102 research outputs found
Guia de disseny per a l’enginyer projectista. Instal·lacions en Aparcaments: Ventilació i Protecció Contra Incendis
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és la confecció d’una guia de disseny d’instal·lacions destinada als enginyers industrials projectistes. Aquesta guia, de caràcter pràctic, es centra en els aparcaments i els locals o zones que sovint trobem en aquests, com són els trasters i les vies d’evacuació. En concret, descriu dos de les principals instal·lacions que podem trobar en aquests, la de ventilació i la de protecció contra incendis.
Es tracta d’un projecte impulsat pel Col·legi d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya (en endavant COEIC), concretament, a l’Àrea Professional. La vocació del COEIC vers l’enginyer projectista per facilitar-li l’exercici de la professió així com una sèrie de canvis normatius que afecten directament a aquest tipus d’instal·lacions han motivat la creació de la Guia de disseny per a l’enginyer projectista. Instal·lacions en Aparcaments: Ventilació i Protecció Contra Incendis, que s’inclourà dintre de la sèrie de Dossiers d’Acció Professional, publicats pel COEIC.
La metodologia de treball l’ha marcat, sobretot, el diferent grau d’assentament de la normativa que regula cada tipus d’instal·lació. La normativa que regula les instal·lacions de protecció contra incendis està ben definida des de l’any 1991. En canvi, la normativa que regula les instal·lacions de ventilació és dispersa i poc clara i ha incorporat recentment canvis importants. Per això, en el cas de la Guia de Ventilació en Aparcaments, des del seu naixement, es va crear un Grup de Treball format per membres del COEIC, enginyers projectistes, personal tècnic de Bombers de Barcelona i de la Generalitat, enginyers de l’Administració i personal tècnic d’empreses del sector de la ventilació. Per altra banda, la Guia de Protecció Contra Incendis en Aparcaments va ser redactada al COEIC i posteriorment contrastada pel personal tècnic de Bombers de Barcelona i de la Generalitat, així com altres enginyers projectistes experts en la matèria.
El resultat de tot aquest treball és la Guia de disseny per a l’enginyer projectista. Instal·lacions en Aparcaments: Ventilació i Protecció Contra Incendis, un document útil que facilita l’anàlisi interpretatiu de la normativa i alhora garanteix la qualitat en el disseny de les instal·lacions
Evaluation of Sentinel-1, SMAP and SMOS surface soil moisture products for distributed eco-hydrological modelling in Mediterranean forest basins
[EN] Reliable distributed hydrological modeling, especially in semi-arid areas, must consider the inclusion of surface soil moisture (SSM) spatial information during the calibration process. This variable plays a key role in the evapotranspiration processes that determine the hydrological cycle. The coarse resolution of the SSM estimates by satellite remote sensing has restricted the application of this approach to only large basins, focusing most of the studies in the consideration of simply the temporal dynamics of this variable. The growing efforts in providing higher spatial resolution through disaggregating methodologies or new sensor estimates facilitates the application of this spatial approach to small basins. This paper explores the applicability of the currently available satellite surface soil moisture estimates for distributed eco-hydrological modelling in Mediterranean forest basins. On one hand, this study contributes to fill the existing research gap on the use of remote sensing SSM spatial patterns within the distributed hydrological modelling framework in small basins. On the other hand, it serves as an indirect validation method for the spatial performance of satellite SSM products. To achieve this goal, we implemented the eco-hydrological model TETIS in three case studies named: Hozgarganta (southern Spain), Ceira (western Portugal) and Carraixet (eastern Spain). The SSM estimates selected for comparison were Sentinel-1 SSM provided by the Copernicus Global Land Services (CGLS), SMAP SSM disaggregated using Sentinel-1 (SPL2SMAP_S) provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), SMOS SSM provided by the Barcelona Expert Center (BEC), and SMOS and SMAP SSM disaggregated using the DISPATCH algorithm provided by Lobelia Earth. The methodology employed involved a multi-objective and multi-variable calibration in terms of remote sensing SSM spatial patterns and in-situ streamflow, using the Spatial Efficiency Metric (SPAEF) and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (NSE) respectively. Before model calibration a sensitivity analysis of the most influent variables was performed. The temporal and spatial comparison of the reference SSM products revealed inconsistencies amongst products. The disaggregating methodology determined the spatial agreement to a greater degree than the sensor itself (i.e. SMAP, SMOS). In spite of the differences amongst products, the multi-objective calibration approach proposed increased the robustness of the hydrological modelling.This study was founded by the Spanish AEI within the program WaterJPI through the project iAqueduct (PCI2019-103729) , by the EC Life project ResilientForests (LIFE17 CCA/ES/000063) , and by the project Water4Cast funded by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2021/074) . We also acknowledge the following hydrometeorological data providers institutions: SiAR, SAIH-HIDROSUR, SAIH Jucar and SNIRH.Gomis-Cebolla, J.; Garcia-Arias, A.; Perpinyà-Vallès, M.; Francés, F. (2022). Evaluation of Sentinel-1, SMAP and SMOS surface soil moisture products for distributed eco-hydrological modelling in Mediterranean forest basins. Journal of Hydrology. 608:1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.12756911960
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS) in patients with fibromyalgia
Mindful-based interventions improve functioning and quality of life in fibromyalgia (FM) patients. The aim of the study is to perform a psychometric analysis of the Spanish version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in a sample of patients diagnosed with FM.
