16 research outputs found

    Socket shield technique: A systematic review of human studies

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    Background and Purpose Alveolar bone resorption after dental extraction frequently leads to situations in which long-term function and esthetic success of rehabilitations with dental implants is a challenge. Socket shield has been described as an alternative technique to maintain the alveolar ridge when placing immediate implants. The aim of this review is to evaluate the medium- and long-term clinical outcomes of the socket shield technique in human studies. Material and Methods This review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. An electronic search was conducted in four databases: (1) The National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE/PubMed) via Ovid; (2) Web of Science (WOS); (3) SCOPUS; and (4) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). The Cochrane Collaboration tool, the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale and The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tool were used to assess the quality of evidence in the studies reviewed. Results Six articles were included in this review. The studies analysed showed lower rates of horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption, better maintenance of the buccal plate, less marginal bone loss and better esthetic results than simple placement of immediate implants. However, a lack of homogeneity was found in evaluation methods of the different outcomes, surgical procedures and prosthetic management. Conclusions Based on the results of this review, it is possible to suggest that socket shield technique could be a good alternative in terms of alveolar bone maintenance, marginal bone stability and aesthetic outcomes in immediate implant treatment. However, it is not possible to recommend this technique as an alternative treatment with the same long-terms predictability as conventional immediate implants

    Fiabilidad y feedback de la rúbrica de evaluación de las prácticas clínicas de cirugía bucal

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    La evaluación de las prácticas clínicas en el Grado de Odontología supone la integración de los conceptos adquiridos en los cursos anteriores, lo que implica un grado de implicación y compromiso por parte de profesores y alumnos. Los objetivos de este proyecto han sido la implementación y valoración de la puesta en marcha de la rúbrica de evaluación para las prácticas de cirugía bucal. Los resultados han mostrado un elevado porcentaje de aceptación y satisfacción por parte de los alumnos, así como la aportación de mejoras a realizar para el próximo curso

    Adaptación a la docencia online de las prácticas preclínicas de Cirugía Bucal I

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    Los cambios en la docencia debido a la pandemia por la COVID-19 ha llevado a la reducción de la presencialidad y a un aumento de la docencia online. Por ello se diseñó este proyecto, cuya finalidad fue la adaptación a la docencia online de las prácticas preclínicas de Cirugía Bucal I. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se realizaron las rúbricas de evaluación de cada módulo de la asignatura, se elaboraron videos y documentación para subir al campus virtual antes de la realización de la práctica. Finalmente, se elaboraron cuestionarios de evaluación de la satisfacción de los estudiantes y profesorado con esta metodología. Los resultados mostraron una elevada satisfacción de ambos grupos, considerándola una herramienta de utilidad en el aprendizaje y de implementación en cursos posteriores

    Influence of platelet-rich plasma on the histologic charcteristics of the autologous fat graft to the upper lip of rabbits

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    Background: This study evaluated the influence of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the histologic characteristics of autologous fat grafts to the upper lip of rabbits. Methods: Nine New Zealand white rabbits were used. eight of the rabbits underwent fat harvest from the groin fat pads using a modified Coleman technique. One side of the upper lip was infiltrated with autologous fat and the other side with fat and PRP. Four of the inflitrated rabbits were killed 8 weeks after the lip augmentation, and the remaining four infiltrated rabbits plus one control case were killed 12 weeeks after the procedure. Coronal sections of both upper lips were analyzed microscopically to evaluate the quality of the fat graft, the inflammtory reaction, the presence of oil cysts, the degree of fibrosis, and the neovascularization. Results: The infiltration of adipose tissue plus PRP presented less inflammtory reaction (p<0.05) and fewer oil cysts (p<0.05) than the infiltration of isolated fat. Platelet-rich plasma increases the maintenance of the transplanted fat cells

    Efficacy and safety of a bioadhesive gel containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C and nanovitamin E on desquamative gingivitis: a double‑blind, randomized, clinical trial

