42 research outputs found

    Evaluating dynamic error of a treadmill and the effect on measured kinetic gait parameters: Implications and possible solutions.

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    The dynamic properties of instrumented treadmills influence the force measurement of the embedded force platform. We investigated these properties using a frequency response function, which evaluates the ratio between the measured and applied forces in the frequency domain. For comparison, the procedure was also performed on the gold-standard ground-embedded force platform. A predictive model of the systematic error of both types of force platform was then developed and tested against different input signals that represent three types of running patterns. Results show that the treadmill structure distorts the measured force signal. We then modified this structure with a simple stiffening frame in an attempt to reduce measurement error. Consequently, the overall absolute error was reduced (-22%), and the error in force-derived metrics was also sufficiently reduced: -68% for average loading rate error and -80% for impact peak error. Our procedure shows how to measure, predict, and reduce systematic dynamic error associated with treadmill-installed force platforms. We suggest this procedure should be implemented to appraise data quality, and frequency response function values should be included in research reports


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    Differences in equipment influence the execution of a skill. To date, no literature has identified if ball properties influence foot-ball impact of kicking. The aim of this study was to compare kick impact characteristics of a futsal (FB) and soccer ball (SB). A mechanical limb impacted each ball to standardise all kicking characteristics. High speed video camera (4,000 Hz) captured impact characteristics of each ball. Significant differences (P \u3c 0.05) were observed between the two balls. The SB displayed a higher coefficient of restitution, average force and ball velocity. The timing of key events during impact differed; the FB velocity was higher for the first 75% of impact duration, where it was then exceeded by the SB. The SB was characterised by decreased energy losses, notable during the reformation phase. This work identified that ball properties do influence the impact phase of kicking

    Scaling sports equipment for children promotes functional movement variability

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Scaling sports equipment to match the physical development of children allows motor skills to be performed with greater success and with more desirable movement patterns. It is unknown, however, how scaled equipment affects movement variability – a key factor associated with coordination. Our aim was to identify whether scaled sports equipment facilitates coordination and functional movement variability in children when performing a hitting for accuracy task in tennis. Twenty-five children were asked to execute a forehand stroke with the aim of hitting the ball to a target located 10 metres away. Participants performed the task in two conditions – a scaled equipment condition and a full-sized equipment condition. Scaled equipment led to superior hitting accuracy and greater temporal stability of the swing compared to full-sized equipment. Scaled equipment also afforded the emergence of a functional coupling between upper arm and forearm movement variability which helped regulate the distance between the shoulder and the racket. Comparatively there was a lack of coupling when full-sized equipment was used. Hence, scaled equipment promoted functional movement variability, whereas full-sized equipment resulted in the freezing of mechanical degrees of freedom. This suggests that children’s skill acquisition could be hindered and potentially regress when using inappropriately sized equipment

    Insight into the hierarchical control governing leg stiffness during the stance phase of running

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    Leg stiffness plays a key role in the storage and release of elastic energy during stance. However, the extent to which a runner is able to reuse stored energy remains a limiting factor in determining their running effectiveness. In this study, ten habitual rearfoot strikers and ten habitual forefoot strikers were asked to run on a treadmill in three footwear conditions: traditional, neutral, and minimal running shoes. We examined the effect of habitual foot strike pattern and footwear on leg stiffness control within three task-relevant phases of stance (i.e. touch-down, loading, unloading). Control was quantified using stride-to-stride leg stiffness time-series and the coefficient of variability and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The results are interpreted within a theoretical framework that blends dynamic systems theory and optimal feedback control. Results indicate that leg stiffness control is tightly regulated by an active control process during the loading period of stance. In contrast, the touch-down and unloading phases are driven mostly by passive allometric control mechanisms. The effect of footwear on leg stiffness control was inconclusive due to inconsistent trends across three shoe types. However, stiffness control was affected by landing technique. Habitual rearfoot strike runners have reduced DFA values during the touch-down and unloading phases. These sub-phases are associated with an allometric control process and suggests that rearfoot strike runners express a reduction in system complexity for leg stiffness control and hence, a less adaptable system