The following measures were administered to 251 Spanish patients with FM: the Spanish version of MAAS, the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire, the Pain Catastrophising Scale, the Injustice Experience Questionnaire, the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire and the Euroqol. Factorial structure was analysed using Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA). Cronbach's α coefficient was calculated to examine internal consistency, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to assess the test-retest reliability of the measures. Pearson’s correlation tests were run to evaluate univariate relationships between scores on the MAAS and criterion variables.
The MAAS scores in our sample were low (M = 56.7; SD = 17.5). CFA confirmed a two-factor structure, with the following fit indices [sbX2 = 172.34 (p < 0.001), CFI = 0.95, GFI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.05, RMSEA = 0.06. MAAS was found to have high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.90) and adequate test-retest reliability at a 1–2 week interval (ICC = 0.90). It showed significant and expected correlations with the criterion measures with the exception of the Euroqol (Pearson = 0.15).
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the MAAS in patients with FM are adequate. The dimensionality of the MAAS found in this sample and directions for future research are discussed
Meditation and happiness: Mindfulness and self-compassion may mediate the meditation–happiness relationship
Mindfulness and self-compassion are emerging as crucial constructs in mental health research. Recent studies have shown that both mindfulness and self-compassion skills may play important roles in well-being and positive emotions associated with mindfulness training. Studies are needed to explain this relationship and to determine what facets may be correlating and mediating the meditation–happiness relationship. The aim of this study was to explore the meditation–happiness relationship and examine which mindfulness and self-compassion facets are better predictors of happiness. A total of 365 participants completed an assessment protocol composed of: the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), the Self-Compassion Scale-short form (SCS-SF), and the Pemberton Happiness Index (PHI). Hierarchical regression analysis showed that two FFMQ facets (Observing and Awareness) and two SCS components (Self-kindness and Common humanity) were significant predictors of happiness. Mediation results revealed a significant total indirect effect of Observing, Awareness, Self-kindness and Common humanity in the meditation frequency–happiness relationship. Significant indirect effects were found for observing, self-kindness and common humanity. The results supported the model of mindfulness and self-compassion facets as partial mediators of the meditation–happiness relationship. Findings are in line with other studies and provide evidence about the influence of mindfulness and self-compassion on happiness
The serenity of the meditating mind: A cross-cultural psychometric study on a two-factor higher order structure of mindfulness, its effects, and mechanisms related to mental health among experienced meditators.