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    Objectives: To evaluate the efcacy of a gel-containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C, and nanovitamin E as adjuvants to professional plaque removal on desquamative gingivitis (DG). Materials and methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted on patients sufering DG due to mucocutaneous diseases. Patients received professional supragingival prophylaxis with oral hygiene instructions and were randomly assigned to use test or control gels as toothpaste and to apply it on DG lesions 3 times/day for 4 weeks. DG clinical score (DGCS), clinical periodontal variables, and visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and oral health impact profle (OHIP-14) were collected at baseline, 2 and 4 weeks. Results: Twenty-two patients were randomly assigned to test (n=11) or control group (n=11). Eighteen had diagnosis of oral lichen planus and four of mucous membrane pemphigoid. DGCS statistically decreased in both groups after treatment with no signifcant diferences between groups. Clinical periodontal outcomes decreased in both groups, but no signifcant diferences were observed. Periodontal variables statistically improved only in test group after treatment. VAS and OHIP-14 scores decreased in test and control groups without signifcant diferences. However, only one test group showed a statistically signifcant decrease in VAS and OHIP-14 scores after treatment. No adverse efects were reported. Conclusions: Test gel may alleviate DG and improve quality of life without side efects. Clinical relevance: A gel-containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C, and nanovitamin E as adjuvants to mechanical debridement may improve both clinical and patient related outcomes in DG patients without side efects. Clinical trial registration. The study protocol was registered at clinicaltrials.gov with the following number: NCT05124366 on October 16, 2021

    Short‐term efficacy of a gel containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C and nanovitamin E on peri‐implant mucositis: A double‐blind, randomized, clinical trial

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    Objective: To determine the efficacy of a gel containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C and nanovitamin E as adjuvant to mechanical debridement in the treatment of peri- implant mucositis (PM). Background: Propolis has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect that may im- prove peri-implant health. Methods: A randomized, double-blind study was performed on patients with at least one implant with PM. Participants received a professional prophylaxis and were in- structed to use either test or a control gel as toothpaste three times/day for 1 month. Clinical and microbiological parameters were evaluated. PM resolution was considered in absence of bleeding on probing (BOP). Data were analysed with Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon signed-rank and chi-square tests. Results: Forty-six patients participated (23 in each group). After treatment, 26.1% of test patients showed complete PM resolution versus 0% in control group (p = .02). Significant reductions were observed in plaque index (p = .03), BOP (p = .04) and prob- ing depths (p = .027) in test compared with control group. The reduction in Tannerella forsythia was statistically greater in test than in control group at 1-month follow-up (p = .02). Porphyromonas gingivalis was statistically reduced in test group from baseline to 1-month follow-up (p = .05). Conclusion: Test gel clinically improved PM and showed certain antimicrobial effect after 1 month in comparison with control group. Further long-term clinical trials are required to confirm these results.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu

    Periosteal Pocket Flap technique for lateral ridge augmentation. A comparative pilot study versus guide bone regeneration

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    Background: Implant rehabilitation of posterior mandibular defects is frequently associated to a horizontal bone loss. There exist several regenerative techniques to supply this bone deficiency, one of which is the Periosteal Pocket Flap Technique (PPF) proposed by Steigmann et al. to treat small horizontal bone defects. The present study proposes a modification of this technique based on the concurrent use of PPF with the use of xenogeneic and autologous bone and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF). The aim of this study is to evaluate clinical and radiographic outcomes of the PPF with the use of xenogeneic and autologous bone and PRGF in comparison with conventional Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) procedures. Methods: Nine patients were enroled in the study (7 women and 2 men, mean age: 53 ± 2.74 years) and allocated to PPF or GBR. In both groups implant placement was performed simultaneously to bone re- generation. Preoperative CBCT scans were performed for each patient. Surgical time and postoperative pain were recorded, as well as tissue healing. Moreover, horizontal bone gain (mm), graft surface area (mm2) and graft volume (mm3) were evaluated. Results: Nine surgeries were performed: 6 PPF and 3 GBR. Regarding clinical outcomes, operative time was significative greater in GBR group than in PPF group (51.67 ± 3.51 min vs. 37 ± 5.69 min; p = 0.008). Postoperative pain was higher in GBR compared to PPF (p = 0.011). Regarding radiographical results, there were not significant differences in horizontal bone gain (PPF: 9.43 ± 1.8 mm; GBR: 9.28 ± 0.42 mm), surface area (PPF: 693.33 ± 118.73 mm2; GBR: 655.61 ± 102.43 mm2), and volume (PPF: 394.97 ± 178.72 mm3; GBR: 261.66 ± 118 mm3) between groups. Conclusions: This prospective study demonstrates that the combination of autograft/xenograft and PRGF in PPF technique is a simpler, cheaper, and faster technique than GBR technique for achieving moderate lateral bone augmentation in implant treatment. Future randomised clinical studies are needed to confirm the results.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu