46 research outputs found

    Instrument physical model for the SOXS (Son Of X-Shooter) spectrograph

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    We present the proposal for the physical instrument model of the SOXS (Son OF X-Shooter) spectroscopic facility mainly devoted to the follow-up observation of transient sources. A dedicated suitable instrument to exploit the science of these transients is lacking, resulting in severe science "dissipation". SOXS will cover the optical/NIR band (0.35-1.75 μm) with a medium resolution (R 4500), down to the limiting magnitude of R 20-20.5 (1 hr at S/N 10) that is perfectly suited to study transients from on-going imaging surveys. Imaging capabilities in the optical are also foreseen to allow for multi-band photometry of the faintest transients with a field of view of at least 2arcmin. We propose to implement a physical modelling approach in order to link the instrument parameters and behaviour to physical quantities, thus providing a description of the instrument that can be connected with measurements. The method has been already successfully applied to the X-shooter instrument. The X-shooter physical model is based on a kernel optical ray-tracing realised by means of matrix optics representation, which can handle a large number of wavelengths. This can be extended to the SOXS design. The foreseen applications of the SOXS physical model are broad, ranging from support to detailed instrument design and development of the data reduction software, wavelength calibration, evaluation of instrument performance as a function of the model parameters, instrument alignment, and support during the commissioning phase and as a tool for quality check during operations

    The slowly variable star FY Lacertae

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    Photometric observations and analysis of FY Lac were performed in order to determine the variability characteristics, using measurements taken at Loiano site of Bologna Astronomical Observatory and AAVSO data. The star shows a Long Term variability with a preliminary period of about 274 +/- 28 days and photometric characteristics compatible with a red M5 III giant star, with a temperature of 3420 K degrees.Comment: 9 page

    PRISMA, Italian network for meteors and atmospheric studies

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    The aim of the PRISMA project is to develop the Italian participation in a network of European observing facilities whose primary targets are bright meteors (the so-called bolides and fireballs) and the recovery of meteorites. Several all-sky cameras have been recently installed in France (FRIPON project), and we propose to do the same in Italy, interconnecting the Italian network with the French one. Such a network is of great interest for the studies of interplanetary bodies and the dynamical and physical evolution of the population of small bodies of the Solar System and for the studies of collected meteorites. Those eventually recovered will be classified and investigated from the petrologic, genetic and evolutionary points of view, analyzed for their spectral characteristics and compared with known asteroids. The possibility to measure the radioactivity of samples shortly after the fall using gamma-ray spectrometers available in the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino laboratories, will allow us to reveal the presence of short-lived cosmogenic radioisotopes. PRISMA is also very suitable for the purposes of atmospheric studies. This includes the statistics of cloud coverage and lightning frequencies, as well as the comparison of the optical depth measured using satellites and PRISMA cameras

    Models for the active optics system of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    ASTRI SST-2M is an end-to-end prototype of Small Size class of Telescope proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). Currently under completion at the Serra La Nave observing station (Mt. Etna, Catania, Italy), the ASTRI SST- 2M telescope is the first imaging dual-mirror telescope ever realized for Cherenkov telescopes. A mini-array of nine such telescopes will form the ASTRI mini-array proposed as a precursor and initial seed of CTA to be installed at the final CTA southern site. ASTRI SST-2M is equipped with an active optics system, controlling both the segmented primary mirror and the monolithic secondary mirror, which allows optical re-alignment during telescope slew. We describe the hardware and software solution that have been implemented for optics control and the models we developed for the system

    Improvement of the extraction method of faint signals in γ -activity measurements of meteorites

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    The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/i2017-11556-yAt the underground laboratory of Monte dei Cappuccini (OATo-INAF) in Torino (Italy) we set up selective HPGe-NaI(Tl) spectrometers for measurements of cosmogenic radioisotopes in meteorites in order to study centennial-scale modulation of solar activity. 44 Ti is a suitable proxy for this timescale, but its detection is difficult due to the strong interference by naturally occurring 214 Bi. In order to optimize the extraction of the 44 Ti signal, we have developed software procedures specifically designed to improve selectivity of the Ge-NaI detectors coincidence