Objective To investigate the psychometric and structural properties of the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) among meditators, to develop a short form, and to examine associations of mindfulness with mental health and the mechanisms of mindfulness. Methods Two independent samples were used, a German (n = 891) and a Spanish (n = 393) meditator sample, practicing various meditation styles. Structural and psychometric properties of the FFMQ were investigated with multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling. Associations with mental health and mechanisms of mindfulness were examined with path analysis. Results The derived short form broadly matched a previous item selection in samples of non-meditators. Self-regulated Attention and Orientation to Experience governed the facets of mindfulness on a higher-order level. Higher-order factors of mindfulness and meditation experience were negatively associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety, and perceived stress. Decentering and nonattachment were the most salient mechanisms of mindfulness. Aspects of emotion regulation, bodily awareness, and nonattachment explained the effects of mindfulness on depression and anxiety. Conclusions A two-component conceptualization for the FFMQ, and for the study of mindfulness as a psychological construct, is recommended for future research. Mechanisms of mindfulness need to be examined in intervention studies
Relationship between Meditative Practice and Self-Reported Mindfulness: the MINDSENS Composite Index
Mindfulness has been described as an inherent human capability that can be learned and trained, and its improvement has been associated with better health outcomes in both medicine and psychology. Although the role of practice is central to most mindfulness programs, practice-related improvements in mindfulness skills is not consistently reported and little is known about how the characteristics of meditative practice affect different components of mindfulness. the present study explores the role of practice parameters on self-reported mindfulness skills. A total of 670 voluntary participants with and without previous meditation experience (n = 384 and n = 286, respectively) responded to an internet-based survey on various aspects of their meditative practice (type of meditation, length of session, frequency, and lifetime practice). Participants also completed the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), and the Experiences Questionnaire (EQ). the group with meditation experience obtained significantly higher scores on all facets of FFMQ and EQ questionnaires compared to the group without experience. However different effect sizes were observed, with stronger effects for the Observing and Non-Reactivity facets of the FFMQ, moderate effects for Decentering in EQ, and a weak effect for Non-judging, Describing, and Acting with awareness on the FFMQ. Our results indicate that not all practice variables are equally relevant in terms of developing mindfulness skills. Frequency and lifetime practice - but not session length or meditation type - were associated with higher mindfulness skills. Given that these 6 mindfulness aspects show variable sensitivity to practice, we created a composite index (MINDSENS) consisting of those items from FFMQ and EQ that showed the strongest response to practice. the MINDSENS index was able to correctly discriminate daily meditators from non-meditators in 82.3% of cases. These findings may contribute to the understanding of the development of mindfulness skills and support trainers and researchers in improving mindfulness-oriented practices and programs.Hosp Santa Creu St Pau, Dept Psychiat, Barcelona, SpainUniv Autonoma Barcelona, CIBERSAM, IIB ST PAU, E-08193 Barcelona, SpainCiber Fisiopatol Obesidad Nutr CIBERO, Santiago de Compostela, SpainUniv Jaume 1, Dept Psicol Basica Clin Psicobiol, Castellon de La Plana, SpainUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Prevent Med, Mente Aberta Brazilian Ctr Mindfulness & Hlth Pro, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Valencia, Dept Personalitat Avaluacio Tractaments Psicol, Valencia, SpainMiguel Servet Hosp, Dept Psychiat, Zaragoza, SpainUniv Zaragoza, Inst Aragones Ciencias Salud, REDIAPP, Zaragoza, SpainUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Prevent Med, Mente Aberta Brazilian Ctr Mindfulness & Hlth Pro, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Assessing decentering: Validation, psychometric properties and clinical usefulness of the Experiences Questionnaire in a Spanish sample
Decentering is defined as the ability to observe one’s thoughts and feelings in a detached manner. The Experiences Questionnaire (EQ) is a self-report instrument that originally assessed decentering and rumination. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of EQ-Decentering and to explore its clinical usefulness. The 11-item EQ-Decentering subscale was translated into Spanish and psychometric properties were examined in a sample of 921 adult individuals, 231 with psychiatric disorders and 690 without. The subsample of nonpsychiatric participants was also split according to their previous meditative experience (meditative participants, n = 341; and nonmeditative participants, n = 349). Additionally, differences among these three subgroups were explored to determine clinical validity of the scale. Finally, EQ-Decentering was administered twice in a group of borderline personality disorder, before and after a 10-week mindfulness intervention. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated acceptable model fit, sbχ2 = 243.8836 (p .46; and divergent validity: r < − .35). The scale detected changes in decentering after a 10-session intervention in mindfulness (t = − 4.692, p < .00001). Differences among groups were significant (F = 134.8, p < .000001), where psychiatric participants showed the lowest scores compared to nonpsychiatric meditative and nonmeditative participants. The Spanish version of the EQ-Decentering is a valid and reliable instrument to assess decentering either in clinical and nonclinical samples. In addition, the findings show that EQ-Decentering seems an adequate outcome instrument to detect changes after mindfulness-based interventions
