633 research outputs found

    Mechanical characterization of a new architectural concrete with glass-recycled aggregate

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    Concrete is a material which is widely used in architecture, not only for structural purposes but also for architectural elements for its versatility and excellent performance. However, the manufacturing of this material as a mixture of water, cement, and ¿ne and coarse aggregate comes with a high environmental cost, such as gas emissions, among other things. This is the reason why di¿erent alternatives are being proposed in order to replace coarse aggregates with other recycled materials, as it is one of the less sustainable components of the mixture in terms of extraction. One of these alternatives is recycled glass coming from drinking bottles, crushed into small grains and mixed in the same proportions as regular aggregates. This study proposes the mechanical characterization of a new architectural concrete mixture by using white Lafarge cement and glass-recycled aggregates. This proposed concrete is made especially for architectural elements like façade panels, rather than structural elements. The mechanical evaluation of this new material is done through a set of experimental tests under compression and also bending, comparing three di¿erent ratios of glass aggregate in the mixture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reassessment of the fexural behavior of high-strength reinforced concrete beams under short‑term loads

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    This work aims at describing the behavior of high-strength reinforced concrete (HSRC) beams under short-term ultimate loads with concrete compressive strengths higher than 50 MPa. A plastic approach besides a cross sectional analysis is employed to primarily trace the nonlinear response of nineteen HSRC simply supported beams for which experimental results are available. This proposed theoretical approach is able to acceptably match the experimental data with minor overestimation of fexural moments. Closed-form expressions to evaluate ductility indexes regarding defections and curvatures as well as plastic rotation capacities are also proposed herein. Predictions of the National Brazilian Regulation for design of concrete structures NBR6118 in terms of ultimate fexural moments are also computed for comparison. A complete assessment of ductility in which plastic rotation capacities are computed for the studied beams is also given. It is found that the fexural ductility of a member could be increased with the use of high strength concrete. The use of a maximum tension steel ratio to guarantee a minimum fexural of ductility is highlighted


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    The emergence of new global competitors, the convergence of high-technology industries and the increasing speed and cost of technological development promise an increasingly uncertain environment for organizations, making adaptation to changes in the environment a central theme in the study of the organization for both organization theory and strategic management. This paper is thus seeks principally to verify that, while innovation and QM alone do not possess the qualities required to provide organizations with sustainable competitive advantages, the bundle of innovation and QM together with other resources and competencies will allow organizations to obtain a competitive advantage and adapt to their environment. The results show that the factors determining innovation—such as resistance to change, cohesion, and workload pressures—have repercussions for the firms’ capacity to adapt to their environment, and that a QM context facilitates this adaptation. Finally, we can conclude that a climate of support for innovation is positively related to the organization’s performance

    Proposta de intervenção para prevenção e controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica na Equipe de Saúde da Família Amigos da família - Plataforma I do município de Pedra Azul - MG

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    A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) configura-se como condição clínica multifatorial; frequentemente associada a alterações de órgãos-alvo e, aumento do risco de eventos cardiovasculares. Requer muita atenção por parte da saúde pública em todas as partes do mundo, especificamente no Brasil, que tem as doenças cardiovasculares representando a principal causa de mortes. A Equipe de Saúde da Família Amigos da Família - Plataforma I, em Pedra Azul-Minas Gerais analisando a realidade situacional de sua área de abrangência identificou, dentre uma série de problemas de saúde, alta incidência de pessoas portadoras de HAS e a dificuldade para aplicação de medidas de prevenção e controle da doença. Na busca de soluções para este problema a equipe optou por elaborar um projeto de intervenção com vistas à aplicação de medidas preventivas e de controle que inclui ações informativas e educativas para aqueles já doentes ou com maior risco de adoecer, acreditando ser possível sensibilizar a população para a adoção de comportamentos e hábitos saudáveis em relação a hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Para o desenvolvimento do Projeto de Intervenção utilizou-se o Método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES), e para a fundamentação teórica elaborou-se uma revisão de literatura buscando fontes da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) e da Biblioteca Virtual do NESCON

    Un estudio empírico del impacto de las iniciativas actuales de gestión de la calidad sobre la innovación y flexibilidad organizativa

