1,177 research outputs found

    Don't Look Back: Robustifying Place Categorization for Viewpoint- and Condition-Invariant Place Recognition

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    When a human drives a car along a road for the first time, they later recognize where they are on the return journey typically without needing to look in their rear-view mirror or turn around to look back, despite significant viewpoint and appearance change. Such navigation capabilities are typically attributed to our semantic visual understanding of the environment [1] beyond geometry to recognizing the types of places we are passing through such as "passing a shop on the left" or "moving through a forested area". Humans are in effect using place categorization [2] to perform specific place recognition even when the viewpoint is 180 degrees reversed. Recent advances in deep neural networks have enabled high-performance semantic understanding of visual places and scenes, opening up the possibility of emulating what humans do. In this work, we develop a novel methodology for using the semantics-aware higher-order layers of deep neural networks for recognizing specific places from within a reference database. To further improve the robustness to appearance change, we develop a descriptor normalization scheme that builds on the success of normalization schemes for pure appearance-based techniques such as SeqSLAM [3]. Using two different datasets - one road-based, one pedestrian-based, we evaluate the performance of the system in performing place recognition on reverse traversals of a route with a limited field of view camera and no turn-back-and-look behaviours, and compare to existing state-of-the-art techniques and vanilla off-the-shelf features. The results demonstrate significant improvements over the existing state of the art, especially for extreme perceptual challenges that involve both great viewpoint change and environmental appearance change. We also provide experimental analyses of the contributions of the various system components.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    Fast, Compact and Highly Scalable Visual Place Recognition through Sequence-based Matching of Overloaded Representations

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    Visual place recognition algorithms trade off three key characteristics: their storage footprint, their computational requirements, and their resultant performance, often expressed in terms of recall rate. Significant prior work has investigated highly compact place representations, sub-linear computational scaling and sub-linear storage scaling techniques, but have always involved a significant compromise in one or more of these regards, and have only been demonstrated on relatively small datasets. In this paper we present a novel place recognition system which enables for the first time the combination of ultra-compact place representations, near sub-linear storage scaling and extremely lightweight compute requirements. Our approach exploits the inherently sequential nature of much spatial data in the robotics domain and inverts the typical target criteria, through intentionally coarse scalar quantization-based hashing that leads to more collisions but is resolved by sequence-based matching. For the first time, we show how effective place recognition rates can be achieved on a new very large 10 million place dataset, requiring only 8 bytes of storage per place and 37K unitary operations to achieve over 50% recall for matching a sequence of 100 frames, where a conventional state-of-the-art approach both consumes 1300 times more compute and fails catastrophically. We present analysis investigating the effectiveness of our hashing overload approach under varying sizes of quantized vector length, comparison of near miss matches with the actual match selections and characterise the effect of variance re-scaling of data on quantization.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for oral presentation at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-based Hierarchical Place Recognition

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    Visual Place Recognition (VPR) is the task of matching current visual imagery from a camera to images stored in a reference map of the environment. While initial VPR systems used simple direct image methods or hand-crafted visual features, recent work has focused on learning more powerful visual features and further improving performance through either some form of sequential matcher / filter or a hierarchical matching process. In both cases the performance of the initial single-image based system is still far from perfect, putting significant pressure on the sequence matching or (in the case of hierarchical systems) pose refinement stages. In this paper we present a novel hybrid system that creates a high performance initial match hypothesis generator using short learnt sequential descriptors, which enable selective control sequential score aggregation using single image learnt descriptors. Sequential descriptors are generated using a temporal convolutional network dubbed SeqNet, encoding short image sequences using 1-D convolutions, which are then matched against the corresponding temporal descriptors from the reference dataset to provide an ordered list of place match hypotheses. We then perform selective sequential score aggregation using shortlisted single image learnt descriptors from a separate pipeline to produce an overall place match hypothesis. Comprehensive experiments on challenging benchmark datasets demonstrate the proposed method outperforming recent state-of-the-art methods using the same amount of sequential information. Source code and supplementary material can be found at https://github.com/oravus/seqNet.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE RA-L 2021; includes supplementar

    LoST? Appearance-Invariant Place Recognition for Opposite Viewpoints using Visual Semantics

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    Human visual scene understanding is so remarkable that we are able to recognize a revisited place when entering it from the opposite direction it was first visited, even in the presence of extreme variations in appearance. This capability is especially apparent during driving: a human driver can recognize where they are when travelling in the reverse direction along a route for the first time, without having to turn back and look. The difficulty of this problem exceeds any addressed in past appearance- and viewpoint-invariant visual place recognition (VPR) research, in part because large parts of the scene are not commonly observable from opposite directions. Consequently, as shown in this paper, the precision-recall performance of current state-of-the-art viewpoint- and appearance-invariant VPR techniques is orders of magnitude below what would be usable in a closed-loop system. Current engineered solutions predominantly rely on panoramic camera or LIDAR sensing setups; an eminently suitable engineering solution but one that is clearly very different to how humans navigate, which also has implications for how naturally humans could interact and communicate with the navigation system. In this paper we develop a suite of novel semantic- and appearance-based techniques to enable for the first time high performance place recognition in this challenging scenario. We first propose a novel Local Semantic Tensor (LoST) descriptor of images using the convolutional feature maps from a state-of-the-art dense semantic segmentation network. Then, to verify the spatial semantic arrangement of the top matching candidates, we develop a novel approach for mining semantically-salient keypoint correspondences.Comment: Accepted for Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2018. Source code now available at https://github.com/oravus/lost

