175 research outputs found

    Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad. Memoria Final

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEsubmitte

    Presence and treatment of Paleontology in the curricular contents of Secondary Education in the laws implemented in Spain since 1970

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    RESUMEN: El análisis de terminología explícita relacionada con la paleontología y la evolución en los currículos educativos estatales desde 1970 a 2020 refleja la escasez o incluso la ausencia de referencias, caracterizadas por un tratamiento poco homogéneo, siendo la LOMCE el marco que recoge mayor variedad de términos. Destaca la omisión de la palabra “paleontología” en todas las leyes posteriores a la Ley General de Educación (1970). Se observa un aumento de la importancia en términos relacionados con los paleoambientes o los paleoclimas, en parte acorde con la propia evolución social y legislativa que da mayor importancia a la sostenibilidad y la protección del medio natural. Finalmente, se incide en la necesidad de incluir nociones sobre la importancia de esta ciencia y dar una visión sistémica de la evolución en las asignaturas relacionadas con la Biología y la Geología en Educación Secundaria.RESUMO: A análise da terminologia explícita relacionada com a paleontologia e a evolução dos currículos educacionais do estado de 1970 a 2020 reflecte a escassez, ou mesmo a ausência, de referências, caracterizada por um tratamento não homogéneo, sendo a Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (LOMCE) o enquadramento legar que inclui a maior variedade em termos. Destaca-se a omissão da palavra "paleontologia" em todas as leis posteriores à Ley General de Educación (1970). Observa-se um incremento na importância dada aos termos relacionados com os paleoambientes ou os paleoclimas. Isto está relacionado com a recente evolução social e legislativa que dá maior importância à sustentabilidade e à protecção do ambiente. Finalmente, é enfatizada a necessidade de incluir noções sobre a importancia desta ciência e de dar uma visão sistémica da Evolução em disciplinas relacionados com a Biologia e Geologia no Ensino Secundário.ABSTRACT: The analysis of explicit terminology related to Paleontology and Evolution in state educational curricula from 1970 to 2020 reflects the scarcity or even the absence of references, characterized by a not very homogeneous treatment, being the LOMCE the framework that includes the greatest variety of terms. The omission of the word "paleontology" in all laws subsequent to the General Education Law (1970) stands out. There is an increase in the importance of terms related to paleoenvironments or paleoclimatespartly in line with the social and legislative evolution itself, which gives greater importance to the sustainability and protection of the natural environment. Finally, the need to include notions about the importance of this science and to give a systemic vision of evolution in subjects related to Biology and Geology in Secondary Educationis emphasized.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análisis comparativo de menciones al patrimonio paleontológico y otros tipos de patrimonio en los currículos de Educación Secundaria en España (periodo 1970-2020)

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    This study addresses the need to include notions about the importance of natural heritage in subjects related to Biology and Geology in Secondary Education. For this, it has been analyzed the explicit presence of words related to paleontological, geological and natural heritage within all the laws implemented since 1970 in the educational curricula at the state level in Spain. The results reflect the scarcity of references to these concepts and point out that they are not always homogeneously treated. Conversely, in all the educational laws, mentions of cultural heritage stand out clearly, both in its historical and artistic denotations. Finally, a thoughtful approach and suggestions are presented as a proposal to discuss the expansion of these concepts and for their greater integration in matters related to natural sciences. These suggestions have meaning in the context of a slow but continuous educational change towards positions favorable to sustainability, in which equitable inclusive education in close contact with nature should be the fundamental pillars to raise awareness of tomorrow’s citizens

    Ostracods from the global stratotype section for de base of the Aalenian stage, Jurassic, at Fuentelsaz section (Cordillera Ibérica, Spain)

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    The Toarcian/Aalenian Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) have been recently placed in the Fuentelsaz section, northeastern Spain. This paper is part of a long-term project that attempts to describe for the first time the fossil ostracod assemblages present in the Toarcian-Aalenian boundary GSSP, and to assess their palaeobiogeographical significance. The study of the Late Toarcian-Early Aalenian Turmiel and Casinos formations at the Fuentelsaz section has produced a detailed stratigraphy and a large collection of stratigraphically constrained ostracod faunas. Twenty benthic ostracod species have been identified and for the first time described in Spain. Higher part of the Mactra Subzone, Late Toarcian, have yielded abundant ostracod faunas, including mostly species of the genera Praeschuleridea, Cytherelloidea and Kinkelinella; fossiliferous marls of the Late Toarcian and part of the Early Aalenian and poorly fossiliferous marls at the beginning of the Opalinum Zone are dominated by Praeschuleridea and Cytherelloidea. The boundary between the Toarcian and Aalenian is not characterized by any radical change in the ostracod faunal composition. The Fuentelsaz sequence exhibits ostracod assemblages comparable to those recorded in western Europe, with many of their species having similar stratigraphical distributions

    Desarrollo secuencial en el Jurásico Medio basal del sector de Ciria (Cordillera Ibérica Septentrional)

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    The stratigraphical record of Aalenian materials in this outcrop shows a pattern that defines five main stratigraphic sequences bounded by discontinuities. Altough there are differences in facies and thickness development\, a shallowing-upward trend is observed in all the sequences