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    In recent years, managers have opted for implementing Quality Management in their firms. The market offers different alternatives for QM implementation (EFQM, ISO, Six Sigma, etc.). Benefits of each initiative, varies from case to case. This article designs a criterion for choosing among four alternatives (Quality Control, EFQM, Six Sigma and ISO 9000), according to the different effects that QM elements included in each initiative, have on innovation and flexibility capabilities. To do so, using a stepwise regression with dummy variables, it analyses 234 European organizations. The research concludes that QM elements included on Quality Control and ISO standards have the same effect on administrative and technical innovation, and operational and strategic flexibility. QM elements included in EFQM model have a deeper impact on administrative and technical innovation, and strategic flexibility. And finally, QM elements included in Six Sigma methodology have a deeper impact on operational flexibility

    Implementación de huerta comunitaria agroecológica en la vereda el guadual municipio de Betulia Antioquia.

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    Hoja de capacitación # 1, Hoja de asistencia capacitacion # 2, Hoja de asistencia capacitación # 3, Preparación de insecticida a base de ajo y ají picante., Desarrollo de la huerta y resultado final., Recetario.Algunos de los problemas que enfrentan las comunidades rurales, se basa en la inseguridad alimentaria que presenta sus habitantes ya que muchas poblaciones se dedican a los monocultivos perennes y su cosecha es obtenida una sola vez al año y mucha de la mano de obra solo es durante tres meses, si todos los habitantes de la zona están dedicados a lo mismo ¿qué va a hacer la población durante el resto del año para conseguir los recursos para subsistir?, esta problemática contribuye a que las familias no tengan una alimentación balanceada, ya que el resto del año no cuentan con los recursos necesarios para obtener los alimentos básicos de la canasta familiar, además se deben desplazar a los pueblos más cercanos, incrementando los costos. Se presenta un proyecto aplicado relacionado con la creación de huertas comunitarias agroecológicas, este proyecto inicialmente fue desarrollado en la verada el guadual del municipio de Betulia, buscando abastecer a las familias de alimentos sanos e inocuos que ayudaran a tener disponibilidad de productos frescos, teniendo acceso al consumo oportuno, contribuyendo a que los habitantes de la región tengan una vida activa y saludable. Este proyecto tubo un enfoque comunitario, con una metodología aplicada y demostrativa, en donde la extensión rural con apoyo de la JAC contribuyó a que las familias vulnerables tuvieran conocimientos sobre producción agropecuaria limpia, buscando promover la participación de la población en la creación de la huerta comunitaria agroecológica, fomentando el trabajo en equipo, siendo un complemento cada una de las habilidades y destrezas de los participantes del grupo, aprovechando los recursos de la comunidad, contribuyendo al cuidado del medio ambiente y a la protección de la biodiversidad local. La agricultura rural, debe implementar estrategias de diversificación en las actividades agrícolas que potencien la economía de las familias, mejoren la seguridad alimentaria y contribuya a mitigar la pobreza con la activación de procesos que ayuden al aumento de la productividad y la comercialización de los productos, respondiendo a las necesidades de la comunidad. La agricultura rural, debe implementar estrategias de diversificación en las actividades agrícolas que potencien la economía de las familias, garantizando la seguridad alimentaria contribuyendo a mitigar la pobreza con la activación de procesos que ayuden al aumento de la productividad y la comercialización de los productos, respondiendo a las necesidades y recursos de la comunidad.Some of the problems faced by rural communities are based on the food insecurity presented by its inhabitants, since many populations are engaged in monocultures and their harvest is obtained only once at allo and much of the workforce is only during three months, if all the inhabitants of the same thing that the population will do during the rest of the year to obtain the resources for problematic subsistence, this contributes to families not having a feeding balanced, and in order to obtain the necessary food they must displace to the nearest villages, increasing the costs. An applied project is presented related to the creation of agroecological community orchards, this project was initially developed in the Verada the Guadual of the municipality of Betulia, looking to supply families with healthy food and innocuous that will help to have to available fresh products, having access to timely and permanent consumption, contributing at the inhabitants of the region a have an active and healthy life. This project had a community approach with an applied methodology that has sought to contribute to food security, seeking to promote the participation of the population in the creation of the orchard, promoting the consumption of healthy foods with a sustainable work and that is free of chemicals contributing to the care of the environment, to the protection soil protection from erosion and helping to protect local biodiversity. Rural agriculture must implement diversification strategies in agricultural activities that promote the economy of families, ensuring food security by contributing to poverty to mitigate through the activation of processes that help to increase productivity and the marketing of products, responding to the needs and resources of the community

