1,409 research outputs found

    Rhodium and copper 6-methylpicolinate complexes. Structural diversity and supramolecular interaction study

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    Seven new coordination compounds with 6-methylpicolinic acid (6-HMepic) and rhodium(III) or copper(II) of formula [Rh(6-Mepic)3] (1), [Rh(6-Mepic)2(H2O)Cl] (2), [Rh(6-HMepic)(6-Mepic)Cl2]·3.5(H2O) (3), [Cu(6-Mepic)2(H2O)]·H2O (4), [Cu(6-Mepic)2]n, (5), [Cu(6-Mepic)(6-HMepic)I] (6) and [Cu(6-Mepic)(6-HMepic)Cl] (7) have been obtained. Their syntheses have been rationalized, and their structural and supramolecular characteristics have been studied and compared with other similar rhodium and copper picolinate complexes previously reported, in order to stablish structural correlations and analogies. The electrical properties of coordination polymer [Cu(6-Mepic)2]n (5) have been also analyzed and it has been found that it shows a moderated electrical transport along the chain.We thank the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MAT2013-46502-C2-2P and MAT2013-46753-C2-1P). Also the scientific computing center (CCC) of the Autonoma University of Madrid for their tim

    Las interacciones planta-planta y planta-animal en el contexto de la sucesión ecológica

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    24 páginas, 2 cuadros, 6 figuras, 103 referencias. La publicación está en la Sección C: Interacciones, capítulo 13 de la 2ª edición. Colección Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales. Serie técnica. Existe una 1ª edición de 2004. Estas investigaciones no se hubieran podido llevar a cabo sin los permisos y facilidades para investigar en los espacios protegidos Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada y Parque Natural de la Sierra de Baza, proporcionados por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía.[EN]: Plant-plant and plant-animal interactions in the context of ecological succession. In Mediterranean environments, the regeneration of a great number of woody species, both tree and shrub, present a spatial pattern associated with established plants, suggesting a net positive balance in plant-plant interactions. In this chapter, from the perspective of successional process, we analyse the mechanisms and ecological consequences of the interactions between pioneer shrubs and tree seedlings, and between these and ungulate herbivores that consume these plants. Under stress situations, the environmental alteration caused by a neighbouring plant (in terms of microclimate, soil, protection from herbivores) can offer a benefit that exceeds the costs that any spatial proximity implies, favouring the development of facilitation between the pioneer shrubs and the seedlings of slow-growing woody species. The positive effect of shrubs on the regeneration of woody species need not to be restricted to only one demographic phase, nor to be generated by only one mechanism, but rather it may be manifested in several stages of recruitment. The spatial association with thorny or unpalatable plants enables more palatable woody species to establish themselves even in habitats where there is high and chronic herbivore pressure. Given that the Mediterranean woodlands can hardly regenerate in open areas for lack of water and/or excessive herbivory, either under the canopy of established trees for lack of light and/or excessive herbivory (or seed predation), the main regeneration niche for many tree species under a wide range of ecological conditions are pioneer plants, capable of colonizing precisely the sites with these conditions of stress and herbivory. A good shrub cover, both of pioneer species and of the intermediate stages of succession, is the best insurance to avoid soil erosion, to achieve natural regeneration of woodlands, and to boost the success of reforestation, since these species encourage progression towards more mature communities.[ES]: Las interacciones planta-planta y planta animal en el contexto de la sucesión ecológica. En ambientes mediterráneos, la regeneración de gran número de especies leñosas arbóreas y arbustivas presenta un patrón espacial asociado a plantas ya establecidas, lo que sugiere la existencia de un balance neto positivo de las interacciones planta- planta. En este capítulo analizamos los mecanismos y consecuencias ecológicas de las interacciones entre arbustos pioneros y plántulas de árboles, y entre éstas y los herbívoros ungulados que las consumen desde una perspectiva de proceso sucesional. En ambientes como los mediterráneos, donde las plantas suelen padecer situaciones de estrés, la modificación ambiental producida por una planta vecina (microclima, suelo, protección frente a herbívoros) puede ofrecer un beneficio que supere los costos que toda proximidad espacial conlleva, lo que favorece el desarrollo de interacciones de facilitación entre los arbustos pioneros y las plántulas de especies leñosas de crecimiento lento. El efecto positivo de los arbustos sobre la regeneración de especies leñosas no tiene por qué estar restringido a una sola fase demográfica, ni ser generado por un solo mecanismo, sino que puede manifestarse en varios estadíos del reclutamiento. La asociación espacial con plantas espinosas o poco palatables permite a las especies leñosas más palatables establecerse incluso en hábitats donde existe una presión de herbivoría elevada y crónica. Ya que el bosque mediterráneo apenas puede regenerarse en áreas abiertas por falta de agua y/o por exceso de herbivoría, ni bajo la copa de los árboles ya establecidos por falta de luz y/o exceso de depredadores de semillas o herbivoría, el nicho de regeneración principal para muchas especies arbóreas en una amplia gama de condiciones ecológicas es bajo las plantas pioneras, capaces de colonizar precisamente lugares con esas condiciones de estrés y herbivoría. Una buena cobertura de matorral, tanto de especies pioneras como de etapas intermedias de la sucesión, es el mejor seguro para evitar la erosión del suelo, conseguir la regeneración natural de los bosques, y mejorar el éxito de las reforestaciones, ya que dichas especies favorecen la progresión hacia comunidades más maduras.Las investigaciones expuestas en este capítulo han sido financiadas a través de los proyectos: FEDER 1FD97-0743-CO3-02, REN2001-4552-E y HETEROMED (REN 2002 4041/GLO y DINAMED CGL 2005-05830-CO3-03/BOS) del MCYT a R.Z y LGA, y a través de los proyectos GV94-2311 y FEDER 1FD97-0551 y AGL2001-1061 a PG-F. Las investigaciones expuestas en este capítulo han sido financiadas a través de los proyectos: FEDER 1FD97-0743-CO3-02, REN2001-4552-E y HETEROMED (REN 2002 4041/GLO y DINAMED CGL 2005-05830-CO3-03/BOS) del MCYT a R.Z y LGA, y a través de los proyectos GV94-2311 y FEDER 1FD97-0551 y AGL2001-1061 a PG-F.Peer reviewe