    Organizational aspects and formative value of the implementation of a palaeontological Escape Room by students of the Master of Advanced Palaeontology (UCM)

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    Este estudio indaga si el estudiantado de un máster está preparado para organizar una actividad ocio-formativa dirigida a público general, y evalúa la propia actividad como método divulgativo de la paleontología. Para ello se han analizado los resultados de la implementación de un Escape Room paleontológico, organizada por un grupo de estudiantes del Máster Interuniversitario en Paleontología Avanzada de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid durante la XVIII Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid, y se presentan las fases y el desarrollo de dicho Escape Room, que justifican su interés educativo. Los estudiantes organizadores manifestaron un alto grado de compromiso y satisfacción alegando como motivación a participar su interés por la ciencia y por aprender a realizar una divulgación científica eficaz. Esta actividad ha supuesto para el estudiantado organizador una aplicación de lo aprendido en el aula y les ha permitido mejorar competencias que les serán de utilidad a largo plazo. La inmensa mayoría de los asistentes valoraron positivamente la actividad y consideraron que habían aprendido con ella. Conocer como sociedad el pasado de la Tierra, así como nuestros propios orígenes, es la llave para inferir nuestro futuro y, al menos en parte, valorar, preservar y proteger el patrimonio natural que nos rodea.This study aims to answer the question of whether the students of a master’s degree are qualified to organise a leisure-educational activity aimed at high school students and the general public, and assesses whether said activity works as an educational tool for palaeontology outreach. For this, the results obtained from a palaeontology-themed escape room implemented by a group of students of the master’s degree in Advanced Palaeontology at the Complutense University of Madrid during the XVIII Week of Science in Madrid have been analysed and the phases and development of the escape room are presented. Contributing students expressed a high degree of commitment and satisfaction, claiming as the main incentive to participate their interest in science and learning to achieve effective scientific dissemination. This activity has meant for the organizing students an application of what they have learned in the classroom and has allowed them to improve skills that will be useful in the long term. The evaluation of the experience by the attendees was also very positive. The great majority recommended the activity and considered that they had learned from it. Knowing as a society the past of the Earth and life, as well as our own origins, is the key to infer our future and, at least in part, to value the natural heritage that surrounds us and therefore to preserve and protect it.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEFundación madri+dUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Contrasting reef patterns during the evolution of the carboniferous azrou-khenifra basin (Moroccan Meseta)

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    Five types of reefs are described from the northern and southern parts of the Azrou-Khenifra Basin generated by the interactions of microbes and coral communities. The type 1 microbial reefs grew in both shallow- and deep-water settings, with a strong control by glacioeustasy. Type 2 microbial reefs developed in more tranquil periods, associated with common intermounds, and where only a single major regressive-transgressive sequence is recognised. Type 3 microbial reefs developed in constant deeper water conditions, generated by higher rates of subsidence in the basin, and creating an overall deepening-upward sequence. Type 4 microbial reefs recognised in the northern part of the basin have no clear counterparts in southern outcrops, but they are likely the capping strata observed in the latter area. Rugose corals allow to define a Type 5 reef, unrelated to microbial facies, and are recorded in oolitic-bioclastic backshoals or quiet inner platform settings. The presence of similar reefs in both the northern and southern parts of the basin demonstrates that conditions were not as different as previously proposed, and a lithostratigraphical, environmental uniformity occurs, which permits the analysis of different subsidence rates and glacioeustastic influence. In the Azrou-Khenifra Basin, the reefs, as well as other regional features, suggest that the basin, overall, evolved from an extensional tectonic regime during the early Brigantian into a complex extensional or compressional regime during the early Serpukhovian, passing into a predominantly compressional phase during the late Serpukhovian in a polyphase tectonic inversion during the onset of the Variscan Orogeny in the region

    Universal design for learning and multisensory materials in the activities of Geodivulgar with the association Science without Barriers

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    Se muestran las actividades realizadas por el equipo multidisciplinar del Proyecto Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad con la asociación Ciencia sin Barreras entre el 2013 y la actualidad. Se describen las actividades en dos grandes líneas de trabajo, aquellas dirigidas a la divulgación y las que están pensadas para la autoformación, la difusión o la visibilización de nuestras actividades. Se destacan especialmente los aspectos relacionados con la preparación de materiales didácticos multisensoriales y con un diseño universal, ya que gran parte de la labor desarrollada por estos proyectos está destinada a público con diversidad funcional. La trayectoria del equipo permite ver que hay una demanda creciente en las actividades ofertadas y un reconocimiento de esta labor en forma de premios y menciones a nivel nacional e internacional.Activities carried out by the multidisciplinary team of “Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad” project with Science without Barriers Association since 2013 are shown. Activities are described as two main working lines: those aimed towards scientific outreach, and those planned for self-training and to disseminate our work, helping to make it more visible. Since most of the performed activities are targeted to people with functional diversity, aspects related to the tailoring of multi-sensory teaching materials with a universal design are highlighted. The team´s trajectory shows an increasing demand for the offered activities. Several international prizes have been awarded in recognition of our work.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEUniversidad Complutense de MadridThe Jeremy Willson Charitable TrustGeological Society of Londonpu