1,272 research outputs found

    Unravelling the geological and geomorphological evolution of the Terra Cimmeria-Nepenthes Mensae transitional zone, Mars

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    The Terra Cimmeria-Nepenthes Mensae Transitional Zone comprises two highly contrasting geologic-geomorphic domains bounded by the dichotomy escarpment in the equatorial region of Mars. This research provides insight into the geological and geomorphological evolution of the poorly explored NW Terra Cimmeria and SE Nepenthes Mensae. A detailed study largely based on cartographic work and complemented by multiple analyses focused on crater densities, spectral data and radar profiles reveals that (1) the exposed geological record of this transitional zone formed over a long time-span from the Early Noachian to recent times, (2) the inferred compressional and extensional tectonic stresses shaped the landscape at least from the Late Noachian to Late Hesperian, and (3) extensional tectonics, which post-dated the compressional deformation, has controlled the development and evolution of the 2-km-high dichotomy escarpment, the system of NW-SE-oriented basins that used to host paleolakes from the Late Noachian to Late Hesperian, and the fissure volcanism in their deepest areas. These findings shed light into the fundamental morphogenetic role played by compressional and extensional tectonics, and fluvio-lacustrine activity on the configuration of the landscape in these regions. This work provides a reference geologic-geomorphologic framework for future studies in this area and other sectors along the highland-lowland transitional zone of Mars

    Reconstructing paleolakes in Nepenthes Mensae, Mars, using the distribution of putative deltas, coastal-like features, and terrestrial analogs

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    Nepenthes Mensae is an equatorial region situated north of the Martian dichotomy, northwest of Gale crater. It is characterized by a NW-SE-oriented belt of interconnected depressions, Late Noachian to Early Hesperian in age, with knobby terrains with residual relief. The highlands south of Nepenthes Mensae, Middle Noachian in age, correspond to the Licus Vallis region, which is dissected by drainage networks with valley mouths located along the dichotomy boundary scarp. This work presents a detailed geomorphological analysis of ten fan-shaped and fifty-four coastal-like benches identified in Nepenthes Mensae. The combination of detailed mapping, morphological and morphometric analyses, spatial-altitudinal distribution relationships, crater counting, spectral analysis, and comparison with terrestrial analogs suggest that (1) the fan-shaped and coastal-like benches are likely putative Gilbert-type deltas and paleoshore platforms, respectively, and (2) these features may be attributable to paleoshorelines developed along the margins of an ancient inner sea or interconnected paleolakes. These findings reveal the important morphogenetic role that liquid water played in the evolution of Nepenthes Mensae and Licus Vallis regions during the Late Noachian-Early Hesperian transition, and contribute to contextualize the continuous findings on the environmental and climatic conditions of the nearby Gale crater during such time period

    Influence of the viscosity of poly(methyl methacrylate) on the cellular structure of nanocellular materials

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    Three different grades of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with different rheological properties are used for the production of nanocellular materials using gas dissolution foaming. The influences of both the viscosity of the different polymers and the processing parameters on the final cellular structure are studied using a wide range of saturation and foaming conditions. Foaming conditions affect similarly all cellular materials. It is found that an increase of the foaming temperature results in less dense nanocellular materials, with higher cell nucleation densities. In addition, it is demonstrated that a lower viscosity leads to cellular polymers with a lower relative density but larger cell sizes and smaller cell nucleation densities, these differences being more noticeable for the conditions in which low solubilities are reached. It is possible to produce nanocellular materials with relative densities of 0.24 combined with cell sizes of 75 nm and cell nucleation densities of 1015 nuclei cm−3 using the PMMA with the lowest viscosity. In contrast, minimum cell sizes of around 14 nm and maximum cell nucleation densities of 3.5 × 1016 nuclei cm−3 with relative densities of 0.4 are obtained with the most viscous one. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industr

    Percepciones de profesores, alumnos y egresados sobre los sistemas de evaluación en estudios universitarios de formación del profesorado de Educación Física

