120 research outputs found

    White dwarf cooling sequences and cosmochronology

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    The evolution of white dwarfs is a simple gravothermal process. This means that their luminosity function, i.e. the number of white dwarfs per unit bolometric magnitude and unit volume as a function of bolometric magnitude, is a monotonically increasing function that decreases abruptly as a consequence of the finite age of the Galaxy. The precision and the accuracy of the white dwarf luminosity functions obtained with the recent large surveys together with the improved quality of the theoretical models of evolution of white dwarfs allow to feed the hope that in a near future it will be possible to reconstruct the history of the different Galactic populations.Comment: Proceedings of the 40th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium: Aging low mass stars: from red giants to white dwarf

    The ages of very cool hydrogen-rich white dwarfs

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    The evolution of white dwarfs is essentially a cooling process that depends primarily on the energy stored in their degenerate cores and on the transparency of their envelopes. In this paper we compute accurate cooling sequences for carbon-oxygen white dwarfs with hydrogen dominated atmospheres for the full range of masses of interest. For this purpose we use the most accurate available physical inputs for both the equation of state and opacities of the envelope and for the thermodynamic quantities of the degenerate core. We also investigate the role of the latent heat in the computed cooling sequences. We present separately cooling sequences in which the effects of phase separation of the carbon-oxygen binary mixture upon crystallization have been neglected, and the delay introduced in the cooling times when this mechanism is properly taken into account, in order to compare our results with other published cooling sequences which do not include a treatment of this phenomenon. We find that the cooling ages of very cool white dwarfs with pure hydrogen atmospheres have been systematically underestimated by roughly 1.5 Gyr at log(L/Lo)=-4.5 for an otherwise typical 0.6 Mo white dwarf, when phase separation is neglected. If phase separation of the binary mixture is included then the cooling ages are further increased by roughly 10%. Cooling tracks and cooling isochrones in several color-magnitude diagrams are presented as well.Comment: 8 Pages; ApJ, accepted for publicatio

    Monte Carlo simulations of the halo white dwarf population

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    The interpretation of microlensing results towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) still remains controversial. Whereas white dwarfs have been proposed to explain these results and, hence, to contribute significantly to the mass budget of our Galaxy, there are as well several constraints on the role played by white dwarfs. In this paper we analyze self-consistently and simultaneously four different results, namely, the local halo white dwarf luminosity function, the microlensing results reported by the MACHO team towards the LMC, the results of Hubble Deep Field (HDF) and the results of the EROS experiment, for several initial mass functions and halo ages. We find that the proposed log-normal initial mass functions do not contribute to solve the problem posed by the observed microlensing events and, moreover, they overproduce white dwarfs when compared to the results of the HDF and of the EROS survey. We also find that the contribution of hydrogen-rich white dwarfs to the dynamical mass of the halo of the Galaxy cannot be more than 4\sim 4%.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the White Dwarf distances to Galactic Globular Clusters

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    We analyze in detail various possible sources of systematic errors on the distances of globular clusters derived by fitting a local template DA white dwarf sequence to the cluster counterpart (the so-called WD-fitting technique). We find that the unknown thickness of the hydrogen layer of white dwarfs in clusters plays a non negligible role. For reasonable assumptions - supported by the few sparse available observational constraints - about the unknown mass and thickness of the hydrogen layer for the cluster white dwarfs, a realistic estimate of the systematic error on the distance is within +-0.10 mag. However, particular combinations of white dwarf masses and envelope thicknesses - which at present cannot be excluded a priori - could produce larger errors. Contamination of the cluster DA sequence by non-DA white dwarfs introduces a very small systematic error of about -0.03 mag in the Mv/(V-I) plane, but in the Mv/(B-V) plane the systematic error amounts to ~ +0.20 mag. Contamination by white dwarfs with helium cores should not influence appreciably the WD-fitting distances. Finally, we obtain a derivative D((m-M)v)/D(E(B-V))~ -5.5 for the WD-fitting distances, which is very similar to the dependence found when using the Main Sequence fitting technique.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures A&A, accepted for publicatio

    Carbon burning in intermediate mass primordial stars

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    The evolution of a zero metallicity 9 M_s star is computed, analyzed and compared with that of a solar metallicity star of identical ZAMS mass. Our computations range from the main sequence until the formation of a massive oxygen-neon white dwarf. Special attention has been payed to carbon burning in conditions of partial degeneracy as well as to the subsequent thermally pulsing Super-AGB phase. The latter develops in a fashion very similar to that of a solar metallicity 9 M_s star, as a consequence of the significant enrichment in metals of the stellar envelope that ensues due to the so-called third dredge-up episode. The abundances in mass of the main isotopes in the final ONe core resulting from the evolution are X(^{16}O) approx 0.59, X(^{20}Ne) approx 0.28 and X(^{24}Mg) approx 0.05. This core is surrounded by a 0.05 M_s buffer mainly composed of carbon and oxygen, and on top of it a He envelope of mass 10^{-4} M_sComment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&