353 research outputs found

    Combinatorics of Labelled Parallelogram polyominoes

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    We obtain explicit formulas for the enumeration of labelled parallelogram polyominoes. These are the polyominoes that are bounded, above and below, by north-east lattice paths going from the origin to a point (k,n). The numbers from 1 and n (the labels) are bijectively attached to the nn north steps of the above-bounding path, with the condition that they appear in increasing values along consecutive north steps. We calculate the Frobenius characteristic of the action of the symmetric group S_n on these labels. All these enumeration results are refined to take into account the area of these polyominoes. We make a connection between our enumeration results and the theory of operators for which the intergral Macdonald polynomials are joint eigenfunctions. We also explain how these same polyominoes can be used to explicitly construct a linear basis of a ring of SL_2-invariants.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Homomorphisms between Solomon's descent algebras

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    In a previous paper (see A. Garsia and C. Reutenauer (Adv. in Math. 77, 1989, 189–262)), we have studied algebraic properties of the descent algebras Σn, and shown how these are related to the canonical decomposition of the free Lie algebra corresponding to a version of the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem. In the present paper, we study homomorphisms between these algebras Σn. The existence of these homomorphisms was suggested by properties of some directed graphs that we constructed in the previous paper (reference above) describing the structure of the descent algebras. More precisely, examination of the graphs suggested the existence of homomorphisms Σn→Σn−s and Σn→Σn+s. We were then able to construct, for any s (0<s<n), a surjective homomorphism Δs: Σn→Σn−s and an embedding Γs:Σn−s→Σn, which reflects these observations. The homomorphisms Δs may also be defined as derivations of the free associative algebra Q〈t1,t2,…> which sends ti on ti−s, if one identifies the basis element D⊆S of Σn with some word (coding S) on the alphabet T={t1, t2,…}. We show that this mapping is indeed a homomorphism, using the combinatorial description of the multiplication table of Σn given in the previous paper (reference above)

    Effective Invariant Theory of Permutation Groups using Representation Theory

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    Using the theory of representations of the symmetric group, we propose an algorithm to compute the invariant ring of a permutation group. Our approach have the goal to reduce the amount of linear algebra computations and exploit a thinner combinatorial description of the invariant ring.Comment: Draft version, the corrected full version is available at http://www.springer.com

    Stochastic differential equation involving Wiener process and fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H>1/2H> 1/2

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    We consider a mixed stochastic differential equation driven by possibly dependent fractional Brownian motion and Brownian motion. Under mild regularity assumptions on the coefficients, it is proved that the equation has a unique solution

    Random Walk with Shrinking Steps: First Passage Characteristics

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    We study the mean first passage time of a one-dimensional random walker with step sizes decaying exponentially in discrete time. That is step sizes go like λn\lambda^{n} with λ≤1\lambda\leq1 . We also present, for pedagogical purposes, a continuum system with a diffusion constant decaying exponentially in continuous time. Qualitatively both systems are alike in their global properties. However, the discrete case shows very rich mathematical structure, depending on the value of the shrinking parameter, such as self-repetitive and fractal-like structure for the first passage characteristics. The results we present show that the most important quantitative behavior of the discrete case is that the support of the distribution function evolves in time in a rather complicated way in contrast to the time independent lattice structure of the ordinary random walker. We also show that there are critical values of λ\lambda defined by the equation λK+2λP−2=0\lambda^{K}+2\lambda^{P}-2=0 with {K,N}∈N\{K,N\}\in{\mathcal N} where the mean first passage time undergo transitions.Comment: Major Re-Editing of the article. Conclusions unaltere
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