    Factores asociados al mobbing en docentes de la universidad nacional Hermilio Valdizán. Huánuco – 2014

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    The mobbing or bullying in labor organizations is a problem that significantly affects the efficiency of human resources, harming the health of the workers affected, causing your low labor and its psychological and physical deterioration. The research was conducted with the objective to determine the factors associated with the mobbing in teachers of the National University of Huánuco Hermilio Valdizán. The type and level of investigation was correlational, descriptive, explanatory, applicatives, analytical, prospective and cross-sectional with a sample of 100 teachers appointed that met the selection criteria, they represent 26.4 % of the population of teachers appointed by the University, such as sample frame was the records of teachers by powers and the unit of analysis consistedof teaching the victims of mobbing that working in the UNHEVAL. For the data collection used thequestionnaire and use has been made of the survey as a technical one. The main findings werethat as a result of mobbing a 14% of the teachers present low mood and depression, 10% haveheadaches, a 7% far cry and cry and a 6% assume the mental health problem isolating themselvesfrom their environment and how they manifest themselves prefer to withdraw from any activityand social relations, while a 5% presents apathy and lack of initiative in their work environmentand another 5% reported difficulty with concentration, is also warn that the 3% indicates difficultysleeping for inferring that the teachers will have other mental health disorders in addition to theinsomnia, also a 2% of teachers presents irritability followed by another 2% reported having feelingsof insecurity, and it is worth mentioning in an alarming way that 1% of the teachers in studypresents thoughts of suicide, is highlighted with regard to psychological abuse occurred in the workenvironment, where the majority (63 %) of teachers in study, indicate that they were and are victimsof psychological mistreatment in the UNHEVAL. And in regard to the authors of the Psychologicalabuse at the University, it should be noted that 47% of teachers reported that the authors of thepsychological violence are the authorities, managers and heads of the University, followed by a 13%of teachers who said the same co-workers are the aggressors psychological.El mobbing o acoso psicológico en las organizaciones laborales es un problema que afecta significativamente la eficiencia de los recursos humanos, deteriorando la salud de los trabajadores afectados, causando su baja laboral y su deterioro psicológico y físico. Se realizó la investigación con el objetivo de determinar los factores asociados al mobbing en docentes de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco. El tipo y nivel de investigación fue correlacional, descriptivo, explicativo, aplicativo, analítico, prospectivo y transversal, con una muestra de 100 docentes nombrados que cumplieron con los criterios de selección, que representan el 26.4 % de la población de docentes nombrados de la Universidad, como marco muestral se tuvo los registros de docentes por facultades y la unidad de análisis estuvo conformada por los docente victimas de mobbing que laboran en la UNHEVAL. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizó el cuestionario y se hizo uso de la encuesta como técnica. Los principales resultados fueron que como consecuencia del mobbing un 14% de los docentes presentan bajo estado de ánimo y depresión, el 10% presentan dolores de cabeza, un 7% refiere llanto y ganas de llorar y un 6% asumen el problema de salud mental aislándose de su entorno y como ellos manifiestan prefieren retirarse de toda actividad y relaciones sociales, mientras que un 5% presenta apatía y falta de iniciativa en su entorno laboral y otro 5% refieren dificultades de concentración, es de advertir también que el 3% indica dificultades para dormir infiriendo al respecto que dichos docentes presentaran otros trastornos de salud mental sumados al insomnio; asimismo, un 2% de docentes presenta irritabilidad seguido por otro 2% que refieren tener sentimientos de inseguridad y es de resaltar de manera alarmante que un 1% de los docentes en estudio presenta ideas suicidas, es de destacar respecto al maltrato psicológico ocurrido en el entorno laboral, donde la mayoría (63%) de docentes en estudio, indican que fueron y son víctimas de maltratos psicológicos en la UNHEVAL. Y en lo referente a los autores del Maltrato Psicológico en la Universidad, es de destacar que el 47% de docentes refirió que los Autores de la violencia psicológica son las autoridades, directivos y jefes de la universidad, seguidos por un 13% de docentes que manifestó que lo mismos compañeros de trabajo son los agresores psicológicos