    A Hierarchical Dual Model of Environment- and Place-Specific Utility for Visual Place Recognition

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    Visual Place Recognition (VPR) approaches have typically attempted to match places by identifying visual cues, image regions or landmarks that have high ``utility'' in identifying a specific place. But this concept of utility is not singular - rather it can take a range of forms. In this paper, we present a novel approach to deduce two key types of utility for VPR: the utility of visual cues `specific' to an environment, and to a particular place. We employ contrastive learning principles to estimate both the environment- and place-specific utility of Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) clusters in an unsupervised manner, which is then used to guide local feature matching through keypoint selection. By combining these two utility measures, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on three challenging benchmark datasets, while simultaneously reducing the required storage and compute time. We provide further analysis demonstrating that unsupervised cluster selection results in semantically meaningful results, that finer grained categorization often has higher utility for VPR than high level semantic categorization (e.g. building, road), and characterise how these two utility measures vary across different places and environments. Source code is made publicly available at https://github.com/Nik-V9/HEAPUtil.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and IROS 202

    PORTRAIT: a hybrid aPproach tO cReate extractive ground-TRuth summAry for dIsaster evenT

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    Disaster summarization approaches provide an overview of the important information posted during disaster events on social media platforms, such as, Twitter. However, the type of information posted significantly varies across disasters depending on several factors like the location, type, severity, etc. Verification of the effectiveness of disaster summarization approaches still suffer due to the lack of availability of good spectrum of datasets along with the ground-truth summary. Existing approaches for ground-truth summary generation (ground-truth for extractive summarization) relies on the wisdom and intuition of the annotators. Annotators are provided with a complete set of input tweets from which a subset of tweets is selected by the annotators for the summary. This process requires immense human effort and significant time. Additionally, this intuition-based selection of the tweets might lead to a high variance in summaries generated across annotators. Therefore, to handle these challenges, we propose a hybrid (semi-automated) approach (PORTRAIT) where we partly automate the ground-truth summary generation procedure. This approach reduces the effort and time of the annotators while ensuring the quality of the created ground-truth summary. We validate the effectiveness of PORTRAIT on 5 disaster events through quantitative and qualitative comparisons of ground-truth summaries generated by existing intuitive approaches, a semi-automated approach, and PORTRAIT. We prepare and release the ground-truth summaries for 5 disaster events which consist of both natural and man-made disaster events belonging to 4 different countries. Finally, we provide a study about the performance of various state-of-the-art summarization approaches on the ground-truth summaries generated by PORTRAIT using ROUGE-N F1-scores

    Delta Descriptors: Change-Based Place Representation for Robust Visual Localization

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    Visual place recognition is challenging because there are so many factors that can cause the appearance of a place to change, from day-night cycles to seasonal change to atmospheric conditions. In recent years a large range of approaches have been developed to address this challenge including deep-learnt image descriptors, domain translation, and sequential filtering, all with shortcomings including generality and velocity-sensitivity. In this paper we propose a novel descriptor derived from tracking changes in any learned global descriptor over time, dubbed Delta Descriptors. Delta Descriptors mitigate the offsets induced in the original descriptor matching space in an unsupervised manner by considering temporal differences across places observed along a route. Like all other approaches, Delta Descriptors have a shortcoming - volatility on a frame to frame basis - which can be overcome by combining them with sequential filtering methods. Using two benchmark datasets, we first demonstrate the high performance of Delta Descriptors in isolation, before showing new state-of-the-art performance when combined with sequence-based matching. We also present results demonstrating the approach working with four different underlying descriptor types, and two other beneficial properties of Delta Descriptors in comparison to existing techniques: their increased inherent robustness to variations in camera motion and a reduced rate of performance degradation as dimensional reduction is applied. Source code is made available at https://github.com/oravus/DeltaDescriptors.Comment: 8 pages and 7 figures. Published in 2020 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    OntoDSumm : Ontology based Tweet Summarization for Disaster Events

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    The huge popularity of social media platforms like Twitter attracts a large fraction of users to share real-time information and short situational messages during disasters. A summary of these tweets is required by the government organizations, agencies, and volunteers for efficient and quick disaster response. However, the huge influx of tweets makes it difficult to manually get a precise overview of ongoing events. To handle this challenge, several tweet summarization approaches have been proposed. In most of the existing literature, tweet summarization is broken into a two-step process where in the first step, it categorizes tweets, and in the second step, it chooses representative tweets from each category. There are both supervised as well as unsupervised approaches found in literature to solve the problem of first step. Supervised approaches requires huge amount of labelled data which incurs cost as well as time. On the other hand, unsupervised approaches could not clusters tweet properly due to the overlapping keywords, vocabulary size, lack of understanding of semantic meaning etc. While, for the second step of summarization, existing approaches applied different ranking methods where those ranking methods are very generic which fail to compute proper importance of a tweet respect to a disaster. Both the problems can be handled far better with proper domain knowledge. In this paper, we exploited already existing domain knowledge by the means of ontology in both the steps and proposed a novel disaster summarization method OntoDSumm. We evaluate this proposed method with 4 state-of-the-art methods using 10 disaster datasets. Evaluation results reveal that OntoDSumm outperforms existing methods by approximately 2-66% in terms of ROUGE-1 F1 score
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