    Ankle Joint Dynamic Stiffness in Long-Distance Runners: Effect of Foot Strike and Shoes Features

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    Foot strike mode and footwear features are known to affect ankle joint kinematics and loading patterns, but how those factors are related to the ankle dynamic properties is less clear. In our study, two distinct samples of experienced long-distance runners: habitual rearfoot strikers (n = 10) and habitual forefoot strikers (n = 10), were analysed while running at constant speed on an instrumented treadmill in three footwear conditions. The joint dynamic stiffness was analysed for three subphases of the moment-angle plot: early rising, late rising and descending. Habitual rearfoot strikers displayed a statistically (p < 0.05) higher ankle dynamic stiffness in all combinations of shoes and subphases, except in early stance in supportive shoes. In minimal-supportive shoes, both groups had the lowest dynamic stiffness values for early and late rising (initial contact through mid-stance), whilst the highest stiffness values were at late rising in minimal shoes for both rearfoot and forefoot strikers (0.21 0.04, 0.24 +/- 0.06 (Nm/kg/degrees .100), respectively). In conclusion, habitual forefoot strikers may have access to a wider physiological range of the muscle torque and joint angle. This increased potential may allow forefoot strikers to adapt to different footwear by regulating ankle dynamic stiffness depending upon the motor task

    Prediction of gait trajectories based on the Long Short Term Memory neural networks

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    The forecasting of lower limb trajectories can improve the operation of assistive devices and minimise the risk of tripping and balance loss. The aim of this work was to examine four Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network architectures (Vanilla, Stacked, Bidirectional and Autoencoders) in predicting the future trajectories of lower limb kinematics, i.e. Angular Velocity (AV) and Linear Acceleration (LA). Kinematics data of foot, shank and thigh (LA and AV) were collected from 13 male and 3 female participants (28 ± 4 years old, 1.72 ± 0.07 m in height, 66 ± 10 kg in mass) who walked for 10 minutes at preferred walking speed (4.34 ± 0.43 km.h-1) and at an imposed speed (5km.h-1, 15.4% ± 7.6% faster) on a 0% gradient treadmill. The sliding window technique was adopted for training and testing the LSTM models with total kinematics time-series data of 10,500 strides. Results based on leave-one-out cross validation, suggested that the LSTM autoencoders is the top predictor of the lower limb kinematics trajectories (i.e. up to 0.1s). The normalised mean squared error was evaluated on trajectory predictions at each time-step and it obtained 2.82-5.31% for the LSTM autoencoders. The ability to predict future lower limb motions may have a wide range of applications including the design and control of bionics allowing improved human-machine interface and mitigating the risk of falls and balance loss

    Deliberate Practice and Motor Learning Principles to Underpin the Design of Training Interventions for Improving Lifting Movement in the Occupational Sector: A Perspective and a Pilot Study on the Role of Augmented Feedback

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    Spine posture during repetitive lifting is one of the main risk factors for low-back injuries in the occupational sector. It is thus critical to design appropriate intervention strategies for training workers to improve their posture, reducing load on the spine during lifting. The main approach to train safe lifting to workers has been educational; however, systematic reviews and meta-analyses have shown that this approach does not improve lifting movement nor reduces the risk of low back injury. One of the main limitations of this approach lies in the amount, quality and context of practice of the lifting movement. In this article, first we argue for integrating psychologically-grounded perspectives of practice design in the development of training interventions for safe lifting. Principles from deliberate practice and motor learning are combined and integrated. Given the complexity of lifting, a training intervention should occur in the workplace and invite workers to repeatedly practice/perform the lifting movement with the clear goal of improving their lifting-related body posture. Augmented feedback has a central role in creating the suitable condition for achieving such intervention. Second, we focus on spine bending as risk factor and present a pilot study examining the benefits and boundary conditions of different feedback modalities for reducing bending during lifting. The results showed how feedback modalities meet differently key requirements of deliberate practice conditions, i.e., feedback has to be informative, individualized and actionable. Following the proposed approach, psychology will gain an active role in the development of training interventions, contributing to finding solutions for a reduction of risk factors for workers