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    This study was aimed at investigating the perceptions that teacher trainers, trainees and alumni had regarding assessment systems implemented at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the University of Léon (Spain). A specific questionnaire named Questionnaire for the study of assessment systems used in physical education teachers' initial training was applied to a sample of 24 teacher trainers, 43 trainees and 35 alumni. Data obtained were analyzed through descriptive statistics, and a Mann-Whitney U test for detecting differences among groups. Results show similar perceptions between trainees and alumni, and important differences between them and the teacher trainers. The main differences were found in: a) coherence between programs and assessment systems, b) use of assessment in a formative way, c) presence of cognitive capacities in assessment systems, and d) potential causes of inadequate assessment systems. Smaller differences were found in assessment tools, and remarkable similarities in grading systems. We conclude that teacher trainers' perceptions are closer to formative assessment processes than trainees' and alumni's, who generally perceive more traditional based assessment systems. Some reflections and orientations for future research are also provided.El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer las percepciones de profesores, estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de la Universidad de León (España) sobre la evaluación. Se contó con una muestra de 24 profesores, 43 alumnos y 35 egresados, que cumplimentaron un cuestionario específico denominado Cuestionario para el estudio del sistema de evaluación en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física. La información se analizó mediante estadística descriptiva, y se utilizó el test U de Mann-Whitney para detectar las diferencias entre grupos. Los resultados muestran percepciones similares entre alumnos y egresados, e importantes diferencias entre éstos y los profesores. Las mayores diferencias se centraron en: a) coherencia programas - sistemas de evaluación, b) utilización de la evaluación con fines formativos, c) presencia de capacidades cognitivas en la evaluación, y d) posibles causas de desarrollo de evaluaciones inadecuadas. Se encontraron menores diferencias en los instrumentos de evaluación, y notables semejanzas en los procesos de calificación. Concluimos que las percepciones del profesorado son más próximas a procesos de evaluación formativa, mientras que alumnos y egresados tienden a percibir evaluaciones más tradicionales. También se orientan algunas líneas de reflexión y futura investigación

    Solving Sudoku with Membrane Computing

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    Sudoku is a very popular puzzle which consists on placing several numbers in a squared grid according to some simple rules. In this paper we present an efficient family of P systems which solve sudokus of any order verifying a specific property. The solution is searched by using a simple human-style method. If the sudoku cannot be solved by using this strategy, the P system detects this drawback and then the computations stops and returns No. Otherwise, the P system encodes the solution and returns Yes in the last computation step.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04487-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Properties of Novel Hexaazatrinaphthylene Dendritic Scaffolds

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    A novel family of water-soluble π-conjugated hexaazatrinaphthylenes-based dendritic architectures constructed by hexaketocyclohexane and 1,2,4,5-benzenetetramine units is developed in a microwave-assisted organic synthesis (MAOS) approach. The structures and purity of these compounds are verified by 1H and 13C-NMR, MALDI-TOF MS, UV-vis, elemental analysis, DSC, AFM, STM and cyclic voltammetry

    Rayman: Interoperability use of Meteorological Observation

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    The observation of atmospheric phenomena enables generating of knowledge about the weather and meteors occurrence in a region. When this information is georeferenced it becomes useful for a great number of professional and public activities in the field of e.g. building, infrastructures, aeronautics, biota, tourism, agriculture and energy. At the present time access to that information is limited. Few meteorological agencies apply geo-Standards, hindering the development of GIS tools for monitoring, threshold alerts and decision support helping. This work describes how public agencies publish meteorological data and the solution developed at the Spanish Electrical Network (REE) to store the information provided by the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET). The implemented solution enables the access to the weather observations collected by the meteorological agency and the rays captured by the detection network in a interoperable way and the exploitation, by as well a desktop GIS capable of connecting with Oracle-Spatial database as through the interfaces of the OGC standardized services (WMS, WFS and SOS)

    Estudio de las inestabilidades de combustión en un quemador estabilizado por giro mediante velocimetría por imagen de partículas (PIV)