Psychological Effects of a 1-Month Meditation Retreat on Experienced Meditators: The Role of Non-attachment
Background: There are few studies devoted to assessing the impact of meditation-intensive retreats on the well-being, positive psychology, and personality of experienced meditators. We aimed to assess whether a 1-month Vipassana retreat: (a) would increase mindfulness and well-being; (b) would increase prosocial personality traits; and (c) whether psychological changes would be mediated and/or moderated by non-attachment. Method: A controlled, non-randomized, pre-post-intervention trial was used. The intervention group was a convenience sample (n = 19) of experienced meditators who participated in a 1-month Vipassana meditation retreat. The control group (n = 19) comprised matched experienced meditators who did not take part in the retreat. During the retreat, the mean duration of daily practice was 8-9 h, the diet was vegetarian and silence was compulsory. The Experiences Questionnaire (EQ), Non-attachment Scale (NAS), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Temperament Character Inventory Revised (TCI-R-67), Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Self-Other Four Immeasurables (SOFI) and the MINDSENS Composite Index were administered. ANCOVAs and linear regression models were used to assess pre-post changes and mediation/moderation effects. Results: Compared to controls, retreatants showed increases in non-attachment, observing, MINDSENS, positive-affect, balance-affect, and cooperativeness; and decreases in describing, negative-others, reward-dependence and self-directedness. Non-attachment had a mediating role in decentring, acting aware, non-reactivity, negative-affect, balance-affect and self-directedness; and a moderating role in describing and positive others, with both mediating and moderating effects on satisfaction with life. Conclusions: A 1-month Vipassana meditation retreat seems to yield improvements in mindfulness, well-being, and personality, even in experienced meditators. Non-attachment might facilitate psychological improvements of meditation, making it possible to overcome possible ceiling effects ascribed to non-intensive practices
Exploring relations among mindfulness facets and various meditation practices: Do they work in different ways?
Several meditation practices are associated with mindfulness-based interventions but little is known about their specific effects on the development of different mindfulness facets. This study aimed to assess the relations among different practice variables, types of meditation, and mindfulness facets. The final sample was composed of 185 participants who completed an on-line survey, including information on the frequency and duration of each meditation practice, lifetime practice, and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes structural model was specified, estimated, and tested. Results showed that the Model’s overall fit was adequate: χ2 (1045) = 1542.800 (p < 0.001), CFI = 0.902, RMSEA = 0.042. Results revealed that mindfulness facets were uniquely related to the different variables and types of meditation. Our findings showed the importance of specific practices in promoting mindfulness, compared to compassion and informal practices, and they pointed out which one fits each mindfulness facet better
Phenotypic and genetic diversity of Spanish tomato landraces
[EN] The structure of Spanish landraces of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) has been analyzed. This diversity has been evaluated using agro-morphological characteristics (43 descriptors), quality parameters (solid soluble contents and individual sugars and organic acids) and DNA markers (amplified fragment length polymorphisms, AFLP). A wide range of variation was found for all traits but in the DNA marker level. Certain common characteristics could be identified in populations of the same landrace in several of the dimensions analyzed, but generally, an overlap of the spectrum of variation of different landraces was found. The results indicate that in each landrace the populations are strongly selected using very basic morphological characteristics such as fruit shape, colour or ribbing, while other traits vary depending on each farmer preferences. Seed mixing and pollen contamination might introduce variation which would be purged by farmers at the morphological level, but would be maintained in quality and yield traits. Despite the introduction of spurious variation it would be still possible to identify certain relations between quality attributes and the morphological traits defining specific landraces. The existence of a wide level of variation in plant yield and quality profiles enables the development of selection programmes targeted to provide farmers with materials with economically viable yield and excellent organoleptic quality. The results also highlight the necessity to stress the efforts in morpho-agronomical and quality characterization over molecular characterization in the ex situ management of these resources, as well as not to underestimate the importance of intra-varietal variability. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana with the research projects GV-CAPA00-19 and GV/2007/003.Cebolla Cornejo, J.; Rosello Ripolles, S.; Nuez Viñals, F. (2013). Phenotypic and genetic diversity of Spanish tomato landraces. Scientia Horticulturae. 162:150-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2013.07.044S15016416
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