildrar en tidsperiod pĂ„ endast ett och ett halvt Ă„r sĂ„ hinnerhuvudpersonen Ă€ndĂ„ undergĂ„ en betydande personlighetsförĂ€ndring. Nietzsches Tragedinsfödelse med dess ovannĂ€mnda grundlĂ€ggande begrepp lĂ€mpar sig ypperligt som referensram för en analys av denna förĂ€ndring. Avhandlingen har ocksĂ„ strukturerats utgĂ„ende frĂ„n de nietzscheanska begreppen sokratiskt, dionysiskt och apollinskt vilka alltsĂ„ Ă„terspeglar huvudpersonens utvecklingsfaser. FrĂ„n att ha varit en renodlad förnuftsmĂ€nniska vĂ€cks Sven Ingelet genom ett kortvarigt kĂ€rleksförhĂ„llande till det dionysiska med allt vad det innebĂ€r av kĂ€nslorus och lidande. Att Ingelet nĂ€stan helt uppgĂ„tt i sin roll som konstteoretiker har medfört att hans förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till omvĂ€rlden utmĂ€rks av intresselös betraktelse. Till följd av sin viljesvaghet och bristande handlingskraft mĂ„stehan försöka behĂ„lla sin Ă€lskades gunst genom magiska pseudohandlingar. Detta leder in Ingelet i myternas vĂ€rld. Hans verklighetsuppfattning fĂ„r andra dimensioner Ă€n den vetenskapliga. Det dionysiska uppvaknandet medför tillsammans med det efterföljande brevskrivandet att IngeletnĂ„r fram till en sjĂ€lvkĂ€nnedom och upphör att vara en frĂ€mling i tillvaron. Ingelet utvecklar ocksĂ„en ny konstsyn som förutsĂ€tter ett samband mellan konsten och livet. Detta apollinska utvecklingsstadium kĂ€nnetecknas ocksĂ„ av sanningsförmedlande drömmar, och av en tilltagande resignation som till slut utmynnar i ett sjĂ€lvmord

    Post-depositional alteration of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef at Vaal Reef no. 10 shaft, Klerksdorp Goldfield

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    Bibliography: pages 157-167.The Ventersdorp Contact Reef (VCR) is an auriferous conglomerate which unconformably overlies the rocks of the Witwatersrand Supergroup. It acted as a palaeo-aquifer and is capped by relatively impermeable metabasalts of the Ventersdorp Supergroup. Three post-depositional alteration events, which form an alteration halo in the footwall and hangjngwall rocks around the VCR, can be recognised. The first of these alteration events is attributed to regional metamorphism and is identified by the formation of pyrophyllite in the footwall quartzites and a lower green schist facies mineral assemblage in the hangingwall metabasalts. The second and third alteration events are interpreted as metasomatic fluid in filtration events which were focused along the VCR horizon. The second alteration event involved Kâșmetasomatism which affected the footwall and hanging wall rocks up to a distance of several metres away from the VCR The third alteration event, during which the muscovite was partially replaced, was associated with the formation of chlorite in and immediately around the VCR-Chlorite thermometry suggests a temperature of 307 ± 14°C for this event. The close mineralogical association of gold with chlorite, secondary pyrite and secondary quartz in the VCR is interpreted to indicate that gold remobilisation was associated with the chlorite forming alteration event. The inhomogeneity found in gold particles within a hydrothermal quartz vein indicates a sharp drop in temperature after gold precipitation, suggesting a very short period of hydrothermal fluid infiltration

    Die BekÀmpfung der Adipositas in den USA

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    Mehr als zwei Drittel der US-Amerikaner gelten gegenwĂ€rtig als ĂŒbergewichtig; ein Drittel der amerikanischen Bevölkerung ist gar so ĂŒbergewichtig, dass es als adipös bzw. fettleibig eingestuft werden muss. Das Thema „obesity“ beherrscht seit einem halben Jahrzehnt die Medien und wird auf zunehmend polemische Art und Weise diskutiert. Insbesondere der Einfluss der Fastfood-Industrie auf die Adipositas-Genese ist umstritten. Über deren Verantwortung wird sowohl in populĂ€ren als auch in wissenschaftlichen Diskursen spekuliert. Akribisch dokumentiertes Faktum ist, dass Nahrung im modernen Amerika ubiquitĂ€r und im Überfluss vorhanden ist. Der BĂŒrger steht als Omnivore vor der Qual der Wahl. Die Arbeit „Die BekĂ€mpfung der Adipositas in den USA“ widmet sich dem Ausmaß und den möglichen Ursachen der Adipositas in den USA sowie Strategien des individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Umgangs damit

