1,432 research outputs found
Organiser la proximité entre usagers de l'eau : le cas du Bassin de la Charente
Dans les annĂ©es 80 en Charente , le partage de l'eau est devenu particuliĂšrement conflictuel du fait du dĂ©veloppement simultanĂ© de l'irrigation et de nouveaux usages de l'eau, sportifs, touristiques et rĂ©sidentiels, relayant les revendications environnementalistes ainsi que celles des acteurs de l'eau potable et de la pĂȘche. La proximitĂ© gĂ©ographique autour du bien commun que constitue l'eau au sein d'un mĂȘme bassin versant est alors crĂ©atrice de deux types d'effets nĂ©gatifs, liĂ©s aux limites quantitatives de la ressource prĂ©levĂ©e - qui sont reflĂ©tĂ©es par la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© des Ă©tiages -, et Ă la pollution agricole des cours d'eau. Au milieu des annĂ©es 90 est expĂ©rimentĂ© un dispositif de gestion concertĂ©e, la Gestion VolumĂ©trique, associant, par sous bassin, l'ensemble des acteurs de l'eau autour de systĂšmes de restrictions des volumes d'irrigation en fonction de l'observation de l'Ă©tat du milieu . Se met ainsi en place une sĂ©rie de mesures localisĂ©es, organisant l'Ă©quilibre entre demande en eau et ressources par sous bassin. Dans quelle mesure ce dispositif de coordination des acteurs permet-il une rĂ©appropriation des interdĂ©pendances de proximitĂ© subies dans une nouvelle forme de proximitĂ© organisĂ©e ? Nous avons tentĂ© de rĂ©pondre Ă cette question en nous fondant sur une approche sociologique reposant sur la restitution et la confrontation des discours issus d'une quarantaine d'entretiens effectuĂ©s avec les divers acteurs de l'eau. Cette enquĂȘte permet de dĂ©velopper deux points. La distinction entre logique d'appartenance et logique de similitude constitue d'abord une grille de lecture Ă©clairant la nature et les limites de la proximitĂ© organisĂ©e instaurĂ©e par la GV. Si celle-ci instaure de nouveaux lieux de concertation, de nouvelles rĂšgles pratiques et de nouvelles connaissances partagĂ©es - diffusion de donnĂ©es officielles sur l'Ă©tat des cours d'eau et sur les prĂ©lĂšvements agricoles -, nous montrerons qu'elle Ă©choue en revanche Ă rapprocher les acteurs autour d'une mĂȘme reprĂ©sentation d'un juste partage de l'eau, rĂ©actualisant plutĂŽt des oppositions de fond quant au dĂ©veloppement souhaitable de l'agriculture irriguĂ©e . Par ailleurs, l'ajustement du dispositif aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales (hydrologie, superficies irriguĂ©es, exigences du milieu) par des rĂšgles diffĂ©renciĂ©es d'accĂšs Ă l'eau (quantitĂ©, prix), crĂ©e de nouvelles tensions liĂ©es Ă des sentiments d'iniquitĂ© entre irrigants de sous bassins voisins. Ce cas d'Ă©tude suggĂšre alors combien le rapprochement des usagers « concurrents » de l'eau selon un principe de coopĂ©ration territoriale est conditionnĂ© par l'intĂ©gration et la transformation des proximitĂ©s sectorielles prĂ©existantes. L'organisation de la proximitĂ© doit ainsi ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ©e en rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă une reconfiguration gĂ©nĂ©rale des positionnements relatifs des groupes concernĂ©s, qu'une Ă©tude sociologique est Ă mĂȘme de mettre en Ă©vidence. On montrera ici comment se redĂ©finissent les solidaritĂ©s sectorielles et territoriales en pointant d'une part la permanence d'une proximitĂ© entre Ă©lus locaux, administrations et irrigants autour d'un discours sur la rentabilitĂ© de l'irrigation, qui circule au sein mĂȘme des instances de concertation de la GV , et d'autre part la cristallisation d'un discours opposĂ© refusant toute crĂ©ation de nouvelle ressource d'irrigation (rĂ©serves), portĂ© par des associations et des agriculteurs minoritaires restĂ©s extĂ©rieurs Ă la GV.GESTION DE L'EAU;EVALUATION;SOCIOLOGIE;IRRIGATION;CULTURE IRRIGUEE;PROXIMITE SECTORIELLE;PROXIMITE ORGANISEE;CONTROVERSE;BASSIN DE LA CHARENTE
Ensemble averages and nonextensivity at the edge of chaos of one-dimensional maps
Ensemble averages of the sensitivity to initial conditions and the
entropy production per unit time of a {\it new} family of one-dimensional
dissipative maps, , and of the known
logistic-like maps, , are numerically studied, both
for {\it strong} (Lyapunov exponent ) and {\it weak} (chaos
threshold, i.e., ) chaotic cases. In all cases we verify that (i)
both and {\it linearly}
increase with time for (and only for) a special value of , ,
and (ii) the {\it slope} of {\it coincide},
thus interestingly extending the well known Pesin theorem. For strong chaos,