    A Circular Economy of Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Critical Review of SOH/RUL Estimation Methods for Second-Life Batteries

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    Humanity is facing a gloomy scenario due to global warming, which is increasing at unprecedented rates. Energy generation with renewable sources and electric mobility (EM) are considered two of the main strategies to cut down emissions of greenhouse gasses. These paradigm shifts will only be possible with efficient energy storage systems such as Li-ion batteries (LIBs). However, among other factors, some raw materials used on LIB production, such as cobalt and lithium, have geopolitical and environmental issues. Thus, in a context of a circular economy, the reuse of LIBs from EM for other applications (i.e., second-life batteries, SLBs) could be a way to overcome this problem, considering that they reach their end of life (EoL) when they get to a state of health (SOH) of 70–80% and still have energy storage capabilities that could last several years. The aim of this chapter is to make a review of the estimation methods employed in the diagnosis of LIB, such as SOH and remaining useful life (RUL). The correct characterization of these variables is crucial for the reassembly of SLBs and to extend the LIBs operational lifetime

    La musealización, una vía para la preservación de los sitios arqueológicos en Campeche, México.

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    Mexico’s long history and rich cultural diversity translates into an equally rich offer of national patrimony. That offer, both national and international in scope, adopts diverse formats, such as and/ or archaeological parks. Several Maya archaeological sites in the state of have been exposed without previous planning for their conservation, management, and further research. This leads to and, consequently, their devaluation as a priceless patrimonial heritage. This study explores the prospect and of a community and museum-based strategy as a key to integrate the value of said sites as educational, cultural, economic, and tourist assets and contributing factors to the region’s sustainableMéxico con una variada y rica diversidad cultural, oferta a nivel nacional e internacional su  patrimonio histórico y cultural, incluyendo los sitios arqueológicos, los cuales son difundidos para su conocimiento, abriéndolos al público como tipo de museo, como monumento arqueológico o cómo un parque arqueológico. Hoy en día,  varios de los sitios arqueológicos en el estado de Campeche, están expuestos  sin la aplicación de lineamientos y requerimientos mínimos, sin planes de manejo que permitan una mejor  operación, control, investigación y evaluación del sitio, esto hace que tampoco se genere una adecuada interpretación de los mismos,  lo que causa el desconocimiento y la desvalorización de estos espacios como patrimonio arqueológico.   La presente investigación surge a raíz de la problemática antes planteada y tiene como propósito, establecer a través del estudio y valoración de los sitios arqueológicos mayas de Campeche, a la musealización como vía  para generar sensibilización y concientización sobre el patrimonio arqueológico con el fin de contribuir a la preservación del mismo, y a la Gestión del Patrimonio como elemento de integración entre la comunidad, patrimonio y turismo con el fin de generar el desarrollo sustentable de la región.  Se propone que la puesta en valor de los sitios arqueológicos sea parte de una estrategia planificada multidisciplinaria con una intención de orden cultural, educativo, económico y turístico que contribuya al desarrollo sustentable de la región

    Platinum-based nanodendrites as glucose oxidase-mimicking surrogates

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    Catalytic conversion of glucose represents an interesting field of research with multiple applications. From the biotechnology point of view, glucose conversion leads to the fabrication of different added-value by-products. In the field of nanocatalytic medicine, the reduction of glucose levels within the tumor microenvironment (TME) represents an appealing approach based on the starvation of cancer cells. Glucose typically achieves high conversion rates with the aid of glucose oxidase (GOx) enzymes or by fermentation. GOx is subjected to degradation, possesses poor recyclability and operates under very specific reaction conditions. Gold-based materials have been typically explored as inorganic catalytic alternatives to GOx in order to convert glucose into building block chemicals of interest. Still, the lack of sufficient selectivity towards certain products such as gluconolactone, the requirement of high fluxes of oxygen or the critical size dependency hinder their full potential, especially in liquid phase reactions. The present work describes the synthesis of platinum-based nanodendrites as novel enzyme-mimicking inorganic surrogates able to convert glucose into gluconolactone with outstanding selectivity values above 85%. We have also studied the enzymatic behavior of these Pt-based nanozymes using the Michaelis–Menten and Lineweaver–Burk models and used the main calculation approaches available in the literature to determine highly competitive glucose turnover rates for Pt or Pt–Au nanodendrites
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