58 research outputs found

    Embedding QM into an objective framework

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    An elementary model is given which shows how an objective (hence local and noncontextual) picture of the microworld can be constructed without conflicting with quantum mechanics (QM). This contradicts known no-go theorems, which however do not hold in the model, and supplies some suggestions for a broader theory in which QM can be embedded.Comment: 8 page

    A survey of the ESR model for an objective reinterpretation of quantum mechanics

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    Most scholars concerned with the foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) think that contextuality and nonlocality (hence nonobjectivity of physical properties) are unavoidable features of QM which follow from the mathematical apparatus of QM. Moreover these features are usually considered as basic in quantum information processing. Nevertheless they raise still unsolved problems, as the objectification problem in the quantum theory of measurement. The extended semantic realism (ESR) model offers a possible way out from these difficulties by embedding the mathematical formalism of QM into a broader mathematical formalism and reinterpreting quantum probabilities as conditional on detection rather than absolute. The embedding allows to recover the formal apparatus of QM within the ESR model, and the reinterpretation of QM allows to construct a noncontextual hidden variables theory which justifies the assumptions introduced in the ESR model and proves its objectivity. According to the ESR model both linear and nonlinear time evolution occur, depending on the physical environment, as in QM. In addition, the ESR model, though objective, implies modified Bell's inequalities that do not conflict with QM, supplies different mathematical representations of proper and improper mixtures, provides a general framework in which the local interpretations of the GHZ experiment obtained by other authors are recovered and explained, and supports an interpretation of quantum logic which avoids the introduction of the problematic notion of quantum truth.Comment: 12 page

    A Pragmatic Interpretation of Quantum Logic

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    Scholars have wondered for a long time whether the language of quantum mechanics introduces a quantum notion of truth which is formalized by quantum logic (QL) and is incompatible with the classical (Tarskian) notion. We show that QL can be interpreted as a pragmatic language of assertive formulas which formalize statements about physical systems that are empirically justified or unjustified in the framework of quantum mechanics. According to this interpretation, QL formalizes properties of the metalinguistic notion of empirical justification within quantum mechanics rather than properties of a quantum notion of truth. This conclusion agrees with a general integrationist perspective that interprets nonstandard logics as theories of metalinguistic notions different from truth, thus avoiding incompatibility with classical notions and preserving the globality of logic. By the way, some elucidations of the standard notion of quantum truth are also obtained. Key words: pragmatics, quantum logic, quantum mechanics, justifiability, global pluralism.Comment: Third version: 20 pages. Sects. 1, 2, and 4 rewritten and improved. Explanations adde

    A Semantic Approach to the Completeness Problem in Quantum Mechanics

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    The old Bohr-Einstein debate about the completeness of quantum mechanics (QM) was held on an ontological ground. The completeness problem becomes more tractable, however, if it is preliminarily discussed from a semantic viewpoint. Indeed every physical theory adopts, explicitly or not, a truth theory for its observative language, in terms of which the notions of semantic objectivity and semantic completeness of the physical theory can be introduced and inquired. In particular, standard QM adopts a verificationist theory of truth that implies its semantic nonobjectivity; moreover, we show in this paper that standard QM is semantically complete, which matches Bohr's thesis. On the other hand, one of the authors has provided a Semantic Realism (or SR) interpretation of QM that adopts a Tarskian theory of truth as correspondence for the observative language of QM (which was previously mantained to be impossible); according to this interpretation QM is semantically objective, yet incomplete, which matches EPR's thesis. Thus, standard QM and the SR interpretation of QM come to opposite conclusions. These can be reconciled within an integrationist perspective that interpretes non-Tarskian theories of truth as theories of metalinguistic concepts different from truth.Comment: 19 pages. Further revision. Proof of Theorem 3.2.1 simplified, Section 3.5 amended, minor changes in several sections. Accepted for publication in Foundations of Physic

    On the Notion of Proposition in Classical and Quantum Mechanics

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    The term proposition usually denotes in quantum mechanics (QM) an element of (standard) quantum logic (QL). Within the orthodox interpretation of QM the propositions of QL cannot be associated with sentences of a language stating properties of individual samples of a physical system, since properties are nonobjective in QM. This makes the interpretation of propositions problematical. The difficulty can be removed by adopting the objective interpretation of QM proposed by one of the authors (semantic realism, or SR, interpretation). In this case, a unified perspective can be adopted for QM and classical mechanics (CM), and a simple first order predicate calculus L(x) with Tarskian semantics can be constructed such that one can associate a physical proposition (i.e., a set of physical states) with every sentence of L(x). The set PfP^{f} of all physical propositions is partially ordered and contains a subset PTfP^{f}_{T} of testable physical propositions whose order structure depends on the criteria of testability established by the physical theory. In particular, PTfP^{f}_{T} turns out to be a Boolean lattice in CM, while it can be identified with QL in QM. Hence the propositions of QL can be associated with sentences of L(x), or also with the sentences of a suitable quantum language LTQ(x)L_{TQ}(x), and the structure of QL characterizes the notion of testability in QM. One can then show that the notion of quantum truth does not conflict with the classical notion of truth within this perspective. Furthermore, the interpretation of QL propounded here proves to be equivalent to a previous pragmatic interpretation worked out by one of the authors, and can be embodied within a more general perspective which considers states as first order predicates of a broader language with a Kripkean semantics.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in "The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Historical Analysis and Open Questions-Cesena 2004", C. Garola, A. Rossi and S. Sozzo Eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 200

    Generalized Observables, Bell's Inequalities and Mixtures in the ESR Model for QM

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    The extended semantic realism (ESR) model proposes a new theoretical perspective which embodies the mathematical formalism of standard (Hilbert space) quantum mechanics (QM) into a noncontextual framework, reinterpreting quantum probabilities as conditional instead of absolute. We provide in this review an overall view on the present status of our research on this topic. We attain in a new, shortened way a mathematical representation of the generalized observables introduced by the ESR model and a generalization of the projection postulate of elementary QM. Basing on these results we prove that the Bell-Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (BCHSH) inequality, a modified BCHSH inequality and quantum predictions hold together in the ESR model because they refer to different parts of the picture of the physical world supplied by the model. Then we show that a new mathematical representation of mixtures must be introduced in the ESR model which does not coincide with the standard representation in QM and avoids some deep problems that arise from the representation of mixtures provided by QM. Finally we get a nontrivial generalization of the Luders postulate, which is justified in a special case by introducing a reasonable physical assumption on the evolution of the compound system made up of the measured system and the measuring apparatus.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, Found. Phy
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