, whereas at the edge of chaos, .Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Generalization of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy: Logistic- and periodic-like maps at the chaos threshold
We numerically calculate, at the edge of chaos, the time evolution of the
nonextensive entropic form (with
) for two families of one-dimensional dissipative
maps, namely a logistic- and a periodic-like with arbitrary inflexion at
their maximum. At we choose initial conditions inside one of the
small windows in which the accessible phase space is partitioned; to neutralize
large fluctuations we conveniently average over a large amount of initial
windows. We verify that one and only one value exists such that the
is {\it
finite}, {\it thus generalizing the (ensemble version of) Kolmogorov-Sinai
entropy} (which corresponds to in the present formalism). This special,
-dependent, value numerically coincides, {\it for both families of
maps and all }, with the one previously found through two other independent
procedures (sensitivity to the initial conditions and multifractal
function).Comment: 6 pages and 6 fig
Brucellosis in terrestrial wildlife
The epidemiological link between brucellosis in wildlife and brucellosis in livestock
and people is widely recognised. When studying brucellosis in wildlife, three
questions arise: (i) Is this the result of a spillover from livestock or a sustainable
infection in one or more host species of wildlife? (ii) Does wildlife brucellosis
represent a reservoir of Brucella strains for livestock? (iii) Is it of zoonotic
concern? Despite their different host preferences, B. abortus and B. suis have
been isolated from a variety of wildlife species, whereas B. melitensis is rarely
reported in wildlife. The pathogenesis of Brucella spp. in wildlife reservoirs is not
yet fully defi ned. The prevalence of brucellosis in some wildlife species is very low
and thus the behaviour of individual animals, and interactions between wildlife
and livestock, may be the most important drivers for transmission. Since signs of
the disease are non-pathognomonic, defi nitive diagnosis depends on laboratory
testing, including indirect tests that can be applied to blood or milk, as well as
direct tests (classical bacteriology and methods based on the polymerase chain
reaction [PCR]). However, serological tests cannot determine which Brucella
species has induced anti-Brucella antibodies in the host. Only the isolation of
Brucella spp. (or specifi c DNA detection by PCR) allows a defi nitive diagnosis,
using classical or molecular techniques to identify and type specifi c strains.
There is as yet no brucellosis vaccine that demonstrates satisfactory safety and
effi cacy in wildlife. Therefore, controlling brucellosis in wildlife should be based
on good management practices. At present, transmission of Brucella spp. from
wildlife to humans seems to be linked to the butchering of meat and dressing of
infected wild or feral pig carcasses in the developed world, and infected African
buffalo in the developing world. In the Arctic, the traditional consumption of raw
bone marrow and the internal organs of freshly killed caribou or reindeer is an
important risk factor.bacteriologyBrucella sppBrucellosisEpidemiologyLivestock/wildlife interfaceSerologyWildlifePublishe
Changes in Grape Maturity Induced by Spraying Ethanol
Three different ethanol solutions were sprayed onto Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) clusters during the ripening period: 2.5, 5 and 10% by volume in water. Controls were sprayed with water alone. Three different times of spraying were also tested: 8, 10 and 13 weeks post-flowering. One of the observed changes was a lower titratable acidity in grape samples at harvest, when the clusters were sprayed with ethanol at 10 weeks, in comparison with controls. The wines made with grapes treated with ethanol after mid-veraison, had higher ODs at 520 nm than did the controls. This may due to a combined effect of red pigment levels and acidity. In addition, following malolactic fermentation, the acidity levels of wines made with ethanoltreated grapes were slightly higher than those made with the control grapes. Spraying ethanol at 13 weeks post-flowering increased the berry weight by 10% at harvest without decreasing the °Brix value. The corresponding wines had similar degrees of alcohol. This observation was made for the first time in 2001
Studi Tindakan Penyaji Makanan Jajanan Dan Kandungan Scherichia Coli Pada Salome Di Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang Tahun 2019
Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang merupakan tempat pedagang kaki lima menjual salome. Sering dijumpai penjual salome yang menjual makanannya tanpa menggunakan penutup pada salome yang dijual. Lingkungan tempat penjualan juga yang kurang bersih, karena masih terdapat sampah pada beberapa tempat penjualan, lantai tidak kedap air, dan tempat penjualan yang tepat berada di samping jalan raya memungkinkan debu menempel pada makanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui tindakan penyaji makanan dan kandungan Escherichia coli pada jajanan salome. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Variabel yang digunakan yaitu tindakan penyaji makanan dan kandungan Escherichia coli pada salome. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 11 orang penyaji makanan jajanan salome dengan sampel yang diambil sebanhyak 11 sampel. Data hasil penelitian ini diperoleh dengan cara pemeriksaan lab dan pengisian ceklis. Data tersebut kemudian dibuat dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisis secara deskrikriptif. Untuk data hasil lab dibandingkan dengan standar Kepmenkes RI No. 1098/MENKES/SK/VII/2013. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tindakan penyaji makanan jajanan salome di Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang yang termasuk kategori baik sebanyak 9 (82%), kategori buruk sebanyak 2 (18%). Hasil pemeriksaan Escherichia coli pada jajanan salome yang ada di Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang kategori memenuhi syarat sebanyak 6 (55%), dan kategori tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 5 (45%). Disarankan bagi penjamah makanan jajanan salome yang ada di Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang sebagai bahan masukan agar memperhatiakan kebersihan tangan dan kuku (kuku dipotong pendek), menggunakan celemek, serta mnyediakan salome dan saos salome dalam keadaan tertutup
Catalyst Deactivation During n-Alkane Isomerization Studied by In Situ UVâvisâNIR Spectroscopy
In many industrial processes catalyst deactivation is caused by formation of carbonaceous deposits (âcokeâ) on the catalyst surface. Development of catalysts that are less prone to deactivation requires understanding the nature of the carbonaceous species and the formation routes. In situ spectroscopic methods could be very informative in this respect, as they give information about the state of the surface including adsorbates and allow correlations with catalytic performance. Sulfated zirconia (SZ) materials are active catalysts for hydrocarbon transformation at low temperatures but often deactivate rapidly. Many authors suggested that the reason for the deactivation of SZ catalysts is the formation of âcokeâ at the active sites [1-3]. In our present work we sought to identify the surface species formed during n-butane isomerization on SZ catalysts by in situ UVâvisâNIR spectroscopy using three types of experiments: 1) Changes during reaction were monitored. 2) Deposits were transformed in a post-reaction treatment with different reactants. 3) Reference spectra were recorded. Specifically butene was adsorbed, which has been proposed as an intermediate in n-butane isomerization over SZ [4], but is also considered responsible for catalyst deactivation [5]. 1. F.R. Chen, G. Coudurier, J. Joly, J.C. VĂ©drine, J. Catal. 143 (1993) 616. 2. F. Garin, D. Andriamasinoro, A. Abdulsamad, J. Sommer, J. Catal. 131 (1991) 199. 3. R.A. Comelli, C.R. Vera, J.M. Parera, J. Catal. 151 (1995) 96. 4. V. Adeeva, H.-Y. Liu, B.-Q. Xu, W. Sachtler, Topics in Catalysis 6 (1998) 61. 5. Z. Hong, K. B. Fogash and J. A. Dumesic, Catal. Today 51 (1999) 269
Transmitting Digital Lutherie Knowledge: The Rashomon Effect for DMI Designers
As the field around computer-mediated musical interaction drives attention to its sociotechnical, political and epistemological exigencies, it becomes important to be guided by disability studies, and for researchers and designers of accessible digital musical instruments (ADMIs) to foreground the lived experience of disabled musicians. This resonates with the movement to promote disability justice in HCI. In this paper, we introduce a case study of the design of a string-less guitar, which was developed in collaboration with a guitarist who lost his ability to play due to impairment. We present this work as an exploration of the Rashomon effect, a term that refers to the phenomenon of multiple witnesses describing the same event from their own perspective. We argue that the Rashomon effect is a useful way to explore how digital musical instrument (DMI) designers respond to NIME's interdisciplinarity, and to reflect on how we produce and transmit knowledge within our field
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