    The future of North American trade policy: lessons from NAFTA

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Center Task Force Reports, a publication series that began publishing in 2009 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.This Task Force Report written by an international group of trade policy experts calls for significant reforms to address adverse economic, environmental, labor and societal impacts created by the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The report is intended to contribute to the discussion and decisions stemming from ongoing reviews of proposed reforms to NAFTA as well as to help shape future trade agreements. It offers detailed proposals on topics including services, manufacturing, agriculture, investment, intellectual property, labor, environment, and migration. Fifteen years after NAFTA was enacted, there is widespread agreement that the trade treaty among the United States, Canada and Mexico has fallen short of its stated goals. While proponents credit the agreement with stimulating the flow of goods, services, and investment among the North American countries, critics in all three countries argue that this has not brought improvements in the standards of living of most people. Rather than triggering a convergence across the three nations, NAFTA has accentuated the economic and regulatory asymmetries that had existed among the three countries. [TRUNCATED

    High-SNR analytical performance of spatial multiplexing MIMO systems with CSI

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    In this paper, we investigate the average and outage performance of spatial multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with channel state information at both sides of the link. Such systems result, for example, from exploiting the channel eigenmodes in multiantenna systems. Due to the complexity of obtaining the exact expression for the average bit error rate (BER) and the outage probability, we derive approximations in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime assuming an uncorrelated Rayleigh flat-fading channel. More exactly, capitalizing on previous work by Wang and Giannakis, the average BER and outage probability versus SNR curves of spatial multiplexing MIMO systems are characterized in terms of two key parameters: the array gain and the diversity gain. Finally, these results are applied to analyze the performance of a variety of linear MIMO transceiver designs available in the literature.Peer Reviewe

    Soil Moisture and Black Truffle Production Variability in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The relationship between modelled root zone soil moisture (SM) and black truffle production in the Iberian Peninsula was studied. Previous works have investigated the influence that precipitation exerts on truffle yield highlighting the importance of water for the growth of black truffle. However, SM had not been used until now due to the lack of suitable databases. The SM series from the LISFLOOD hydrological rainfall–runoff model was used in this study. Annual black truffle yield series from 175 locations in Spain was correlated with SM for the period 1991–2012. For this, different approaches were applied considering daily, weekly and monthly temporal scales. The same analysis was carried out using precipitation data to compare the behaviors of both variables related to truffle production variability. The results obtained show critical periods in terms of soil water content in summer (June–September) and during October–November months. Moreover, a clear delay between precipitation and SM influence on black truffle was observed. The results obtained in this study highlight the importance of SM for black truffle production, since this variable truly expresses the available water for this fungus, which completes its entire life cycle living below ground. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Algunos efectos metabólicos de la sustitución de proteínas por grasa en la dieta para truchas