    Online-Informationsressourcen zur Geschichte Lateinamerikas und der iberischen Halbinsel

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    Der Autor erörtert das Problem wissenschaftlicher Informationsermittlung und strukturierter Darstellung wissenschaftlicher Informationsquellen. Am Beispiel einer ersten Bestandsaufnahme der gegenwĂ€rtig im Internet vorhandenen Datenquellen zur iberischen und lateinamerikanischen Geschichte wird der wissenschaftliche Nutzen online verfĂŒgbarer Informationsressourcen untersucht. Dabei wird auf elementare Strategien zur Erschließung komplexer Datenquellen im Internet eingegangen und zentrale Einstiegspunkte wie Suchmaschinen und Indizes benannt. Vorgestellt werden Möglichkeiten der Literaturrecherche in Bibliotheken, BibliotheksverbĂŒnden, Textarchiven, Datenbanken und durch Zugriff auf Bibliothekskataloge entfernter Rechner. Der Einsatz neuer Medien im akademischen Bereich sollte nach sorgfĂ€ltiger Reflexion der tatsĂ€chlichen Möglichkeiten erfolgen, um einem Einsatz zum Selbstzweck entgegenzuwirken. (prh)'This study discusses first the problem of scientific information investigation and of structured presentation of scientific information sources. In consequence of the conclusion that an universal usable information investigation system does not exist we concipate a model of such a system which relieves the theoretical and intellectual process from technical ballast. It is based on two central functional elements: 1. The standardized compressing of the contents of information sources guarantees that the user finds quickly and exactly the information of his special interest. 2. The visualising principle generates a three-dimensional picture from a one dimensional informations resource. This concept offers a functional and contential link system of any information pool.' (author's abstract

    Conservation and renovation of Three parks in HöganÀs

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    The purpose of this master dissertation is to show an example of how to renovate three different parks in an area of national interest in HöganĂ€s, Sweden aiming to deal with their heritage value as well as making them attractive to today’s user. The question formulation can be described as following: How can i as a landscape architect renovate parks with different characters conserving their existing qualities. By studying and documenting the parkÂŽs history and current usage and using methods of evaluating a park’s heritage value ( Kulturhistorisk vĂ€rdering av bebyggelse, UnnerbĂ€ck 2002) i could conclude which qualities to conserve and suggest and motivate what features to add or renovate. The remains/features with high heritage value formed my basis for design. Additions such as new sitting possibilities, lightning and accessible walking paths makes the park attractive to today’s visitors. I wanted to let as many historical layers as can be to remain side by side in the park making it possible for future generation to reevaluate the establishment according to their view upon conservation. In my opinion this is typical way of handling heritage value of parks/buildings today. The three parks of HöganĂ€s have different importance to the national interest. The “Tivolipark” is a typical city park, the “Kaptnenens trĂ€dgĂ„rd” is an old private garden and the “Ruuthspark” is manly a green leftover from former building establishments. The two first parks are included in the national interest as parts of old HöganĂ€s pattern of settlement. The third park has no connection to the national interest as a part of a pattern. Features such as the statue of Ruuth, and a chestnut alley constitutes the heritage value. The parks of HöganĂ€s are situated in an area of national interest but only in premier parks containing high heritage value it can be motivated to make a costly archeological investigation to complete the documentation of a park. A landscape architects role can be to decide the level of ambition to be used in a renovation project of an existing park to achieve a proper focus on future design and usage

    The Effectiveness of Visual Scanning Training to Improve Functional Performance Poststroke: A Case Study in Eastern North Carolina