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    El presente proyecto trata sobre el estudio del comportamiento de un flujo a la salida de un quemador estabilizado por giro, centrándose especialmente en las propiedades de transición que conseguirían sostener condiciones de combustión, estabilizando la llama a la salida de la tobera. Para dicho análisis se han llevado acabo dos tipos de estudios. Por un lado, el del campo acústico cercano, ya que para determinadas condiciones se producen picos acústicos que indican la existencia de cierta inestabilidad periódica. Por otro lado, se lleva a cabo un estudio del comportamiento del flujo a la salida del quemador mediante velocimetría por imágenes de partículas (PIV) estereoscópica. Esta técnica de medida láser no intrusiva proporciona los campos instantáneos de las tres componentes de la velocidad en un plano. Con ello, se han identificado los diferentes tipos de flujos que se desarrollan, analizando el ángulo de apertura, los perfiles de velocidad y las zonas de recirculación. Los resultados obtenidos mediante velocimetría por imágenes de partículas han permitido explicar el fenómeno fluido-dinámico que da origen al comportamiento acústico tan marcado del quemador en determinadas condiciones de número de Reynolds y de Swirl. Se han observado y estudiado unas calles de torbellinos que se generan cuando el flujo está sometido a mucho giro, revelando la existencia de una importante inestabilidad en este tipo de flujos. Con objeto de una mejor comprensión de las técnicas y equipos utilizados, se definen las características y el funcionamiento de los quemadores estabilizados por giro, los fundamentos del PIV, los sistemas de adquisición de imágenes, una serie de generalidades de los láseres así como la descripción de todas las instalaciones utilizadas en el laboratorio. ____________________________________________________________________________________The present project is to study the behaviour of a flow at the exit of a swirl stabilized burner, focusing especially on the transition conditions that would achieve to support combustion conditions, stabilizing the flame in the nozzle exit. For this analysis have been conducted two types of studies. On the one hand, the acoustic near field, because in certain conditions the presence of acoustic peaks indicate the existence of periodic instability in the flow. On the other hand, a study of flow performance at the exit of the burner using stereo particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). This measurement technique provides non-intrusive laser fields of the three instantaneous velocity components in a plane. With this data, we identified different types of flows that are developed by analyzing the opening angle, velocity profiles and recirculation zones. The results obtained by PIV allow us to explain the fluid-dynamic phenomenon that origins to the special acoustic performance of the burner under certain conditions of Reynolds and Swirl numbers. It has been observed and studied the formation of vortex streets that are generated when the flow is subject to much swirl, revealing the existence of considerable instability in these types of flows. To understand the techniques and equipment used, we define the characteristics and performance of swirl stabilized burners, fundamentals of PIV, the imaging systems, generalizations of lasers and a description of all facilities used in the laboratory.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Síntesis y caracterización de materiales híbridos basados en nanotubos de carbono

