52 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry and the Hartmann Potential of Theoretical Chemistry

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    The ring-shaped Hartmann potential V=ησ2ϵ0(2a0r−ηa02r2sin2θ) V = \eta \sigma^{2} \epsilon_{0} \left( \frac{2 a_{0}}{r} - \frac{\eta a_{0}^{2}}{r^{2} sin^{2} \theta} \right) was introduced in quantum chemistry to describe ring-shaped molecules like benzene. In this article, the supersymmetric features of the Hartmann potential are discussed. We first review the results of a previous paper in which we rederived the eigenvalues and radial eigenfunctions of the Hartmann potential using a formulation of one-dimensional supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM) on the half-line [0,∞)\left[ 0, \infty \right). A reformulation of SUSYQM in the full line (−∞,∞)\left( -\infty, \infty \right) is subsequently developed. It is found that the second formulation makes a connection between states having the same quantum number LL but different values of ησ2\eta \sigma^{2} and quantum number NN. This is in contrast to the first formulation, which relates states with identical values of the quantum number NN and ησ2\eta \sigma^{2} but different values of the quantum number LL.Comment: 24 pages; uses LaTex; to be published at the Theoretica Chimica Acta; hard copy available from the author upon request (use address: [email protected]

    Quantum Heat Engines and the Generalized Uncertainty Principle

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    We study the effects of the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) on the efficiency of quantum heat engines based on a particle in an infinite square well using the partition function approach. In particular, we study the Carnot and Otto heat engines. For the system we used, the GUP-corrected efficiencies turned out to be lower than efficiencies without the GUP effects. However, as expected, GUP effects increase as the temperature of the cold heat bath decreases and as the width of the potential well decreases.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora del marketing Mix para la empresa I.E.I.P. Rayitos del Sol

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión EmpresarialEn el presente trabajo de titulación se desarrolla el caso de la I.E.I.P. Rayitos del Sol, la cual brinda una educación integral y sobre todo basada en valores a niños en edades entre los 3 y 5 años. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue realizar un Análisis del Marketing Mix actual de la Institución Educativa Inicial Privada Rayitos del Sol y elaborar propuestas de mejora para sus componentes más críticos. Los objetivos específicos determinan identificar las necesidades de los clientes actuales y potenciales, y realizar el presupuesto del costo monetario de la propuesta de mejora. La metodología empleada para el desarrollo de la investigación contempló visitas a las instalaciones de la Institución Educativa, entrevistas con el personal en todos los niveles, encuestas a los padres de familia de la institución como también con los de la competencia, observaciones del entorno y la revisión de documentación interna como herramientas para la recolección de datos; posteriormente dicha información fue utilizada para realizar el análisis interno y del entorno utilizando las herramientas de análisis general y de gestión. Del análisis del Marketing Mix, se encontró que existe una deficiente gestión del servicio y promoción, además de la amenaza por la competencia directa e indirecta que podría verse reflejado en una disminución en los matriculados. Como consecuencia, se elaboraron propuestas de mejora para cada punto crítico, donde resaltan: la mejora de la organización por parte de la dirección y del servicio otorgado, además de brindar nuevos servicios atendiendo las necesidades inmediatas de los clientes externos y fidelizando a los clientes internos. Adicional a ello, mejoras significativas en la promoción del servicio y aprovechar los atributos que la Institución Educativa tiene. Todo ello va orientado a mantener el nivel de matriculados, además de ayudar a la diferenciación de la competencia por la calidad en el servicio. Se realizó un presupuesto de las herramientas a utilizar para mantener la promoción de forma permanente, además de realizar recomendaciones a nivel de gestión como el incremento de los salarios a los profesores que son los directamente involucrados en la calidad del servicioIn the present work of degree, the case of the I.E.I.P. is developed. Rayitos del Sol, which provides comprehensive education and above all based on values to children between the ages of 3 and 5. The main objective of the research was to carry out an Analysis of the current Marketing Mix of the Initial Educational Institution Rayitos del Sol and to elaborate proposals for improvement for its most critical components. The specific objectives determine to identify the needs of current and potential customers, and make the budget of the monetary cost of the improvement proposal. The methodology used for the development of the research included visits to the facilities of the Educational Institution, interviews with staff at all levels, surveys of the institution's parents as well as those of the competition, observations of the environment and the Review of internal documentation as tools for data collection; Later this information was used to perform internal and environmental analysis using the tools of general analysis and management. From the analysis of the Marketing Mix, it was found that there is a poor management of the service and promotion, in addition to the threat of direct and indirect competition that could be reflected in a decrease in enrollments. As a consequence, improvement proposals were prepared for each critical point, where the following highlights: the improvement of the organization by the management and the service provided, as well as providing new services to meet the immediate needs of external customers and loyalty to internal customers. In addition, significant improvements in the promotion of the service and take advantage of the attributes that the Educational Institution has. All this is aimed at maintaining the level of enrollment, in addition to helping the differentiation of competition for quality in service. We made a budget of the tools to be used to maintain the promotion on a permanent basis, in addition to making recommendations at management level such as increasing salaries to teachers who are directly involved in the quality of the service.Tesi

    Associations between double-checking and medication administration errors: A direct observational study of paediatric inpatients