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    Se han estudiado en truchas arco aris (Salmo gairdneri), los efectos que sobre la gluconeogénesis hepática, tiene el cambio de los porcentajes proteico y lipídico de la dieta y la inserción de cortos periodos de ayuno. La reducción del nivel proteico conlleva una disminución de la gluconeogénesis a partir de aminoácidos como lo n:!l.!estran las actividades de PEPCK y FDP-asa determinadas. La actividad transaminásica hepática durante los periodos de alimentación refleja la intensidad del anabolismo proteico, mientras que durante el ayuno dicha actividad está condicionada por el grado de catabolismo de los aminoácidos. La gluconeogénesis a partir de lactato no parece ser importante en condiciones de reposo muscular, al menos.The effects of diets with differents protein and fat levels on gluconeogenesis in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were studied. The insertion of short fasting periods was also considered. Reduction of protein level of the diet was accomplished to a reduced rate of gluconeogenesis as the lower activíties of PEPCK and FDP-ase have pointed out. During feeding periods the activity of liver transaminases studied reflects the intensity of protein anabolism, whereas during fasting periods, these activities are determined by the aminoacids catabolism rateo Gluconeogenesis from lactate seems to be a process of less importance, at least in muscular resting conditions

    Influencia de la dieta sobre los niveles sanguíneos y hepáticos de diferentes metabolitos en la trucha

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    Se han determinado los niveles sanguíneos de glucosa, lactato, colesterol, ácidos grasos libres y cuerpos cetónicos así como los de glucógeno hepático en truchas a intervalos de dos horas durante un ciclo de 24 y tras suministrarles una dieta comercial de piscifactoría. Ninguno de los parámetros estudiados ha mostrado una respuesta clara a la comida, en contraste con lo que ocurre para alguno de ellos en mamíferos, lo cual pone de manifiesto una vez más las peculiaridades digestivas y metabólicas de la trucha.The evolution of the blood levels of glucose, lacta te, cholesterol, free fatty acids, ketonic bodies and liver glycogen content were determined in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) at fixed intervals (2 hrs.) during a 24 hrs. period after a meal consisting in a commercial dieto None of the parameters studied show a definite response to food in contrast to that observed for sorne of these parameters in mammals. This fact provides a further evidence about the metabolic and digestive peculiarities of the trout


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    Quinolizidine alkaloids such as lupanine,13-hydroxylupanine, multiflorine, angustifoline and sparteine, which are present inthe species of the genus Lupinus, have beenreported to have biopesticide and pharmacological activities. The aim of this studywas to quantify the content and variationof the individual alkaloids in seeds of L.mexicanus, L. exaltatus, L. montanus andL. stipulatus collected in different states ofMexico. Lupanine was the major (5.05 ±0.37 mg/g) alkaloid found in L. mexicanus,whereas sparteine was the main alkaloidpresent in L. montanus (3.97 ± 0.49 mg/g).Conversely, L. stipulatus contained onlysmall quantities of lupanine and sparteine(0.1 ± 0.002 and 0.04 ± 0.01 mg/g, respectively). Angustifoline was detected only in L.montanus, but in a very low amount (0.048± 0.03). The results of this study indicatethat L. mexicanus and L. montanus can beconsidered as important sources of lupanine and sparteine for their use as natural pesticide or pharmacological agents.Los alcaloides quinolizidinicos lupanina,13-hidroxilupanina, multiflorina, angustifolina y esparteina, presentes en el géneroLupinus poseen actividades bioplagiciday farmacológica. El objetivo del presenteestudio fue cuantificar el contenido y variación de los alcaloides mencionados ensemillas de L. mexicanus, L. exaltatus, L.montanus y L. stipulatus, colectados endiferentes estados de México. La lupaninafue el principal (5.05 ± 0.37mg /g) alcaloideencontrado en L. mexicanus, mientras que laesparteína fue el mayor alcaloide presente en L. montanus (3.97 ± 0.49 mg/g). Sinembargo, en L. stipulatus se encontraron pequeñas cantidades de lupanina y esparteína(0.1 ± 0.002 y 0.04 ± 0.01 mg/g, respectivamente). La angustifolina sólo se detectóen bajos niveles en L. montanus (0.048 ±0.03). Los resultados de este estudio indicanque L. mexicanus y L. montanus pueden serconsiderados como una fuente importantede lupanina y esparteína, los cuales puedenser utilizados como pesticidas o hipoglucé-micos naturales

    Hypertension as a Risk Factor for Hip Fracture

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    Producción CientíficaArterial hypertension is a chronic disease in which prevalence increases with age, as occurs in osteoporosis. It is clinically silent and is only revealed in the form of complications, an aspect that it also shares with osteoporosis. Various alterations of calcium metabolism have been described in association with hypertension; such alterations can cause decreased bone mass, the principal determining factor of fracture.1,2 Another important factor is the occurrence of falls. Hypertensive patients may experience a greater number of falls resulting from fainting associated with diminished baroreflex sensitivity or hypotension secondary to therapy.3,4 The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of hypertension and its various therapeutic alternatives on the risk of hip fracture.2015-09-0