    The Acquisition Camera System for SOXS at NTT

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    SOXS (Son of X-Shooter) will be the new medium resolution (R\sim4500 for a 1 arcsec slit), high-efficiency, wide band spectrograph for the ESO-NTT telescope on La Silla. It will be able to cover simultaneously optical and NIR bands (350-2000nm) using two different arms and a pre-slit Common Path feeding system. SOXS will provide an unique facility to follow up any kind of transient event with the best possible response time in addition to high efficiency and availability. Furthermore, a Calibration Unit and an Acquisition Camera System with all the necessary relay optics will be connected to the Common Path sub-system. The Acquisition Camera, working in optical regime, will be primarily focused on target acquisition and secondary guiding, but will also provide an imaging mode for scientific photometry. In this work we give an overview of the Acquisition Camera System for SOXS with all the different functionalities. The optical and mechanical design of the system are also presented together with the preliminary performances in terms of optical quality, throughput, magnitude limits and photometric properties.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, SPIE conferenc

    "A Gianni Rodari, via Lattea quaraquarinci". Report della seconda edizione del Concorso INAF di scrittura per bambini (anno 2021-2022)

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    Il 23 ottobre 2021, l’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) ha lanciato la seconda edizione del Concorso di scrittura a tema astronomico ispirato a Gianni Rodari, “A Gianni Rodari, via Lattea quaraquarinci”. Il Concorso, a cura del Gruppo Storie dell’INAF e in collaborazione con EduINAF, è rivolto agli studenti della scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado (6-13 anni). In questa seconda edizione, il Concorso ha aperto le porte alla partecipazione di classe oltre a quella individuale, ricevendo 168 opere individuali e 44 di classe. Come nella prima edizione, l’accoglienza è stata estremamente calorosa, i giovani partecipanti – e in generale il loro contesto scolastico e famigliare – hanno risposto positivamente e con entusiasmo alla sfida. La collaborazione del Concorso con i progetti dell’INAF PRISMA e Sorvegliati Spaziali ha portato alla scelta del tema dell’edizione che quest’anno ha riguardato gli “Asteroidi e altri sorvegliati spaziali”. La seconda edizione ha goduto di un aumento di personale INAF nel gruppo di lavoro del Concorso, permettendo un più efficace divisione dei ruoli e del carico di lavoro: persone di diversi profili e sedi dell’INAF hanno collaborato fra loro e con professionalità esterne quali Emanuela Bussolati (autrice e illustratrice per l’infanzia), Cesare Sottocorno (docente) e Francesca Poppi (illustratrice, graphic e web designer). In questo Report sono discussi i punti salienti della seconda edizione del Concorso, un confronto con la prima edizione e le criticità rilevate

    The ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: opto-mechanical performance

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    ASTRI SST-2M is an end-to-end telescope prototype developed by the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The CTA observatory, with a combination of large-, medium-, and small-sized telescopes (LST, MST and SST, respectively), will represent the next generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. It will explore the very high-energy domain from a few tens of GeV up to few hundreds of TeV. The ASTRI SST-2M telescope structure and mirrors have been installed at the INAF observing station at Serra La Nave, on Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy) in September 2014. Its performance verification phase began in autumn 2015. Part of the scheduled activities foresees the study and characterization of the optical and opto-mechanical performance of the telescope prototype. In this contribution we report the results achieved in terms of kinematic model analysis, mirrors reflectivity evolution, telescopes positioning, flexures and pointing model and the thermal behavior

    SWELTO - Space WEather Laboratory in Turin Observatory

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    SWELTO - Space WEather Laboratory in Turin Observatory is a conceptual framework where new ideas for the analysis of space-based and ground-based data are developed and tested. The input data are (but not limited to) remote sensing observations (EUV images of the solar disk, Visible Light coronagraphic images, radio dynamic spectra, etc...), in situ plasma measurements (interplanetary plasma density, velocity, magnetic field, etc...), as well as measurements acquired by local sensors and detectors (radio antenna, fluxgate magnetometer, full-sky cameras, located in OATo). The output products are automatic identification, tracking, and monitoring of solar stationary and dynamic features near the Sun (coronal holes, active regions, coronal mass ejections, etc...), and in the interplanetary medium (shocks, plasmoids, corotating interaction regions, etc...), as well as reconstructions of the interplanetary medium where solar disturbances may propagate from the Sun to the Earth and beyond. These are based both on empirical models and numerical MHD simulations. The aim of SWELTO is not only to test new data analysis methods for future application for Space Weather monitoring and prediction purposes, but also to procure, test and deploy new ground-based instrumentation to monitor the ionospheric and geomagnetic responses to solar activity. Moreover, people involved in SWELTO are active in outreach to disseminate the topics related with Space Weather to students and the general public