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    Rationale: Although an abundance of research exists regarding overall rehabilitation interventions poststroke, there is a lack of evidence for treatment of visual deficits. Additionally, eye tracking glasses may be used to further understand the effects of visual field deficits poststroke, though no studies have yet used eye tracking in the context of daily occupations. Purpose: This study evaluated the effectiveness of component-based, occupation-based, and combined occupational therapy treatment for visual scanning training on improving occupational performance in instrumental activities of daily living. The second portion of the study described the differences in visual scanning tendencies during cooking and driving, between an individual with a visual field deficit poststroke and a healthy control of similar age and gender. Design: This study used a case study design with a health control for the eye tracking portion. Participant: The participant was a 55-year-old female who had a stroke 7 years prior. Methods: One participant with a visual field deficit poststroke underwent three visual scanning treatments - component-based, occupation-based, and combined. The researchers administered the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) and took standardized measures on the Vision Coach (full field, 60 dots, all red, speed 0, fixator off) at pretest, after the component-based intervention, after the occupation-based intervention, and after the combined intervention to determine the change in occupational performance - measured by motor skills and process skills - after each intervention. After the interventions were complete, the participant completed a cooking tasks and a task on the driving simulator, while wearing the Tobii Glasses Pro 2 eye tracking glasses. Analysis: Data from the AMPS was compared between times and to the AMPS standardization sample to determine observable improvements. Vision Coach data was also compared between times. The participant's eye tracking data - duration of first fixation, total visit duration, and heat maps - were compared to a healthy control of the same age and gender. Results: With regards to the AMPS and in order of time, the participant scores of motor skills were 1.4 (mild to moderate increased physical effort), 1.8 (questionable to mild increased physical effort), 2.0 (questionable increased physical effort), and 1.8 (questionable to mild increased physical effort). Her scores of process skills were 0.8 (questionable to mild inefficiency), 1.0 (questionable inefficiency), 0.8 (questionable to mild inefficiency), 1.2 (questionable inefficiency). As per the AMPS standardization sample, an observable difference is one of 0.30 logits or more. Comparison of the eye tracking measures and heat maps revealed differences between time spent viewing areas of the visual field, including during two crashes on the driving simulator. Discussion: Overall, visual scanning training as a compensatory method was effective for this participant and could therefore be considered by occupational therapists when treating clients with chronic visual field deficits poststroke, with the combined training being most effective. This study also supports the use of eye tracking glasses during occupations to understand visual scanning tendencies between individuals with and without visual deficits

    Examining the use of marketing metrics in annual reports of SA listed companies

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    Purpose This paper analyses the use of marketing metrics and marketing information and metrics contained in 2006/7 annual reports of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The assumption is that the annual reports are the vehicle whereby listed companies communicate to their shareholders and other stakeholder constituencies. Methodology The assessment criteria is based on Ambler’s (2003) suggested marketing metrics and qualitative data is based on a checklist compiled from various academic sources. The elements which are assessed pertain to brand equity, other customer metrics, segmentation, competition, innovation and environmental and strategic aspects. The information obtained is compared to information required by investors and rating is done based on a grand total maturity. Findings Research results indicate that the use of quantitative metrics and qualitative data is very limited. The majority of companies display a lack of information pertaining to marketing. The results reflect a bi-modal tendency. Half (53%) of the companies do not provide any or poor information on their brand whereas 26% of companies supplied good and excellent information. The grand total score indicates that nearly two thirds (60%) of companies obtain a score of less than 50%, providing insufficient information. On the other hand, 27% of companies provide good and excellent information. Segmentation metrics are generally not reflected in annual reports, neither are competitors. Innovation and environmental aspects influencing market trends are covered by two thirds, however a third provides insufficient information. Other findings include that no standard reporting format exists. Information pertaining to marketing is spread throughout the annual reports. None of the companies provide a glossary of marketing definition or brand terminology. Research implications More in-depth research needs to be conducted on various industry sectors and amongst investors as to their needs. Originality/ value The paper is of value to corporate executives, marketing and communication practitioners who seek to improve communication and to convey optimal information for the investment community. The aim is to stimulate executive management to revise their relationship towards customers, the brand, marketing strategy and investors.Graduate School of Business LeadershipM.B.L

    Dynamics of femtosecond laser-induced melting and amorphization of indium phosphide

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    7 pages, 5 figures.-- PACS: 64.70.Dv; 81.30.Fb; 61.80.Ba; 78.66.Fd; 61.82.FkLaser-induced melting and resolidification of single-crystalline indium phosphide (InP) upon irradiation with 150 fs laser pulses at 800 nm has been investigated by means of real-time-reflectivity measurements with subnanosecond time resolution. Melting of the surface is observed to occur very rapidly on a time scale shorter than our experimental resolution while the lifetime of the liquid phase is several tens of nanoseconds. As a result of the subsequent rapid solidification process, a thin layer of amorphous material with a thickness of several tens of nanometers is formed on the surface. The formation of this amorphous layer has been observed for every fluence above the melting and below the ablation threshold. The evolution of the reflectivity has been modeled for several different solidification scenarios and compared to the experimental results. This comparison shows that solidification proceeds interfacially from the solid interface towards the surface. A lower limit for the critical solid-liquid interface velocity for amorphization in this compound semiconductor has been estimated to be in the range of 1–4 m/s.This work has been partially supported by the EU in the frame of the TMR Project XPOSE (Grant No. HPRN-CT- 2000-00160). S.M.W. acknowledges the funding in the frame of the same project. J.B. acknowledges the funding of the CSIC through a contract in the frame of the I3P programme (Ref. I3P-PC2002), co-funded by the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe
