91 research outputs found

    Background: The ‘First Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers’ and the ‘First Organic Producers Fair of Latin America and the Caribbean’

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    The ‘First Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers’ and the ‘First Organic Producers Fair of Latin America and the Caribbean’ was held in September 2006 in Managua (Nicaragua) and hosted more than 19 Nicaraguan and Latin-American organizations, as well as international development organizations. The event took place with the collaborative support of FiBL, based in Switzerland

    General organic beekeeping data and market trends

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    The presentation "General organic beekeeping data and market trends" was part of the workshop "Organic beekeeping and market trends" at the BioFach Congress 2011. The aim of this workshop was to inform and discuss the current situation of production and market trends of organic beekeeping products

    The European Market for organic Fairtrade Products

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    Central American countries are important producers of organic products. Their export base, however, is heavily dependent on a limited number of products (coffee, cocoa, banana, sugar), which is threatening the sustainability of this export sector. Therefore, there is an urgent need to diversify the export base and develop regional and national markets, which are continuously growing and have an interesting potential. The purpose of this study is to give an overview of the current mood and potential of the European organic and Fairtrade market, as well as Central American products. The study has been developed for the project ECOMERCADOS, which is financed by SECO

    Organic Farming in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    In Latin America, 220’000 producers managed 6.4 million hectares of agricultural land organically in 2007. This constitutes 20 percent of the world’s organic land. The leading countries are Argentina (2'777'959 hectares), Brazil (1'765'793 hectares) and Uruguay (930'965 hectares). The highest shares of organic agricultural land are in the Dominican Republic and Uruguay with more than six percent and in Mexico and Argentina with more than two percent. Most organic production in Latin America is for export. Important crops are tropical fruits, grains and cereals, coffee and cocoa, sugar and meats. Most organic food sales in the domestic markets of the countries occur in major cities, such as Buenos Aires and São Paulo. Fifteen countries have legislation on organic farming, and four additional countries are currently developing organic regulations. Costa Rica and Argentina have both attained third country status according to the EU regulation on organic farming. In recognition of the growing importance of the organic sector to Latin America’s agricultural economy, governmental institutions have begun to take steps towards increasing involvement; governments are beginning to play a central role in the promotion of organic agriculture. The types of support in Latin American countries range from organic agriculture promotion programs to market access support by export agencies. In a few countries, limited financial support is being given to pay certification cost during the conversion period. An important process underway in many Latin America countries is the establishment of regulations and standards for the organic sector

    Market Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Organic Products

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    Organic agriculture offers trade opportunities for farmers in the developing and developed countries. This market of organic products is expected to grow globally in the coming years and high growth rates over the medium term (from 10-15 to 25-30 %) are expected (Yussefi and Willer, 2002). This organic market expansion makes it possible for farmers to reap the benefits of a trade with relatively high price premiums (Yussefi and Willer, 2002). However, this market is not very well known to most farmers, especially those living in the developing countries. Furthermore, information about it is not readily available to farmers in the developing countries. The absence of sufficient technical and market information and financial support also means that few farmers will risk changing their method of production. In developing countries it is therefore essential for major key players (e.g. NGOs, farmer organizations, traders, exporters etc.) that promote organic farming to have up-to-date information on the available opportunities (market requirements) and trends of the organic market. One example is India, a country with a huge number of small farmers who still use traditional methods and do farming with few agricultural inputs. NGOs that promote organic farming and other organizations support farmers in these aspects. An organic movement is now emerging in India on different levels (producer groups, trainers and advisors, certification bodies and processors and traders). So dissemination of information about the opportunities and challenges for Indian organic products on the domestic and international market is of fundamental concern in order to allow continued development of the organic agriculture movement in this country

    Ne pas piéger les abeilles

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    Quand des pièges à guêpes se transforment involontairement en pièges à abeilles, c’est que quelque chose a très mal fonctionné

    Den Bienen beim Saisonstart helfen

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    Klima und Umwelt im Frühjahr beeinflussen die Entwicklung der Bienenvölker. Deshalb sollten Imker Anfang April alles benötigte Material kontrollieren und griffbereit halten. Grosse, gut ausgewinterte Völker können sich schnell entwickeln. Der Futtervorrat muss auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten werden

    Evitare trappole per api

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    Se le trappole per le vespe diventano involontariamente trappole per api, signfica che qualche cosa è andato storto

    Entscheidend ist die Diversifizierung

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    In Lateinamerika bringt die biologische Landwirtschaft gute Ergebnisse. Durch die Abkehr von Monokulturen können die Kleinbauern ihre Ernährung sichern und dennoch auch für den Export produzieren

    The European Market for Tropical Organic Products

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    Contant - Short project description - Development of the Organic Market in Europe - The European Organic Market - The Organic Swiss Market - Characteristics of the Tropical Organic Market - Perspectives for some organic tropical products - General Remarks of Traders on the Organic Market for Tropical Product
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