2,534 research outputs found

    The relationship between local loop unbundling and the deployment of alternative broadband networks: An empirical analysis

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    This paper means to add to empirical research on the impact of local loop unbundling (LLU) on broadband networks. In particular, it focuses on broadband investment made by entrants. Starting from late Nineties telecommunications incumbents of several European Union countries have been required to unbundle their local loops. While there is a general consensus on the negative or null impact of unbundling obligations on incumbents' investment, research on the relationship between LLU and new entrants' investment, albeit growing, has not yet reached a coherent body of results. We have tested two propositions. First, service-based entry, which relies on LLU, paves the way to new entrants' subsequent investment in broadband systems (i.e. ladder of investment theory). Second, the price charged for local loop should increase over time in order to have a significant investment in alternative platforms (i.e. the transitory entry assistance theory). The empirical analysis is carried out on a sample of 27 European countries (2002-2009 period). We have collected country-level data on broadband lines and LLU policy indicators. The preliminary results suggest that service-based entry does not lead entrants to a subsequent facility-based entry, casting some doubts on the ladder of investment theory. The short ladder version of the theory has received confirmation instead. At the same time, an increasing price of local loop is not found to stimulate the entrants' investment in alternative broadband networks. --investment,competition,access regulation,broadband networks,unbundling local loop

    Organisation of elections beyond territory and membership

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    In this EUDO CITIZENSHIP Comparative Report, the author explores the links between this situation and the most important international features of electoral law: out-of-country voting; voting by foreigners; international election observation; transnational elections. After examining how international hard and soft law addresses these issues, he sustains the paradox that out-of-country voting is the only one directly linked to the information society, since it needs easy access to information without borders, whereas voting by foreigners is still based on territory, and while international election observation results from democratisation and transnational elections from supranational integration

    Compiti e capacitĂ  dei lavoratori nella nuova organizzazione della produzione

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    Le pagine che seguono hanno due obiettivi: offrire un ritratto professionale dei lavoratori oggi impegnati nei contesti produttivi internazionali piĂč dinamici, evidenziandone compiti e ruoli; avanzare alcune ipotesi e domande sulle capacitĂ  e le caratteristiche che possono favorire in giovani e meno giovani un impegno lavorativo utile e creativo. A questo fine, la prima parte del contributo illustra gli elementi principali dell’attuale organizzazione della produzione, dal superamento del Fordismo, alla diffusione delle tecnologie dell’informazione, all’internazionalizzazione dei rapporti di fornitura, del processo produttivo e dei mercati di sbocco. Il saggio si concentra poi sulle implicazioni di tali cambiamenti per i compiti e i ruoli richiesti ai lavoratori, per giungere infine a discutere dell’obsolescenza di alcune capacitĂ  lavorative e dell’accresciuta importanza di altre

    New examples of G2_2-structures with divergence-free torsion

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    Interest in Riemannian manifolds with holonomy equal to the exceptional Lie group G2\mathrm{G}_2 have spurred extensive research in geometric flows of G2\mathrm{G}_2-structures defined on seven-dimensional manifolds in recent years. Among many possible geometric flows, the so-called \textit{isometric flow} has the distinctive feature of preserving the underlying metric induced by that G2\mathrm{G}_2-structure, so it can be used to evolve a G2\mathrm{G}_2-structure to one with the smallest possible torsion in a given metric class. This flow is built upon the divergence of the full torsion tensor of the flowing G2\mathrm{G}_2-structures in such a way that its critical points are precisely G2\mathrm{G}_2-structures with divergence-free torsion. In this article we study three large families of pairwise non-equivalent non-closed left-invariant G2\mathrm{G}_2-structures defined on simply connected solvable Lie groups previously studied in \cite{KL} and compute the divergence of their full torsion tensor, obtaining that it is identically zero in all cases

    Impact of M&A on the R&D process. An empirical analysis of the role of technological and market relatedness, The

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    While the impact of M&A on R&D and innovation examined at the aggregate level left inconclusive evidence, we find that at the level of the R&D process both the technological and the market relatedness between the target and the acquirer are helpful dimensions to identify effects. Using information on 31 in-depth cases of individual M&A deals we show that technological relatedness between M&A partners directly affects the inputs and organizational structure of the R&D process. M&A partners that operate in the same technological fields tend to reduce their R&D effort and rationalize the R&D process after the M&A compared to firms active in complementary technological fields that merge. These firms will furthermore face less technological competition in the technology market, but risk creating a more bureaucratic R&D process with a less motivated workforce. Market relatedness between partners, while having comparable aggregate effects on the R&D process, operates on different dimensions of the R&D process. Former rivals that engage in a M&A are significantly less likely to expand into new R&D fields or leverage their technological competences across the products and markets of the new entity. Non-rival firms that join forces, in contrast, significantly increase R&D output and productivity through these activities.M&A; R&D; scale and scope; market relatedness; technological relatedness;

    Preparing secondary teacher candidates to teach academic English

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    In this qualitative study, mainstream teacher candidates in a secondary teacher education program were asked to incorporate academic English instruction into their lesson planning and implementation in fieldwork placement classrooms. Teacher candidates attended a training session in which one method for identifying academic English features was taught. Artifacts, classroom observations, and interviews from four teacher candidates were analyzed to determine what features of academic English were identified and how these were taught to high school students. While all four teacher candidates accurately identified features of academic English in their lessons, only two participants taught features of academic English to students. The experiences of the participants illustrated that teacher candidates need, in addition to the ability to identify features of academic English, knowledge about how to teach language, a commitment to teaching language in their lessons, and the support of university supervisors and supervising practitioners who possess the same knowledge and commitment

    The impact of M&A on the R&D process. An empirical analysis of the role of technological and market relatedness.

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    While the impact of M&A on R&D and innovation examined at the aggregate level left inconclusive evidence, we find that at the level of the R&D process both the technological and market relatedness between the target and acquirer are helpful dimensions to identify effects. Using information on 31 in-depth cases of individual M&A deals we show that technological relatedness between M&A partners directly affects the inputs and organizational structure of the R&D process. M&A partners that operate in the same technological fields tend to reduce their R&D effort and rationalize the R&D process after the M&A compared to firms active in complementary technological fields that merge. These firms will furthermore face less technological competition in the technology market, but risk creating a more bureaucratic R&D process with a less motivated workforce. Market relatedness between partners, while having comparable aggregate effects on the R&D process, operates on different dimensions of the R&D process. Former rivals that engage in a M&A are significantly less likely to expand into new R&D fields or leverage their technological competences across the products and markets of the new entity. Non-rival firms that join forces, on the contrary, significantly increase R&D output and productivity through these activities.Competition; Effects; Field; Firms; Information; Innovation; International; M&A; Market; Market relatedness; Markets; Organizational structure; Processes; Product; R&D; Risk; Scale and scope; Structure; Subsidiaries; Technolocal relatedness; Technology diffusion;