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    Background Double-checking the administration of medications has been standard practice in paediatric hospitals around the world for decades. While the practice is widespread, evidence of its effectiveness in reducing errors or harm is scarce. Objectives To measure the association between double-checking, and the occurrence and potential severity of medication administration errors (MAEs); check duration; and factors associated with double-checking adherence. Methods Direct observational study of 298 nurses, administering 5140 medication doses to 1523 patients, across nine wards, in a paediatric hospital. Independent observers recorded details of administrations and double-checking (independent; primed-one nurse shares information which may influence the checking nurse; incomplete; or none) in real time during weekdays and weekends between 07:00 and 22:00. Observational medication data were compared with patients' medical records by a reviewer (blinded to checking-status), to identify MAEs. MAEs were rated for potential severity. Observations included administrations where double-checking was mandated, or optional. Multivariable regression examined the association between double-checking, MAEs and potential severity; and factors associated with policy adherence. Results For 3563 administrations double-checking was mandated. Of these, 36 (1·0%) received independent double-checks, 3296 (92·5%) primed and 231 (6·5%) no/incomplete double-checks. For 1577 administrations double-checking was not mandatory, but in 26·3% (n=416) nurses chose to double-check. Where double-checking was mandated there was no significant association between double-checking and MAEs (OR 0·89 (0·65-1·21); p=0·44), or potential MAE severity (OR 0·86 (0·65-1·15); p=0·31). Where double-checking was not mandated, but performed, MAEs were less likely to occur (OR 0·71 (0·54-0·95); p=0·02) and had lower potential severity (OR 0·75 (0·57-0·99); p=0·04). Each double-check took an average of 6·4 min (107 hours/1000 administrations). Conclusions Compliance with mandated double-checking was very high, but rarely independent. Primed double-checking was highly prevalent but compared with single-checking conferred no benefit in terms of reduced errors or severity. Our findings raise questions about if, when and how double-checking policies deliver safety benefits and warrant the considerable resource investments required in modern clinical settings

    Subsurface S-type Granitoid Identification Based on Gravity and Seismic Tomography Models in Pacitan, East Java

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    ABSTRACTGranitoid outcrop has been observed in Montongan, Tulakan Subdistrict, Pacitan District, East Java. Geochemically, granitoid shows peralluminous S-type granitoid which consists of comparable plagioclase and potassium feldspar leading to adamelite and granodiorite variety with andalusite, fine size corundum and cordierite inside. These modal minerals are consistent with its bulk chemical analysis result that shows alumina rich rock. Highly weathered spotted pinkish soil with remaining quartz gravels characterizes its surface. Lateritic pink soil up to more than 25 meters thick covers the granitoid body and this feature is indicative to locate its surface distribution, while its subsurface distribution is remain uncertain. The research aimed to identify granitoid subsurface distribution. To identify the subsurface body, gravity and seismic tomography models were used. According gravity model, the pluton body is 5 km wide which is rootless downward and seems extends eastward. Meanwhile, the north-south seismic tomographic model across Pacitan Region indicates dense solid body override the recent Java subduction zone. The body is assumed to have correlation with surface granitic rock. It supports an idea that there is a micro continent trapped beneath Southern Mountain of East Java. ABSTRAKSingkapan granitoid telah teramati di daerah Montongan, Kecamatan Tulakan, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Secara geokimia, granitoid Pacitan memperlihatkan granitoid peralumina tipe-S yang tersusun berdasarkan perbandingan plagioklas dan kalium felspar menunjuk pada varian adamelit dan granodiorit dengan andalusit, korundum halus dan kordierit di dalamnya. Mineral modal tersebut konsisten dengan hasil analisis kimia total yang menunjukkan batuan kaya alumina. Tanah berwarna merah muda yang sangat lapuk dengan kerikil sisa kuarsa menjadi ciri khas di permukaannya. Tanah laterit merah muda yang tebalnya lebih dari 25 meter menutupi tubuh granitoid tersebut dan menjadi petunjuk penyebaranya di permukaan, namun penyebaran di bawah permukaannya masih belum pasti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran granitoid di bawah permukaan. Untuk mengidentifikasi tubuh bawah permukaannya, digunakan pemodelan gravitasi dan tomografi seismik. Menurut model gravitasi tubuh pluton mempunyai lebar 5 km dan tampak memanjang ke arah timur yang tidak menentu ke bawahnya. Sementara itu, model tomografi seismik utara-selatan yang memotong wilayah Pacitan, menunjukkan suatu tubuh padat keras berada di atas zona subduksi Jawa saat ini. Tubuh tersebut diasumsikan memiliki hubungan dengan batuan granitik di permukaan. Hal tersebut mendukung ide bahwa terdapat mikro-kontinen terperangkap di bawah Pegunungan Selatan Jawa Timur

    A Supersymmetric SpL×UY(1)Sp_{L} \times U_{Y}(1) Model

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    A supersymmetric SpL(6)×UY(1)Sp_{L}(6) \times U_{Y}(1) model (SUSY Sp(6)Sp(6)) is proposed as an extension of the standard electroweak model. The model is applied in a phenomenological study of Bd0Bˉd0B^{0}_{d} \bar{B}^{0}_{d} mixing. It is found that the supersymmetric (SUSY) partner z~′\tilde{z}^{\prime} of the extra Z′Z^{\prime} can significantly cancel the other contributions to bring the mixing parameter xdx_{d} within the experimentally allowed range 0.57∼<xd∼<0.770.57 \stackrel{<}{\sim} x_{d} \stackrel{<}{\sim} 0.77 for a top mass of 158∼<mt∼<194158 \stackrel{<}{\sim} m_{t} \stackrel{<}{\sim} 194 Gev. Other interesting and possibly novel features of flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC) in SUSY theories with horizontal gauge symmetries are pointed out.Comment: to be published at the Il Nuovo Cimento A; uses FEYNMAN.tex; hard copy available from G. G. Blado ([email protected]) by regular mail upon e-mail request
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