20,954 research outputs found

    Is the Phillips curve useful for monetary policy in Nigeria?

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    The objective of this article is to determine if the Phillips curve is a relevant tool to conduct monetary policy in African countries wishing to adopt an inflation-targeting regime. I choose Nigeria as a case of study because it is in the early stage of the implementation of this regime. I estimate a medium-sized model for monetary policy analysis. The model reflects a synthesis between the New Keynesian and the Real Business Cycle (RBC) approaches. Then I estimate the model by using Bayesian econometric technique in order to overcome the shortage of data availability. The study concludes that there is evidence that central banks can control the inflation rate through a Phillips curve, a Taylor rule that includes the exchange rate, and the sterilization of the resources from oil exports. Nevertheless, there are limits to the stabilization program. The same evidence suggests that it is important to implement a credible inflation-targeting regime to reduce inflation gradually, instead of abrupt stabilization attempts with high costs in lost output.Monetary policy, Phillips curve, inflation-target regime.

    Alliances and industry analysis

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    Traditionally alliances have been left at of industry analysis. We have been focusing basically on the economic characteristics determining bargaining power on the relationships between the actors in a value system. The paper proposes a methodology to analyze industries from a very different perspective that incorporates alliances as one of the main drivers of industry structure.Alliances; industry structure; networks;

    How Effective is Government Spending in a Small Open Economy with Distortionary Taxes

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    We build a general equilibrium model of a small open economy, which includes rule-of-thumb consumers, and staggeredd prices and wages, as well as distortionary taxes. The analysis of government spending based on the responses to a government spending shock under three different rules and the sensitivity of several impact multipliers to alternative calibrations. The effect of the shock on consumption and GDP depends on the price elasticity of net exports; the share of rule-of-thumb consumers and domestic goods in the government basket; and finally, the fiscal rule in place. Indeed the response of consumption is more persistent with the rule that adjust spending to close the debt-financed deficit than with the other two rules.open economy, fiscal multiplier, rule of thumb consumers, government spending

    Rationale behind the responses of monetary policy to the real exchange rate in small open economies

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    We estimate how monetary policy works in small open economies. To do so, we build a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that incorporates the basic features of these economies. We conclude that the monetary policy in a group of small open economies (including Australia, Chile, Colombia, Peru and New Zealand) is rather similar to that observed in developed countries. Nevertheless, our results also indicate that there are strong differences due to shocks from the international financial markets (risk premium shocks, mainly) that explain mostly the variability of the real exchange rate, which has important reallocation effects in the short run. In addition, we find that in practice central banks do not face any trade-off responding to these shocks through changes in the interest rate. This result is consistent with the fact that in each country under study, the exchange rate must be included in the policy reaction function.small open economy models; monetary policy rules; exchange rates; Bayesian econometrics

    The Case for a Countercyclical Rule-based Fiscal Regime

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    We build a general equilibrium model of a small open economy, with the purpose of analyzing the effects of a countercyclical rule-based fiscal regime, which corresponds to a stylized version of the structural balance in place in Chile. The economy exports a domestically-produced good and one natural resource (commodity), which is partly state-owned, generating income to the government. We analyze how shocks are transmitted to the economy in the presence of this fiscal rule by introducing shocks to government spending, taxes, and the price of the natural resource. In the last shock, we compare our structural rule with a case where the budget is always balanced. The results make a strong case for the adoption of the latter in other commodity exporting economies.open economy, fiscal policy, rule of thumb consumers, government spending.
