3 research outputs found

    Efectos de la exposición a campos electromagnéticos de frecuencias extremadamente bajas en un modelo murino de glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most frequent and most malignant primary brain tumour in adulthood. Until the date, many exogenous and endogenous risk factors have been proposed as precursors of glioblastomas. Among these risk factors is the exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic field which do not have enough energy to produce ionization but could produce biological effects dependent on the exposure parameters. Nevertheless, there is still a debate among the scientific community about the hazard of the effects produced by electromagnetic field exposure because there are both evidences of genotoxic effects and disturbance of cell growth and proliferation, and at the same time other studies have showed absence of such effects. Probably, this could be motivated by the fact that most of the studies performed have considered the time as the only parameter that affect the cellular response without considering that the combination of time with the frequency and the intensity of the field could be one of the main reasons. Because of that, we decided to perform several vitro assays composed by different experiments among which we evaluated the viability of CT2A glioblastoma cells after the controlled exposure to different combinations of time, intensity, and extremely low frequencies. Later we developed two different studies where we analysed if other cells as mesenchymal stem cells and N2A neuroblastoma cells could respond to the exposure in the same way that CT2A cells, and if the CT2A cells were also sensitive to microwave frequencies. With our results we confirmed the relevant role of frequency in the cellular response, specially at the frequency of 30 Hz, where we found in the three types of cell analysed a significant cell viability decrease, that we didn’t observe with the other frequencies. Nevertheless, the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Therefore, it is essential to perform multi-assay with several combinations of frequencies, times, and intensities in more than one cell type. Moreover, it is necessary to search for potential biomarkers that could help us to understand or even predict the cellular response produced after the exposure. For that reason, we decided to study as a potential biomarker the expression of HSP90 protein and Cav 3.1 channel protein. Our finding showed that only channel proteins of type T could be used as a biomarker in some type of cells. In summary, our results have allowed us to consolidate our hypothesis that the cellular response could involve disturbance of Ca2+ flux due to changes in the opening of voltage gated calcium channels type T produced by the frequency. ----------RESUMEN---------- El glioblastoma multiforme es el tumor primario del sistema nervioso más frecuente en adultos y el de mayor grado de malignidad. Hasta la fecha, se han propuesto diversos factores exógenos y endógenos de riesgo que pueden influir en el origen y desarrollo del glioblastoma, entre los cuales se encuentra la exposición a campos electromagnéticos de radiaciones no ionizantes. Los campos electromagnéticos no ionizantes se caracterizan porque no tienen energía suficiente para producir ionización de la materia, pero si pueden producir otros efectos biológicos dependiendo de los parámetros de exposición. Sin embargo, estos efectos biológicos aún suponen un debate en la comunidad científica. Por una parte, existen estudios cuyos resultados demuestran entre otras evidencias efectos genotóxicos y alteraciones en la proliferación y crecimiento celular, y por otra parte existen estudios donde no se han encontrado evidencias de tales efectos. Cabe la posibilidad que esto se deba a que muchos de los estudios realizados tan solo han considerado el tiempo como el parámetro inductor de la respuesta celular, sin considerar que la combinación del tiempo con la frecuencia y la intensidad puede ser una de las claves principales. Por este motivo, decidimos en la primera etapa de la tesis desarrollar un multi estudio in vitro compuesto por varios experimentos mediante los cuales evaluamos la viabilidad de la línea celular CT2A de glioblastoma tras ser expuesta de manera controlada a distintas combinaciones de tiempo, intensidad y frecuencias extremadamente bajas. Posteriormente, realizamos dos estudios comparativos distintos mediante los cuales evaluamos si otro tipo de células como las células madre mesenquimales y las células N2A de neuroblastoma respondían de la misma manera que las células CT2A a la exposición, y si las células CT2A eran sensibles a campos de otro tipo de frecuencias como las microondas. Gracias al conjunto de experimentos desarrollados, hemos confirmado la importancia de la frecuencia de exposición en la respuesta celular, y en particular, hemos observado que la frecuencia de 30 Hz es capaz de producir una significativa reducción de la viabilidad en los tres tipos de células ensayadas, mientras que las otras frecuencias no. Sin embargo aún queda por conocer el mecanismo que lo produce. Por esta razón es crucial realizar multi ensayos con varias combinaciones de frecuencias, tiempos e intensidades de exposición utilizando más de un tipo celular y buscar biomarcadores potenciales que permitan comprender o predecir la respuesta celular ante la exposición. Por ello, y en base a la literatura e hipótesis actuales decidimos estudiar como posibles biomarcadores la expresión de la proteína HSP90 y la expresión de la proteína Cav 3.1 de canales iónicos. En este aspecto, como han mostrado nuestros resultados, la expresión de la proteína HSP90 no parece adecuada para predecir la respuesta celular, pero los canales de calcio dependientes de voltaje tipo T sí pueden ser un potencial biomarcador en determinados tipos de células como las CT2A y N2A. En conclusión, nuestros resultados nos han servido para afianzar nuestra hipótesis de que la respuesta celular parece involucrar alteraciones del flujo del ion Ca2+ debido a un cambio en la apertura de los canales de calcio tipo T producido por la frecuencia de exposición

    Significant cellular viability dependence on time exposition at ELF-EMF and RF-EMF in vitro studies

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    The human concern about the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has changed over time from the effects produced by EMFs of extremely low frequencies (ELFs) to the effects produced by exposure to a radio frequency (RF), with concerns shifting toward EMFs due to the development of new technologies and forms of communication. Previous studies have analysed the effects produced at different frequencies without considering in detail the effect of the time of exposure. Therefore, in the present study, we analysed in vitro the effect produced by a 100 µT EMF at different ELFs and exposure times in glioblastomas, as well as the effect produced in a fibroblast by an RF-EMF of 2.54 GHz. Our results indicate a significant time dependence in cell viability of fibroblasts exposed to an RF-EMF of 2.54 GHz and a non-time-dependent effect in cell viability of glioblastomas exposed to an ELF-EMF, highlighting the possible relation between frequency and time of exposure

    CT2A cell viability modulated by electromagnetic fields at extremely low frequency under no thermal effects

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    The effects produced by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human beings at extremely low frequencies (ELFs) have being investigated in the past years, across in vitro studies, using different cell lines. Nevertheless, the effects produced on cells are not clarified, and the cellular mechanisms and cell-signaling processes involved are still unknown. This situation has resulted in a division among the scientific community about the adequacy of the recommended level of exposure. In this sense, we consider that it is necessary to develop long-term exposure studies and check if the recommended levels of EMFs are under thermal effects. Hence, we exposed CT2A cells to different EMFs at different ELFs at short and long times. Our results showed frequency dependence in CT2A exposed during 24 h to a small EMF of 30 ?T equal to those originated by the Earth and frequency dependence after the exposure during seven days to an EMF of 100 µT at different ELFs. Particularly, our results showed a remarkable cell viability decrease of CT2A cells exposed to EMFs of 30 Hz. Nevertheless, after analyzing the thermal effects in terms of HSP90 expression, we did not find thermal damages related to the differences in cell viability, so other crucial cellular mechanism should be involved