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    Los nanotubos de carbono están despertando un gran interés investigativo en los últimos años debido a sus excepcionales propiedades electrónicas, mecánicas, térmicas, químicas y por sus potenciales aplicaciones en nanociencia y nanotecnología. Por otro lado, el óxido de zinc también genera un gran interés tanto científico como tecnológico debido a sus extraordinarias propiedades ópticas y eléctricas. Se trata de un material semiconductor con demostradas propiedades fotocatalíticas, que le convierten en un material muy atractivo para procesos de tratamiento de contaminantes. Por ello, numerosas labores investigativas se están centrado en los últimos años en el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo de material: híbrido de nanotubos de carbono con un material inorgánico. Las propiedades del ya mencionado óxido de zinc lo convierten en una opción muy interesante. En el presente proyecto se ha sintetizado y caracterizado un material híbrido de nanotubos de carbono y óxido de zinc por el método hidrotérmico. Para ello, en primer lugar se llevó a cabo la síntesis y la caracterización de nanotubos de carbono por el método de spray pirolisis utilizando tolueno como precursor y ferroceno como catalizador. A continuación se procedió al tratamiento de los nanotubos de carbono con ácido nítrico. Finalmente se sometió la muestra al método hidrotérmico durante periodos de 3, 6 y 12 h. Con objeto de perfeccionar el método de crecimiento de nanotubos de carbono, se llevaron a cabo numerosos experimentos sobre sustratos de diferente naturaleza. En algunos de ellos es preciso la utilización de una disolución precursora de tetraetil ortosilicato (TEOS). Todos ellos fueron caracterizados mediante difracción de rayos X (DRX) y microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM). Además se llevó a cabo un análisis fotocatalítico de determinadas muestras. Para la síntesis por método hidrotérmico se llevaron a cabo experimentos con diferentes molaridades de la disolución precursora y permanencia en el horno a 180°C, permitiendo así comprobar en qué condiciones la síntesis y eficacia fotocatalítica del híbrido de óxido zinc y nanotubos de carbono es más eficiente. Todas las muestras fueron también caracterizadas por rayos Xy microscopía electrónica de barrido. La síntesis de un material híbrido que combine las excelentes propiedades de los nanotubos de carbono y del óxido de zinc abre un gran campo de posibilidades en la nanotecnología. ________________________________Carbon nanotubes lately became a high interest research field due to its exceptional electronics, mechanics, thermic and chemicals properties and to its potential applications in nanoscience and nanotechnology. On the other hand, zinc oxide is also an interesting scientific and technologic field due to its outstanding optics and electrics properties. It is a semiconductor material with proven photocatalytic properties, which make it a really attractive material for pollutant treatments processes. For these reasons, many researches are lately focusing in the development of a new type of material: carbon nanotubes and inorganic material hybrid. The properties of the zinc oxide make them a really interesting option for this goal. In this project, a hybrid material of carbon nanotubes and zinc oxide has been synthetized and characterized by the hydrothermal method. In first term, the synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes by the pyrolysis spray method was held, using toluene as precursor and ferrocene as catalyst. Then we proceeded with a superficial treatment of the carbon nanotubes. Finally the samples were subjected to the hydrothermal method for 3, 6 and 12 h periods. In order to refine the synthesis and growing method of carbon nanotubes, several experiments were made on substrates of different kind. In some of them the usage of a precursor solution of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was needed. All of them were characterized by X ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A photocatalytic analysis was also done in certain samples. For the synthesis of hydrothermal method we made several experiments with different precursor solution molarity and time in the oven at 180°C; like this we could check in which conditions the synthesis and photocatalytic effectiveness of zinc oxide particles and carbon nanotubes was more efficient. All the samples were also characterized by X ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The synthesis of a hybrid material that combines the excellent properties of carbon nanotubes and zinc oxides opens a huge field of possibilities in nanotechnology.Ingeniería Industria

    Sustainable Development in Family and Non-family Businesses

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    RESUMEN: El principal factor para desarrollar este trabajo es la inmensa necesidad de conseguir un consumo alternativo frente al consumo lineal que está presente desde siempre, por eso las empresas están más concienciadas de lo que nunca han estado para poder desarrollar esta alternativa que pasa por el desarrollo sostenible y acabando en la economía circular. A lo largo de este trabajo se expondrán el nacimiento de este pensamiento, su evolución a lo largo del tiempo, las necesidades para llevarlo a cabo y sobre todo, que impulsa, motiva e incluso frena a las empresas para poder desarrollar la economía circular. Pues es la economía circular el eje sobre el que se desarrolla toda estrategia sostenible en una empresa. Al final, se expondrá un ejemplo de una empresa cántabra, que llevo a cabo una práctica de economía circular, mostrando con el estudio que realizo el impacto y repercusión que podría tener en la propia empresa.ABSTRACT: The main factor to develop this work is the great necessity to get an alternative consumption against the linear consumption that is with us from the beginning, for that, the companies are more aware of what they have never been to get develop this alternative, which across the sustainable development until the circular economy. Throughout this work it has expose the born of this thinking, his evolution across the time, the necessities to get it done, and, of course, what impulse, motivate and even slow down the companies to develop the circular economy. Because is the circular economy the axis about is develop all sustainable strategy in a company. At the end, it will expose an example of a cantabrian company, which developed a project of circular economy, showing with his studies that it did, the impact and repercussion that it could have in the own company.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa